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phil stanbridge

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Everything posted by phil stanbridge

  1. I'm there too - quite excited by the prospect of this. Finally able to play out an entire campaign.
  2. It's really good to see progress being made - thanks for the update Hunter. I can't wait to order this - count me in on the pre-order list.
  3. Early war in CMBB certainly has appeal but I really prefer the guts of 1944, when the big cats start to show up. Nothing better than a tank fest in my opinion.
  4. Okay just my take on this - I'm as anxious as everyone else about the release of CMC. Any Nvidia/ATI will work with CMAK/CMBB and likely CMC. It is purely down to the operating system and/or card drivers why Vista doesn't work very well with these games. The answer for now is to use your latest hardware with Windows XP - problem solved. I am using a top spec system with XP, and a Nvidia 8800GTS DX 10 card, without problem. It's just food for thought. Also, DX10 is only available using Vista, and is no better than DX9.1 in reality.
  5. Looks great whatever it belongs too! Some kind of Rusky HT?
  6. I'd happily pay for a "fix" but let's not forget we don't have to use Vista - reinstalling XP resolves the problem. So until we are forced into using Vista I can't see Battlefront doing anything.
  7. Unfortunately the only way round this is to use a DX9 card and not a DX10 card. I could run CMBB/CMAK perfectly in Vista with a 7 series card from Nvidia. So a 7800 etc worked fine. Also, I'm currently able to play CMBB on a laptop with Vista Ultimate using Intel integral VGA, so that works as well. But I couldn't play it all (similar problems you have) with a 8800GTS/8800 GTX and Vista. There's more chance of hell freezing over than to get a fix I'm sure.
  8. I could be wrong, but I believe they are MG34 early war and mid/late change over to MG42. Thats what they look like to me anyway, although the sound effects are slightly different.
  9. If you run XP I was under the impression you can use any Directx 10 card? I was happily using a 8800 GTX with XP Pro SP2 and it was perfect. Under Vista the same spec pc wont work.
  10. Yep generally, any Nvidia card will work with XP, but the DX10 cards like the 8800 GT/GTX do not appear to work in Vista. It's a crying shame. I recently reinstalled Vista because I prefer using it to XP, but CMBB/CMAK run like a dog and are in fact unplayable for me now
  11. Guys, I've played CMBB/CMAK on lots of different setups. Both games work perfectly with Vista providing you are not using a 8800 and above, on a desktop. I have only recently used Nvidia based cards so I can't speak for ATI. We know that the 8800 works perfectly with XP. Secondly, both titles work on a Vista laptop, with a 8800 Go - so go figure. It has to be drivers. Nvidia are at fault here.
  12. Thanks again! I really appreciate the continued mod support with this 6 year old game
  13. It is unfortunate but these games remain unplayable on a Vista system. The answer for now is to reinstall XP Pro SP2. This is what I have done and am having the time of my life with CMBB and CMAK.
  14. I'm quietly confident it will make an appearance soon and I can't wait. It's what CMBB needed all along.
  15. Thanks! Can I ask which sound map you are looking at to tell you that? The one I have here says 00000455-457 is the Axis armoured car machine gun.
  16. I've thoroughly modded my copy of CMBB but am having some oddities with a particular sound effect. Can someone tell me what the sound map number is for the 12.7mm heavy machine gun? I thought it might be either 00000350-00000355 or 00000430-00000432 but it doesn't appear to work.
  17. An alternative way of doing this - which I am following and it kind of works well if you have the time. Choose a side, and play a Quick Battle 300 points from every month in 41-45. You choose your equipment, and mod whatever you see in battle. I think it works quite well.
  18. it's probably because the game doesn't support your resolution. I get the same problem with my desktop tft. It's 1920x1200. I have to use 1600x1200.
  19. Okay guys, I reported this in the CMBB forum also - I have got round my problem by reinstalling XP Pro SP2. This along with the Nvidia drivers for my 8800 GTS, CMBB now works a treat. It's unfortunate that you have to uninstall Vista to get it to work...
  20. I couldn't resist trying something out - I needed to format my pc, so I decided to reinstall XP Pro SP2 rather than Visa Premium. CMBB now runs PERFECTLY with my 8800 GTS. So in my opinion it is a combination of two things at fault - it is primarily the lack of support from Nvidia - the cards WORK, the drivers do not. Secondly blame Microsoft for releasing such a shoddy O/S called Vista. I still can't quite believe just how bad it is. But at least I have my favourite game up and running at long last!
  21. That's very interesting! I was under the impression it was a problem with the 8800 rather than Vista? So you've got one of these new 8800 GT's and you haven't got a problem? Reason I say this is that I was able to play CMBB with my Vista 32 with a 7950 without problem but I can't play it at all well with my Vista 32 and 8800 GTS.
  22. Probably.. As funny as it sounds I can run CMBB perfectly well on a ultra portable laptop with an Intel GMA 950 (I think it is?) It's an integral VGA card basically.
  23. I think it's more than likely the architecture of the graphics card/driver causing the problem. For example, using this current system I have here, (Vista 32/8800 GTS) it doesn't allow me to play any scenario at all well. I get rewarded with all sorts of corruption and 2 FPS. With my laptop (Vista 32/7950 Go) it ran perfectly! That was a dual core cpu.
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