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Everything posted by securityguard

  1. Has anyone released a large map pack for CMAK?
  2. pretty much. there was a huge translation thing for CMBO and what the germans said was basicly a mirror of the english chatter... maybe slightly altered or different
  3. CMBO hurts my eyes because it looks so bad. I think CMBB is the best on the eyes though, simple but not ugly.
  4. It's a combo of rarity, effectiveness and loadout I think.
  5. easily impressed? thats the most impossibly intricate paper model ive ever seen
  6. frontlines similar to IL2-sturmovik would be interesting
  7. I just wanted to say this site is EXCELLENT. This should be stickied, i've been waiting for a site like this for awhile! Hope you do one for CMX2. edit: You seem to be missing my favorite unit: 150mm Infantry gun for germans! I think. [ September 02, 2004, 02:54 PM: Message edited by: securityguard ]
  8. It totally depends on the situation. They are not only cheap (especially those Italian AC's) but generally they route enemy instantly or flame the tile. In Afrika Korps i've had huge success with FT's especially in QB's but the terrain allowed that sort of abuse (lots of buildings, extremely dry weather in desert)
  9. usually an explosion mid air. i also think it crashes into the ground sometimes as well - not confirmed though
  10. the operation got really sloppy and i lost due to surrender. i shouldve just took everything i had, unloaded it, destroyed everything he had and moved as fast as i could with the last remaining turns. the way the map was setup made it easy as hell to be face to face with all his armaments, because there was no dead mans zone at all. it was actually pretty lame
  11. smoke in this game is really ineffective. huge smoke screens aren't even that effective sometimes, and you can see pretty well through them because the smoke clouds are so flat (ie the LOS instantly pops up 100% clear after you go through a smoke cloud). a single 81mm mortar probably wouldnt have gave much cover.
  12. Saving battle replays and new infantry mechanics are all I want. Anything else would just be icing.
  13. I'm currently playing an advance operation where I have lots of soft targets to protect (ie, trucks with guns attatched). So far my strategy has been to move all armored units up to scout after my jeeps do, and if terrain permits I usually take one platoon out of my convoy to move ahead with my AC's. It's actually been working so far and i've made steady advance. That is, until the last battle. It was night, and I moved my AC's up too far ahead of my convoy, and somehow he jumped me from both flanks. I lost a hefty sum of my convoy, but not too much. I retaliated and got his platoons, but it cost me. The next bit of the map does not allow me to use my tactics. It is heavy city and rail road tracks in the open, so I have to take the roads. I was thinking about going completely single file, in a pattern like this (from first vehicle to last): JEEP ARMOR TRUCK WITH SQUAD TRUCK WITH GUN ARMOR TRUCK WITH SQUAD TRUCK WITH GUN ARMOR HALF-TRACK WITH SQUAD HALF-TRACK WITH SQUAD I have more than that amount of units, but you get the idea. I was thinking that if anything attacked me in the city, my armor at various points in the convoy would attack back and my HT could give even more additional fire. The downside to single file is that he can hoard more units in one area and potentially do more damage if I go down the wrong road. However, double file can also potentially double the amount I lose. I am also thinking about just having infantry go through each building, but I want to end the op as fast as possible (this is probably the last battle!) because he gets reinforcments, and the slower I got the faster he supplies. If anyone has any tips, greatly appreciated! [ July 19, 2004, 11:31 AM: Message edited by: securityguard ]
  14. i had 3 armored cars shooting a truck from the rear at about 100m at night, and didnt even shake it for an entire turn of mg fire. they were chasing it as well, on train tracks. sometimes weird stuff happens
  15. Deep snow is pretty unplayable under QB standards, unless you're attempting to make a certain type of QB or scenario. even scenarios that feature it, i can barely play it, its quite annoying. And yes its pretty realistic. trying to run through snow up to my knees is tough, i couldnt imagine any deeper
  16. in my opinion AI completely ruins the atmosphere and game. its too predictable and easy to exploit. I watched my cousin, a fairly big newbie, completely decimate enemy AI just by knowing how it would react. the game was made for human vs human, no doubt about it. i dont think there will ever be AI advance enough to handle this type of game and be 'human' like, due to all the variability of situation.
  17. It's just a panic command in my eyes, I rarely, rarely rarely use it. It's the most rarely used command in my CM aresenal because its uses are very little. I mostly use it for crews, but sometimes if I need troops to immediately escape LOS of something. like a 150mm gun, for example, which would do much more damage the next turn when it actually lands a round on my men. Its best to take the panic and morale drop than lose most of your platoon.
  18. dibs on first serious reply whole squads as one icon.
  19. Casualties don't just make the game less predictable, but also more competitive. You don't have to use incredible amounts (30% or more) to add spice either, 10%-20% does the job nicely and usually doesn't mess up your forces that much at all. When I play 30% or more, I usually give it to both sides (meeting engagement) OR the defending side - NEVER the attacker. I still give the attacker 10% or so, just to ruffle up his platoons or support weapons. If you buy intelligently the purchasing screen becomes much less like a roulette table. It puts the "cherry pickers", like yankeedog says, in their place after a few games. After playing CMBO for 2 years almost with no casualty options I can safely say that I got fed up with playing the exact same game over and over. Almost every QB felt the same in that game due to the lack of rarity and casualties. CMBB and CMAK rarity / casualty options are so awesome that I never play without them. Biggest problem with casualties is effecting some support weapons - namely mortars, sometimes bazookas. It should just get rid of that weapon completely instead of making it almost completely useless, so you can get more guys in a squad or other support weapons. I am not sure how casualties are calculated though so maybe that isn't possible. [ July 10, 2004, 02:09 AM: Message edited by: securityguard ]
  20. CMBO was awesome for its time. I can't play it anymore (CMBB and CMAK just sorta over shadow it) but I agree, it definately had a more actiony feel. It drew me into the series and I am glad they took a more realistic response for the later titles.
  21. Then doesn't that make them more than a little weak? I agree with the original poster. Grenades are not as effective as they should be. </font>
  22. in my opinion they are a little on the weak side, however a nice throw lands you good results in CM. it's just rare to see. [ July 07, 2004, 11:15 PM: Message edited by: securityguard ]
  23. 20mm i could see but 45mm is pretty heavy caliber AA. its apparent why they ditched, i know most human beings would rather than rationalizing the situation
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