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Everything posted by thewood

  1. Just to clarify, I am officially complaining about losing track of crew and ammo in replays. Hopefully can be changed.
  2. It is almost impossible to keep track of ammo now. The replay starts at the last known level of ammo, so you can can't tell what was fired during the execution of the turn unless you use paper and pen and follow just one tank. A slight step backwards.
  3. I have seen it happen once (I think) when a Syrian soldier grabbed an RPG7 after the gunner was KIA. It too like 10 minutes for it to happen. In all the scenarios I have played it is the only time.
  4. There are seemingly several issues with AI arty usage. IIRC, it won't fire beyond the first planned mission also.
  5. I agree, what are the Syrians saving their AP for. If that was SOP, why even load APFSDS rounds.
  6. yeah you did Elmar, but a couple of other people were insisting he needed to test MOVE.
  7. Doesn't the AT11 have a chance on an M1? I have rarely (VERY) seen this fired. btw, I have not seen low or high experience troops fire an AT round at an M1. Is it stated as SOP that you fire HE at an M1. I would think if that was the case crews, no matter the experience would flooring it in reverse for some kind of cover.
  8. Actually, the first post is news. The next two are noise. Considering the beating the first few reviewers got on this forum, it is important to show they weren't alone. Probably should have been a sticky review thread somewhere.
  9. Yeah, I have used target light many times. Still not sure where ATGM come in though. Sometimes I want my BMP to save 73mm and use an ATGM on a Stryker. No way to do it.
  10. I agree, but my point is ALL, including me, need to think a little before jumping into a discussion and accuse poeple of whining and ranting.
  11. Why have Stryker-like vehicles never been successful in previous wars, other than recon or battle taxi type roles?
  12. I want to make sure no one thinks I'm complaining, but that is something needed to create ambushes.
  13. Exactly where did I come across as personnaly insulted. I stated that LOS is needed in the editor, I referenced a 2 year old discussion, I replied and clarified someone saying I was complaining (in a non-constructive way), you then immediately follow up that I am ranting. btw, I was pointing out that Steve had the LOS tool in and then stated it wasn't important. Tell me exactly how that is a complaint. I have complained about certain things in CMSF and CM over the years, and will say that with all candor. Are you policing the forums for people complaining when they suggest something is needed. I can't understand how someone can come into a reasonable thread and start throwing around complaining and ranting without expecting a peed off response. I am pretty tired of trying to discuss something in a grown up manner only to have a couple immature responses like this from either synchphants or doomsayers. Go look at my other posts, I am generally looking for info, providing some info, sometimes complaining about an issue, or making a joke. I don't get pissed off often. You have managed to do that by not admitting you came into the thread, didn't really read and decided to spout off, as well as not admitting you ststed I was complaining. You want to have a reasonable discussion about the LOS tool then come on in and I'll discuss, but what did you think you were going to accomplish coming in and claiming I was ranting. Now lets get back to you claiming you didn't say I was complaining (are you splitting hairs?) Go start a thread about an any issue and I'll jump in and start berating you for ranting and whining.
  14. I'm just wondering if we will get kind of stuck like we did with CMBO. CMBB and CMAK improvements were never pushed down in those titles, in some ways obsoleting CMBO more and more as new games came out. I'm hoping the new engine will make it so previous modules don't get left behind. edit: Sorry wrong forum (Can someone move this to CMSF forum)?
  15. You specifically called it a rant. I have included your post to make sure you see it. Tell what your connotation of a rant is vs. a complaint. I didn't specify in editor because I considered the game as a whole. I was pretty clear and reasonable in my response, even though the guy said I wasd complaining. I am agitated now. Care to guess why. Reread the thread from my perspective and tell why I might just happen to get a little teed off.
  16. What's interesting is its the exact same issue everyone complained about in TOW. Showing it in screenshots, than absent from game.
  17. and btw, take a look at the reposnse to my post about the LOS. I wasn't complaining, and someone decides to come in and complain about me complaining without even giving thought to why I posted. Note he never responded. Can I not start a decent discussion without some knuckleheads coming in waving their hands over their heads complaining about whining and complaining...jeesh!
  18. You have definitely read too much into it. It is directly related to the UI discussion. Did you even read the links I had posted? I would suggest before getting high and might, actually pausing for a moment, reread the threads and links and then post.
  19. I have several threads on this around and finally someone else notices it. SOmething changed from 1.01 to1.02 to cause this.
  20. Jason, I know I could root around and find the answer, but is that the loaded weight with the cage on the Stryker?
  21. Its not everyone that has that problem, just old people.
  22. I hope you at least took a moment to savor the Sox kicking the crap out of the sox.
  23. And its nice to know that you are on your way to being an old guy. Enjoy the ride pilgrim. </font>
  24. So when I ask a valid question about the Stryker that all the Stryker proponents can jump in and answer, almost no one answers, and the one proponent who does come just gives a snide retort to a troll-like comment. Come on, show your bigger than that and give me a selling point on the Stryker. Instead of arguing with Jason C, show him you can give a valid answer. btw, thanks to tiny for his answer.
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