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Everything posted by thewood

  1. Should we delete the old QBs before loading the new ones.
  2. Sometime long ago, I thought someone came and briefly explained reverse slope. My mind is foggy about it in general.
  3. Regardless of whether its QB or custom-built, picking forces today in CMSF is a PITA. It starts out difficult and has a lot of quirks and guess work. You can "steal" all the maps you want, but its playing the lottery to get the right forces. Also, there are so many issues with the AI in QBs and scenarios, they are almost impossible to play. Once again, it comes down to the scripting is all time-based. I am hoping these start to get some priority work from BFC. I would hope that by the time WW2 is released, they are fixed.
  4. I am just saying a last goodbye to a thread that has served me well. Goodbye ol' buddy.
  5. I think this is the version that should have been released. BFC made things 10 times (randomly selected factor) more difficult by releasing CMSF with so many issues. Take myself as an example. Right now (1.04) I am pretty happy with how the TACAI works. Yeah, I have a few niggley issues, but overall its playable and enjoyable. But I had a VERY hard time getting my head around the 1.03 LOS/LOF issues, just because I couldn't tell what was a feature and what was a bug and what was a design decision I didn't agree with. Maybe now I can argue the 8 x 8 thing with some reasonable sense of how its supposed to work. btw, I am still frustrated with not being able to target something my troops can see just because its stupid "action spot" is hidden by a wall. To me the real clean up work begins for BFC.
  6. Aw crap! I can't believe that someone sees this within a few hours of the patch release.
  7. Aw crap! I can't believe that someone sees this within a few hours of the patch release.
  8. Aw crap! I can't believe that someone sees this within a few hours of the patch release.
  9. Steve, you always talk about no LOS tool, but scenario building is very difficult without a LOS tool of some kind.
  10. Patriots seem to dominate anyone they play. I think BFC completely unbalanced the game with the latest release...NFL, fix or do sumfink!
  11. I find the TACAI immensely improved. I see Strykers finally firing at infantry on their own. I see infantry under fire hiding. I still don't see hummers and Strykers withdrawing in the face of enemy armor. But the biggest thing is I finally see units switching targets on thier own. This is all in WEGO elite. Frame rates are huge now on my 4 year old laptop.
  12. I have been a big Pats fan since the Jim Pluckett days. Growing up in N. Maine, it was Red Sox nation, with the Pats a distant 3rd behind the Bruins. Chad Johnson, maybe if stopped the stupid celebrations and just do his job, he could get by. Noticed he's not mouthing off about the Pats.
  13. Do all Finnish soldiers have a uterus? Maybe you are confusing it with something else that sticks out.
  14. Now let me ask what happens to the rest of your force while you do that? What you describe is almost at the tactical shooter level of micromanagement
  15. This assumes that (a) engagments depicted in most CM:SF scenarios are similar in all relevant aspects (force balance, terrain, objectives, etc.), to RL engagments, and ( that the typical CM player is as skilled a tactical commander as the typical US Company commander. I would not make either of these assumptions. </font>
  16. refresh this!...honkious for those fans of "History of the World, Part 1"
  17. Alright, I started this and have to tell you I am totally creeped out.
  18. Obviously, we don't even know the patch is ready. But, we all know what happened with the first patch with Paradox takings multiple days to get the patch up. I agree about what's the point of making everyone miserable, when you can make a large number happy.
  19. I would imagine its better to refresh the worthdownloading.com site and the like. It usually shows up there before the BFC website.
  20. The latest incarnation now has a reverse in it. Took 15 years.
  21. I think there is as much anticipation as the original release. I too have pretty much avoided 1.03, awaiting 1.04.
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