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Everything posted by thewood

  1. We don't associate with people from Lynn. Peabody we can tolerate.
  2. bump...I know its a holiday in the US, but only two people on the boards are new to CM through CMSF?
  3. As stated in my original post, spotted and ID'ed. No covered arc. that's the next test.
  4. I am still absolutely confused by the 8m grid thing. So in CM1 we had very abstracted squads, 20m terrain grids, and 1m positioning grid for units In CMSF, we have 1:1 squad member representation, 8m position grid, and what size terrain grid, if there even is one. Is that correct? If that is correct, with all we gain tracking individualsoldiers, is it a step back tracking to 8M, and not 1m?
  5. It was the Russian support weapon. It wasn't firing, which is par for the course, regardless of range. I also want to point out that even when I intervened and gave fire orders, no go. The Strykers refused to fire. What still bugs me is that the two idiots with SAWs were firing while mounted, yet the .50, with its range and fancy optics still won't do it. The two SAWs were (I think they were SAWs) were plugging away and killing Syrians left and right at half a click. Even with a scope, I struggle hitting a target an 500 meters with my .303.
  6. That's assuming the vehicle will fire on its own, correct. I doubt that the TacAI has the initiative with vehicles right now to make that happen.
  7. You're right the grenade launchers weren't firing, just two HMGs. No impact on the test still.
  8. Actually most games now have a patch released on the date of release. Take a look at POA2. went from 2.0 on release to a just release 2.36 over three years (it was barely functional for the first three or four patches). A lot of small wargame developers deliver consistently high levels of support. BFC has traditionally been one of the best, but there are other companies that are pretty close (SSG).
  9. Ouch, I was thinking the same thing but was too nice to say it.
  10. Any type of file management would be welcome. Not being able to sort or search files in game was a major pain in CM1. I thought that CM might actually make something like that a little easier. Maybe 1.04
  11. Searching for interesting topics is easy...if its interesting, I probably started it.
  12. Maybe I don't understand your question, but I always use the facing command to get units to the right facing.
  13. I have just noticed it for the first time last night. Another one of those small ones that can kill a scenario if you are playing Syrians. Like they don't have enough problems. Doesn't seem to do it giving individual commands.
  14. Whats funny is that the three times I have tried to get people to play MP CMSF, I have ended up with CMBB games instead.
  15. I have run a couple of test scenarios in 1.01, 1.02, and 1.03 for how Strykers use their weapons against infantry. Results: 1.01 - Strykers immediately open fire on spotted and ID'ed infantry at 500 meters. 1.02 - Strykers do not open fire at all even with infantry moving in the open at 500 meters 1.03 - Strykers never open fire, but the two squaddies acting as air guard out the back hatches open fire on moving infantry. This is by no means a scientific test, but I have run each several times (it is quite time consuming) to confirm at least a directional change in how Strykers use MGs against infantry. I have mentioned and hinted at this in a multitude of threads and seen a few people also mention it, but I have not seen a response from BFC if this is an actual issue. I would think that in WEGO scenarios it would be a huge deal. In the same tests, I tried having having HMG and grenade launchers firing on the eight Strykers to see if that elicited any reaction...none other than one Stryker rotating in place a few times. No smoke, no evasion, no return fire. I might cluelessly guess that this is somehow related to TacAI and self preservation issues, but I am just looking for confirmation that this is being looked at by someone besides me. Before anyone asks, elite hotseat wego on flat desert terrain and FOW accounted for.
  16. After a night of playing my verdict on 1.03 (everyone has been waiting, I know): A step in the right direction. Still have some LOS/LOF issues, but fewer it seems. Pathfinding seems a little better with less overrunning waypoints. Strykers still reluctant to fire on infntry without direct intervention. See T72s using AT rounds more, not really sure due difficulty in tracking ammo in replay. Still can't figure out how to get infantry to stop without in the spot I say. Good Work, keep it up.
  17. I think it was stated that routed individuals just disappear from the map.
  18. I have this problem with just about all of my vehicles engaging infantry as well (minus tanks vs tanks). </font>
  19. But Steve, are there no command penalties for being out of C2. Now we seem to have gone from Borg spotting to Borg Movement.
  20. I have been asking that question for a while and and no seems to have answer. Do vehicles back out of danger like in CM1?
  21. Just so you know, I have the exact same issue on my new HP laptop and have tried everything to fix it. I'll try yhe patch tonight. Until then, back to my IBM with 16Mb of video that runs CMSF well.
  22. I have tried testing C2, but it seems like there are a lot of variable, so its hard to get a definitive answer. I'm still trying.
  23. I have reread the manual, and its still seems very vague at what the results of good or bad C2 are. Let me summarize and see if its correct: - FOW at the unit level - info sharing - Unit "jumpiness" (morale issues?) - Calling support (arty air) Are there any others. Can I issue commands or are there command delays?
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