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Everything posted by thewood

  1. I haven't noticed this yet. I'll have to run some tests. Before I do that, are you sure that everyone in the squad was behind the ridge. I have found that ever now and then, you can see stupid squaddie hanging too close to the top. If this is still happening, I hope it can be fixed.
  2. I'd just like to an up to date description of the impact on orders and such if a unit is out of comms. Right now it seems it is either completely in control or out.
  3. Thanks for the try guys, but I stated specifically about adjusting actual rounds as in CM1. I assume no one knows the answer.
  4. I have also noticed T72s are more wiling to fire APFSDS at M1s. Strykers still seem reluctant to fire on infantry. They also still have no self preservation abilities. In just the three scenarios I have tried, Strykers allow BMP-2s to fire cannon and ATGM at them with absolutely no willingness to evade or return fire.
  5. Can you adjust actual ammo levels like you could in CM1. I don't mean general ammo levels, but individual rounds.
  6. http://www.worthdownloading.com/download.php?gid=2525&id=12251
  7. http://www.worthdownloading.com/download.php?gid=2525&id=12251 Just showed up on worthplaying...95Mb
  8. Excellent post. I really can't figure out C2 and what it all means and when its working.
  9. The evolving battle thing is key to your comments. With only timers to set AI movement, the AI is crippled as soon as the battle moves off the time table. I have been trying to build scenarios since this thing came out and it is almost impossible to build one with any type of maneuvering over distances because you can't time them. That's on attack. AI in defence is a little easier. I now play most of my scenarios against myself in hotseat. I don't bother with an AI anymore.
  10. Bradley, I have the same thoughts on games. My two favorites are WH40K Dawn of War (Fantasy and SciFi) and CM. Some poeple would look at that as complete opposites on the spectrum. I hate the middle ground.
  11. The CM1 series is one of those series that does fit into those four categories. Everyone talks like CMBO was some quality disaster out of the box. It wasn't. There were some niggly bugs and some design tweaks that were patched. That went on for the next year or two, but it was emminently playable as a very good wargame out of the box. The scenario editor and quick battles gave it longevity. It was challenging to master and had good PBEM out of the box. It was also fun to play. It built a large solid community. I think CMSF has play value and is a challenge out of the box. Even with its bugs, it is still fun. Taking a hard look in comparison to CMBO, it, right now, doesn't match up well from a quality and longevity standpoint. I don't need to rehash the quality issues. Steve has been contrite on the release. Longevity is hurt by the somewhat limited QB options. The editor is flexible, but is a little harder to build a quick scenario with. I just don't see the stampede to make scenarios like I did with CMBO. I am really hoping 1.03 gets us at least past the quality issue. There is no turning back the clock on that, but taking some of the frustration factor out should calm people down a little. I am also hoping it gets people making more scenarios.
  12. Expect nothing and get nothing, My Dad was an old Maine woodsman and dropped nuggets like that all the time.
  13. For some bizarre reason CMAK and BB run worse thatn CMSF on my low end laptop.
  14. I have made that same mistake a couple times. Thought of doing the same prank, but I am a much nicer person.
  15. You know I have never looked at baking a scenario. Still a little sorry its not a function of the standard builder.
  16. Actually Steve already confirmed that previously. That goes beyond Street sources.
  17. I play them more often just because of the problems I am having with various bugs in CMSF. Maybe 1.03 will change it, but the CMs are pretty rich with content to just throw away.
  18. Bet a blue bar would have kept that from happening.
  19. Does anyone know if AI arty has gotten any work in the patch. Not being able to use it for the AI the first turn is kind of limiting.
  20. So after it calms down and the discussion has turned to Metal bands, you decide, a couple of hours later, to come in and stir it up again.
  21. A minor point, ToW started a frenzy several times under different names. They had a pretty caustic board for a couple of years before BFC got involved. If the board crashes, I want number back.
  22. My wife actually proofreads a lot of my stuff. She would gouge her eyes out with rusty nails before reading a CM manual, no offense intended.
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