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phil stanbridge

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Everything posted by phil stanbridge

  1. Hey mate I'm sorry about your problems. It would appear that CMBB struggles to run properly (or as it should) on any computer with recent hardware. I've got a fairly new pc build here and it doesnt run at all Yet I could run it fine using an old graphics card. It looks like we will have to "downgrade" certain aspects of our systems if you want to play CMBB. I don't know how feasible this would be in most cases. It's very sad.
  2. Same issue Vista 32bit, 8800 GTS CDV and Battelfront versions.
  3. Okay I've been experimenting a little here. I've got the CDV version. First of all I reinstalled, patched to 1.01 and tried to run it. No go. I get the exception error. Patch to 1.02 and 1.03 and I get the same problem. However, if I then download the US patches and install them (in the correct location) and then replace the CMBB.exe with the US version, I can get the game to load and run. It doesn't run very well mind you as it's on a go slow - but I think that's now down to the Nvidia drivers? Either way its a very frustrating problem and I'm none the wiser. It's extremely odd.
  4. What graphics driver are you using now Sudowudo out of interest? I may have to try something.
  5. It's very sad isn't it - I can't get CMBB to work properly at all. I mean I can get it to fire up, and into battle, but everything runs at a snails pace. I thought my original fix had sorted it
  6. I think I have a fix! Install game as per usual, right click on the desktop icon and select properties. Under the "shortcut" tab, select "Run" and select "Maximized" rather than "Normal window". I don't think the problem is specifically Nvidia drivers or the game code, I think it's a combination of things. I haven't been able to thoroughly test this as yet but so far so good for me.
  7. Excellent news thank you! In my honest opinion the sound effects are what really adds to the game.
  8. Excellent thanks - does this mean we are drawing closer to your highly revamped sound mods?
  9. I'd agree with the above - there's so many things we can happily "imagine" taking place in the game, like the 3 men representation for squads - but to lose trenches between deployment.. That's a killer for me.
  10. You can have a great time against the AI but it is rather predictable. Out of interest Jason how large (points wise) was your ME?
  11. Glad to hear it Ncrawler, please keep us updated with your progress. I really look forward to the new CMBB effects!
  12. Hi Ncrawler it's really good to see you back! I've got back into it recently with the announcement of CMC - but an updated CMBB soundmod would be spot on! It's just what the game needs in my honest opinion, especially for the Russians and Minor Nations which were somewhat neglected in favour of German sound effects. I remember your EAW sound effect too, what a game that was..
  13. Hey Mr D - have you ever considered adding some of your talent to the range of Panthers in the game - they appear to be lacking the usual refinements we'd come to expect by now :cool: ps are you also on the Ocuk forum just out of interest?
  14. It's a fabulous operation - try crunching it on a Core2Duo based pc - no problems then.
  15. I dont think there's a "mod pack" as such, you just have to pick and mix - but it's well worth the time! I have just checked my mods directory and it's at 2.4GB and rising!
  16. One of the 76.2mm guns knocked the BA out - but the R35 took out the SU, upper side shot if I recall.
  17. I was using a crack Ski infantry company, two towed 76.2mm guns and a R35. Set in January 44, dawn, snowy conditions. Here's pic (I took over 20) and produced a basic AAR for my forum. I wanted to show people how much fun you can still have with the minor nations!
  18. Jason, you never cease to amaze me! You are spot on as far as I can tell. I love playing the AI in small engagements for this reason alone - it's crap at picking a good force, which makes it easier for me! I could of course pick the enemy force too, but that would take half the fun away for me.
  19. It surely is possible that the teams ran off map - but how expensive would a Crack Pioneer team be to the soviets in Jan 44. Take into account they only had 300 points, and fielded a SU74, BA, 1 x HMG (at least) along with a couple of LMG by the looks of things. More importantly, they only had 37 men on the field in total? Is that right, or do you add the 8 KIA to the number too?
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