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phil stanbridge

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Everything posted by phil stanbridge

  1. That's interesting. I have a pretty good setup here, but I thought CMSF limits the size of the engagements?
  2. This is a very interesting point. I have tried both RT and turn based but I see myself going back to the old faithful because it feels like I can spend more time micro-managing, even though RT is far more responsive. For instance, I moved one of my AFV's too far forward, in RT I would have been able to move it back quickly, but in turn based I screwed up and I lost the AFV before I could instruct it. But trying to keep an eye on everything - well, you need a degree in Combat Mission. :-)
  3. I've played that scenario and I loved it! It almost felt like 'old' combat mission if you know what I mean. I tried both TOW demos and I must admit they held my interest for a short while but they seem a little clumsy in comparison to CM - almost like CM is meant to be the 'premium' product but I still can't place TOW.
  4. I slightly disagree with this. I seem to recall Battlefront saying that the new CM games will be based on a much smaller scale due to the 1:1 representation of troops. What is the largest engagement you can have in SF currently? I've played a couple of the British scenarios and they are definitely on the large side but I guess due to their very nature everything seems 'scaled down'? Maybe it's just me.
  5. Concur with the above statements. Just out of interest, laptopvideo2go is a good site for laptop VGA reference drivers.
  6. Just a thought - with the release of the new CM Normandy game, wont this in essence make the TOW game redundant? I can't work out where TOW will fit into all this. Personally, I prefer the CM franchise over TOW, but wont both games will be similar in terms of scale and ambition? With CMBB and CMAK they were on a different level, with huge engagements and massive maps, but with the scaling down of the new games I can see fewer and fewer differences. Edit, sorry if this seems like the wrong place - but with the Normandy bone I thought it was relevant.
  7. I've been playing SF on a Dell lappy with an ATI card and it's been pretty good. No problems with textures and it runs better than onboard. Admittedly there are issues with ATI and CMBB/CMAK but the problems are not major. I play CMBB/CMAK and SF on a desktop with Vista/Win 7 and a Nvidia 275 and it's a lot better.
  8. I have both CMBB and a highly modified CMAK installed on my laptop. I must admit that I haven't played either for a short while, and I'm not sure I will unless it's a little 300-500 point user specified QB which are so much fun. I found I preferred the improvements in CMAK to CMBB although with the interest in Campaigns that breathed new life back into both games for me. It's a shame Campaigns was cancelled. But now I have Shock Force to look forward to.
  9. Ta for all the replies chaps. Erm, yes I have just bought all the modules. Just played my first ever scenario, and won a minor victory :-) 9 dead though ouch! If you can perhaps post your combined mod, maybe I could try that.
  10. I've only just got my hands on SF. I personally feel the sound effects are a little weak so are there any realistic mods out there? I've had a quick look in a couple of places, but I could really do with recommendations.
  11. Yup. I normally receive sales emails from BFC but this time round I did not receive both emails from the store with my details etc, furthermore I couldn't login to retrieve my details OR change my password whilst it was forwarding to hotmail. But it's all sorted now.
  12. I just thought I would update this post with a further message of thanks, as a result of fixing my problem. My battlefront account is now linked with my ISP email address rather than crappy hotmail. I have learnt my lesson there! That's service that you don't often receive from a much larger business. Thanks!
  13. Wow, talk about great service. I only reported the problem a few hours ago and now it has been resolved. Excellent. Thanks again.
  14. I was incredibly impressed with the latest demo I have to say. I have played every CM game up to this, and I was not that impressed with Shock Force initially as it was pretty unstable on my pc (originally). But I gave it a third chance earlier today and after two hours playing the British demo, I was sold. It was simply excellent fun. I was reading up about the pending Normandy game, and that convinced me to try again. I'm so glad I did! Now to try and get this British module to work lol.. doh But that aside, which is a techy issue, I think its $70 well spent. Kudos guys.
  15. Thanks guys, especially Martin for the help. I already have a helpdesk complaint underway, unfortunately there is no way for me to change my details so I will have to ask if they can do it for me, otherwise I am at a loss. I wouldn't know who to contact at Hotmail, and if they replied it would be a miracle anyway. Just to add, original problem was that I didn't make a note of the second license! I expected to receive an email! doh!
  16. But what about the password? I didn't specify a password as far as I am aware. Totally confused help. PS, my hotmail address is NOT blacklisted as I am receiving sales emails from Battlefront. So that makes no sense. It is purely the elicensing/battlefront store email side of things?
  17. Thanks so much for the prompt reply (great service there!). Unfortunately I cannot login to the store either and i cannot re-register obviously. It says my username/password is wrong yet these are the ones I use to login here. I cannot change them either because they are linked to hotmail, and I am not receiving the new emails
  18. haha. Oops. I just purchased CMSF, Marines module & the British module, installed the first two fine, then installed the British module and BOOOOM. No license key. Turns out I registered my address to hotmail, and I have just read that for some reason hotmail is black-listing that particular site, hence no emails. No email equals no license number! How annoying
  19. Just purchased downloadable version of the module, and I can't get it to run because I haven't got a copy of the license. Any idea where I can find it please? Edit, I used hotmail, which I add is perfectly fine for everything else I do. I have lodged a complaint request with the helpdesk. I cannot launch the bleeding game now
  20. Just thought I'd post some positive stuff with regards to the latest demo. I think it's pretty amazing and on the strength of this I am going to invest in the full monty directly from BFC. Thanks a lot chaps! I never thought I would say that. I have tried two demos prior, and just couldn't get on with it at all. But I've just spent a couple of hours with the new demo and I'm loving it! It seems so much better than before. Curious eh?
  21. Thanks very much it looks great. Anxiously awaiting this along with everybody else.
  22. You can't win - you get fog with ATI DX10, but you have to suffer the text problems. I think I'd rather have it looking as it should without the fog!
  23. I'm using Win 7 and a 260GTX here and apart from missing fog it's perfect. I get excellent frame rates and none of those ATI associated glitches. I just wish fog would work.
  24. Fantastic news Winecape thanks very much for the informative posts. Having been a long-term fan of CMBO/CMBB and CMAK and still regularly playing the last two I am really looking forward to seeing a Battlefront 'modernised' approach to WWII. I couldn't get into Shock Force at all unfortunately, even though I tried the demo several times. Just one question and forgive me if I missed this in your posts, but what sort of scale are we looking at with regards to the composition of units in the Normandy campaign? Will it be more along the lines of Shock Force, i.e. company sized engagements or can you upgrade this factor due to better quality systems and such like? It would be a shame if we have to limit the type of battles we could play.
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