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Everything posted by thewood

  1. While one side of me agrees with you MikeyD, another says that a lot of people are waiting on some fixes to play. Waiting almost six weeks may end up driving people to give up on it. Getting one of two major fixes out to get one or two aspects working might help. The way I see it right now, it is somewhat playable in small engagements in RT. You can work around some issues and micromanage to avoid big AI issyes. On the other hand, WEGO is not playable for me and I think a lot of the WEGO players. That leaves a pretty big segment sitting by and waiting.
  2. On the gamesquad forums, someone posted a theory about the close proximity enemies not shooting at each other...the way CMSF handles civilians. Could the failure to spot an enemy be related to the way civilians are used to mask an enemy? Seemed a reasonable question related to this thread.
  3. It seems to me like CMSF is stuck half way between CM, with its solid abstracted squad LOS engine and a tactical game like Jagged Alliance, with its individual people represented. It is trying to track the individuals and weapons, but using the center of mass of the squad for LOS. By not keeping the squad together as a whole or letting individual members spot and react, it may be giving the perception of the mismatch in scale everyone is talking about. Sorry, I barely understand what I wrote.
  4. May be the only way to "fix" this is never let the squad members be outside the square "action" points. Basically, its CM1 with 1:1 instaed of 3:10/11/12. Still track each indiviual's weapons, etc. but never leave the square except to split or die.
  5. I am unworthy...make me leave, Mr. Knight. btw, Abbott told me to say that.
  6. Wow...Uncle Dale (which is what he was known as locally). He also was a DJ on the local KISS108 radio station. Sherman, set the way back machine.
  7. We could call it shoot & scoot, oh, wait, that is so CM1.
  8. It could also be a delay in communications for FOW. A last know position kind of thing. This happens in HPS's POA2 and the information on the unit slowly degrades over time.
  9. Where are the sharks with frikken laser beams?
  10. I understand what your saying, but I never got hit through ground in CM1. It happens enough in CMSF that I notice it. That makes using ridges as cover very difficult. Steve has not clarified if thats a bug, because in the manual it states that it a known feature.
  11. Just thought I'd drop in and see how my thread was.... ...quietly backs out of thread and closes door softly.
  12. Well that limits the alternatives to: don't go to the Minneapolis airport until at least patch 1.04 </font>
  13. That's because the other core is off plotting against you and putting together a plan to conquer the world with its AI minions. You just don't know it.
  14. OK, I don't like CMSF as it is. In fact, I hate it almost as much Squad Assault in its many incarnations. People who know me know that is a bold statement. But taking a step back, I ask myself why do I hate it. Is it the design? Is it the interface? Is it the state it was released in? Is it because its not CM1? Or maybe I am just old and pissed off at everything that is different. The answer is yes to all of the above. If CMSF had come out in a perfect state, I probably would have loved it. Maybe even if it had come out in a near perfect state, I would have still loved it. There was no waffling on CMBO, I loved it the minute I saw it. CMSF was like that for the first 5 minutes and then I realized it was very buggy, the concept was not well presented, UI was a little cludgy, gameplay was not documented well, and it was more limited in scope than I expected. That last word is key. Bugginess combined with expectations is what seemed to kill it for me. If either one of those things (bugginess or expectations) didn't exist, I would be all over CMSF like stink on crap. So now I am taking that step back, lowering my expectations, and waiting for BFC to work out the bugs. Based on past performance, I believe BFC will get the bugs out or go down trying. That's assuming BFC has not changed its core philosophy of delivering well designed games and supporting them. Yeah, paying to beta test a game rubs me the wrong way, but I have done it for companies that delivered me a lot less than the 7 years of enjoyment that BFC has. Yes, I am cutting BFC some slack. They deserve it. I have stopped worrying and am just waiting for 1.04. Now if BFC could just get the damned Strykers to fire their...oh wait...inner peace, never mind. edit - btw, I would normally get charged $185 by my therapist for that kind rant, so I can take that and invest it other BFC products. I feel good.
  15. Not that there is anything wrong with that...
  16. Come on over to the Peng Thread and slap em around a bit. It's Mutha beautiful ! </font>
  17. Come on over to the Peng Thread and slap em around a bit. It's Mutha beautiful ! </font>
  18. But tanks are not AKs and RPGs. I think any general would trade three Javelins for three tanks. For most countries, tanks are the single biggest ground warfare (and maybe over all) investment they make. As Jason said, the cost of Javelins is a rounding error compared to the cost of getting a US soldier trained and in the fight. Comparing RPGs and Javaelins is crazy. Its like comparing a cannon to a rifle. Yeah they both kill people, but at 1000m, I'd not worried about the rifle, but I'd be scared crapless of the cannon.
  19. GSX, I was just going to say that. What I find on this forum many times is that certain people are allowed to come in and belittle others over a series of different threads to get someone riled up. When the person then blows a gasket, BFC comes down on them. Every now and then, take a look at other threads and you can see this. Was Adam's posts appropriate, No, but it could have been stopped a few days ago by keeping people from sniping at him whenever he brought up an issue with the game. BFC's forums have a reputation around the web of being dominated by a few favorites. CMSF has done very little to change that. That does not help cut BFC any slack when a real problem surfaces.
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