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phil stanbridge

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Everything posted by phil stanbridge

  1. Guys, if you can afford to do so in these difficult times, sell the Nvidia card and grab yourself an ATI. I've tested a 4850 and 4870 to great effect with CMBB/CMAK in Vista/DX10. If you apply the little graphical patch you have a perfectly working game. That includes fog and decent framerates. None of this slow rubbish.
  2. Interesting! I'm running with a 4870 here and I had to use the missing texture bmp with the cat 8.11's to get them to work as intended. I might try your fix though it sounds better to be honest.
  3. That's the one mate yes and it's well worth considering a 4850 over the Nvidia cards now anyway (certainly at the moment). Don't get me wrong it's not perfect, but at least it's playable and looks good.
  4. Combat Mission works fine here - ATI 4850 and Vista Ultimate 32. As has been said, the main problem lies within the Nvidia drivers. ATI have sort of fixed it, and you can now at least run both CMBB and CMAK fine AND with full fog effects! You need to add a little BMP to the graphics folder to have it run properly but that's an easy fix.
  5. Guys just to point out, the latest Catalyst drivers (for ATI cards) have resolved some of the issues within Vista! I can now play CMBB without any slowdown at all. Hell even the fog effects are working! The only problem is the ancient "white text box" - but there is a temporary fix at least for that. So it's not all doom and gloom on the ATI front at least.
  6. Well bugger me the fog works too! Aaaaahhh. Just got to work out how to get rid of the white text boxes, then we're there! This is in Vista too by the way.
  7. Okay apart from the white text boxes (anyone know how to fix?) the game is once again running properly with the latest drivers from ATI. Just thought I'd mention it - we've had nothing but trouble recently with driver releases.
  8. I've just noticed that CMBB is working properly apart from the white text boxes problem - with the Catalyst 8.8's.
  9. No I believe the CMBB executable for CMC has been modified with the necessary changes to reflect the campaign play. I'm not sure about this aspect but I believe some of the remaining bugs have been removed too? Perhaps someone can confirm this.
  10. I've been reading a post on the CMC forum that the latest Nvidia drivers may possibly be fixed but don't quote me on that. I would personally stick with XP and get a decent Nvidia graphics card.
  11. Thanks for the reply James. Can you confirm which set of drivers you are using? It may just be that Nvidia have finally pulled their fingers out. (I've got mine crossed). By the way, if you set AA and AF to 2x you should notice huge improvements in framerates and still have some visual delights.
  12. Can you not delete the prefs file and start again? This is what I did. By the way I use a panel with the same resolution and CMBB will only let you use 1280x1024 max. (I think it is!)
  13. Hi James, I would be very interested to know how you got it to work properly? I could get it to work, but very badly to the point where it was unplayable. I decided to reinstall XP Pro SP3, and with my 8800 GS DX10 card it now works perfectly, and very quickly. But I would like to reinstall Vista as some new games have extra DX10 functionality.
  14. Thanks mate - I will check that out now. I was using a set of 2 x 2GB DDR2 hence the 4gb.
  15. Quick question - do you know if a DX10 card like a Nvidia 9600 will work properly with CMBB in XP Pro? Has anyone tried this combo? We know that DX10 drivers are at fault, but these are specifically Vista. DX10 isn't available on XP Pro, so in theory the drivers will still be compatible?
  16. Wrath, I'm using my XP Pro SP3 with 3gb and its fine. I've also tried it with 4gb. Kavy, there is no way to currently fix the problems you are experiencing whilst using Vista. I'm afraid until Nvidia sort out their drivers we are forced to using XP Pro.
  17. You can still pick up copies of XP no problem.
  18. Just to update, I reinstalled XP Pro SP2 on to my desktop, and sure enough CMBB now works properly. It's definitely drivers/DX10 alas.
  19. Well, does fog work with a 7600 for example, in XP Pro? This list should help us pin point exactly what we can and can't use to get CMBB to work flawlessly. There is a lot of speculation out there which confuses things. I agree with you - I think it's a DX10 issue, but if Nvidia/ATI keep upgrading their drivers too whose to know where the problem lies.
  20. Guys - can we start a list of what does and does not work with CMBB for our reference. Vista Ultimate 32 Nvidia 7600 GS - latest official drivers CMBB works, but no fog. Windows XP Pro SP2 Nvidia 8800 GTS CMBB works perfectly Vista Home Premium 32 Nvidia 8800 GTS CMBB does not work Windows XP Pro SP2 Nvidia 7600 GS - latest official drivers CMBB works perfectly Windows XP Pro SP3 Nvidia 7600 GS - latest official drivers CMBB works perfectly [ June 23, 2008, 11:55 PM: Message edited by: phil stanbridge ]
  21. Ah right well there you go - "older" gen cards are going to work fine with Vista. It's the latest DX10 cards that are causing problems. My mate has a ATI 3870 and Vista and he can't even run the game with the latest drivers. He gets the blue screen of death. The answer at the moment is to use an older gen card with Vista, or reinstall XP and use any.
  22. Hari what ATI card is this? Is it an older DX9 card or one of the later models? I can't believe for a minute the new cards work perfectly - if they do this means the entire problem lies with the drivers and not the architecture of the cards/and or operating system. Having said that I'm running CMBB with Vista Ultimate, and a Nvidia 7600GS, although I don't have the fog
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