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phil stanbridge

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Everything posted by phil stanbridge

  1. I just did a google and found that the 251/9 may have been for CMAK only? But even so, I cant find it on CMMODS or anywhere else
  2. Thanks for the quick reply! I am on CMMODS now, and have actually been using it fairly regularly - but Andrew's 251/9 doesnt show or is it something I am doing wrong? I'm positive as well that mods have been done in the past, and havent been uploaded to CMMODS - and the generic hosting tends to die quite early on
  3. Hey guys how's it hanging? I've recently got back into CMBB (anxiously awaiting CMC) and have spent many hours modifying the game to glorious technicolour I'm short of a few mods however and havent been able to trace them down - I am positive that Andrew produced a 251/9 amongst others, which escapes me - and I cant find much in the way of other Andrew TF mods which is a shame as they were amongst my favourites. I reckon a whole load were blitzed when CMMODS died originally. I could also do with a list of MikeyD mods if possible, as these are fabulous too. Thanks in advance.
  4. Good lord MikeyD that is incredible. That has to be one of the finest looking mods I've seen in long long time on these boards. It's as good as Gordon Molek's and AndrewTF's work..
  5. wow what an incredible site - I have to say I misunderstood the title of the site though I thought it was saying there were over 1 million WW1 vets still alive..
  6. Wow Mikey you are my hero! I've been ploughing through cmmods and there's a load of stuff missing from the days before the big crash (including a load of your files!) I'm sure of it.. Like Dunkelgelb halftrack packs and Stug packs and such like. I'm sure I remember using them before..
  7. Just thought I'd share this with fellow CMBB'ers. I dusted off the cd recently after stumbling across the CMC forum and I'm so glad I did! For me at least, it seems that the game has improved ten fold - I really enjoyed playing Afrika Korps but the theatre tired after a while and I got bored with QB's - I love the vast scope of CMBB and the best thing of all for me is the mods! The game looks better than ever if you ask me, and there's something about it that even betters CMAK - cant work out what it is at the mo, but it definitely "feels" improved!
  8. Guys - I work from home, time really isnt an issue /smugmode off Sorry, couldnt resist. But I think that you should make the game as large as feasibly possible in order to cater for the majority.
  9. I think I read somewhere on here that there will be one separate executable that simply replaces the existing one. Edit. Distributed by BFC themselves. I didnt even realise CDV will be distributing this as well. I shall be buying my copy online!
  10. Thanks for the update - interesting also to see that this thread hit the bottom of page 2 within 2 days - goes to show the interest this has kicked up! Kudos to you. So.. wonder when she's due...
  11. I actually found this site by accident and I'm glad I did - it's what we've been waiting for since the CMBO days. But one question, why focus on CMBB and not CMAK? Surely CMAK offers "aesthetic" improvements over CMBB? I'm not complaining either way; I cant remember the last time I played CMBB to be honest, but this is the one thing it needed. I shall get it reinstalled and 'modded
  12. I think the graphics are okay as they are but the effects definitely need some uprading. I cant see Operation Flashpoint style graphics myself.
  13. I dont think you should bother with copy protection at all - its a waste of time in my opinion. Just sell the game for an extra $10 or something like that. I'd happily buy it.
  14. Thankyou for replying! I understand that it is a major task (one of many) - It would surely be easier for the player to be able to regroup his units in the setup phase than for it to be done automatically by the AI out of turn.
  15. Forgive my lack of "technical" knowledge here but one thing I'd like to see in the new release is an option to reform your platoons after an engagement (manually). There's nothing worse than having loads of little clusters of men (perhaps 2 or 3 strong) spread all over the place. Surely platoons/companies that diminished in combat were disbanded and regrouped - is something like this possible? I'mm talking after the battle in a campaign for instance.
  16. I would absolutely love to see a Battle of the Bulge game, accurately represented. I loved the BOB battles in CMBO and CMAK - they were easily my favourite scenarios, and they could offer so much more under the right cirumstances - just imagine a new engine and new graphics based on the '44 campaign with 1:1 'representation'. You get the best wild cats, excellent infantry games and tactics and strategy galore.
  17. Its been delayed until late 2006 apparently. There are plenty of other campaigns/mods out there for it by the way. I'm currently playing the Finnish Defence Forces mod, and getting a good kicking. http://koti.mbnet.fi/~fdfmod/
  18. hehehe.. Its a classic mate. OFP is still a great simulation.
  19. Ok I'm after a rather large favour - is anyone prepared to send me a DVD with all the mods on? I'll pay someone for their time and the DVD, plus shipping obviously
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