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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. But what is different from those that post here and the casual player? If anything, the guys asking that pbem not be dropped are by definition casual players. BTW, check your e-mail
  2. While I agree with you 100% on this, I think what you will find is that the regulars on this forum are more representative of the core CM audience than its being made out to be.
  3. What is the highest military medal awarded to an individual in WW2? I know for the Americans it was the Medal of Honor, and for Germany the Iron Cross. Is the Victoria Cross the highest for the Commonwealth? What about Russia?
  4. I don't think that is quite correct. Major German offensive periods (no pun intended): June 22 through Dec 6th 41 - 5.5 months mid-May through mid-November 42 - 6 months February 43; July 43 - 2 months Total 13.5 months Major Red Army offensive periods (ditto): December to January 41 - 2 months May 42 - 1 month November to February 42/43 - 3 months August to December 43 - 5 Months january - February 44 - 2 Months July to October 44 - 4 months January to March 45 - 2 months April 45 - 1 month 20 months total Rough calculation, of course, also ignoring that the initial Barbarossa offensive was across the front, while later offensive periods on both sides were not. </font>
  5. Check out the pic on the second page, bottom center. Is that an AA gun?
  6. I remember reading somewhere that said the Brit 7th armored held the record for the fastest advance by a mechanized force for a given distance, when it cut across the Benghazi arc to trap the Italians at Beda Fomm.
  7. Not that it means much to some, but without pbem the Rumblings of War Tournament could not continue.
  8. Go into the editor Place rubble tile where bridge will go Preview the map Go back into the editor and place bridge Preview map again
  9. Number of allied planes downed over Wisconsin as a direct result of enemy action - 0 Number of Bolivian warships sunk by U-boats during the period Sept '39 / May '45 - 0 Total number of axis bombs dropped on Victoria Island, Canada - 0
  10. Had Paulus attempted a breakout, or been overwhelmed before the last week of January, the flood that would have descended on Rostov would have swamped Army Group Don. The result would have been not only the loss of 6th army, but most if not all of Army Group South as well.
  11. AFAIK, CMBO does not model overhead obstructions (apart from buildings), so you can place your AA guns anywhere inside wood, tall pine or scattered tree tiles and they function the same as if in the open. This is assuming that you are referring to AA guns used in air defense, as opposed to against ground targets. Keep in mind that the guns are vunerable to treeburst from any indirect arty fire when placed in trees. BTW, this also applies to onboard mortars as well
  12. Bump Still looking for confirmation on the SP 17pdrs. Gpig e-mailed me a bunch of info, including reference to 4 M10s from K Troop, 5th AT Regt arriving sometime during the night as reinforcements. Could these be Achilles? Anyone know what vehicle type was issued to this unit in August '44?
  13. The map for Carentan is huge, and you play on a small segment of it for the first battle. As you progress into the operation the frontline is redrawn, pushing you farther and farther back towards the bridges and the town. In the editor there is a parameter which determines the size of the 'no mans land', the neutral space between the two sides. When a new battle begins the computer will determine what enemy unit has advanced the farthest, and then shift your (axis) lines back from there to whatever distance the no mans land is set at. If the setting is 0 meters, the two sides can start litterally face to face. If 80 meters then that is how far apart the two sides start off. The AI is far better at defending then attacking, especially in Ops where there are no flags to give it direction. See above. Think about it, you may have held your position, but somewhere else somebody was overrun (even if not on your map). Rather than staying in place and risk being flanked, the prudent thing to do is withdraw to preseve your line. Many impregnable defensive positions had to be abandoned due to the enemy bypassing it and turning the flank farther down the line. Some are better than others. Carentan is an excellent one, but like I said it is best played as the attacking allies, even though the briefings suggest otherwise.
  14. The rarest, and most hilarious, is the one that has a contstant stream of crews bailing out of the same knocked out vehicle. AFAIK it's been fixed, since the last I heard of it was back in the CMBO days. One guy managed to take a screenshot, with a KO'd Puma and about a dozen bailed crews lying besides it. He said the crews kept popping out one after the other, and only ended when the turn timed out.
  15. jrcar, I sent you an e-mail. I may have something you would be interested in. You can contact me via the address listed in my profile.
  16. Dawg, I can't wait to read your AARs. Like a trip to Haight-Asbury without the Acid.
  17. Gpig, In the After the battle Mag that I have, Major Currie describes the Tiger defending the main crossroads, and being taken out by infantry which climbed on top and tossed grenades down the hatches. It then shows a photo of the crossroads a day or two later as the infantry clear the town. The Tiger's lower hull is lying by the side of the road, with the Turret in some roadside bushes. A French guide accompaning the author actually found a piece of the Tiger.
  18. ...jots correction down... So the Argies at St. Lambert were not from the same unit that captured and held Gavrus during Op Epsom? Yes, my goof. He certainly earned the title. I just found this site which lists "one troops of 17 Pounder Anti-tank guns (SP)" included in the initial attack force. Archers or Achilles?
  19. I have begun work on a small scenario pack that will be based on the battle for St. Lambert-sur-Dives in August '44. To date my reference material consists of what I can find on the web, as well as a copy of "Steel inferno" and "After the battle magazine", which features some great photos of the battle as well as an AAR from Major David Currie. Does anyone know of the OOB of the Canadian force? I know that the initial force consisted of 15 tanks from the South Alberta regiment, and the depleted B company of the 2nd Bn Argyll and Sutherland regiment. I also know that at some point C company joined them. Any other units? Steel inferno mentioned some AT guns, and another company. What of the Germans? After the battle mentioned a Tiger (confirmed by a photo) and a Mark IV defending the major crossroads, with another Mark IV showing up sometime during the first night. A website also mentioned a Panther. Anything else?
  20. You have to wait until Admiral Keth adds the scenario to the SD database. Give him a day or two.
  21. As I said to JPS, I have no problem at all with acting as a relay for anyone who is experiencing e-mail problems. It is nothing more than 3 clicks of a mouse to get a file forwarded to another player. All I need to know is who to send it to.
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