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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. Just so I understand you perfectly, are you describing a situation where you are defending an objective that is fronted by several hundred meters of open terrain with 5 MG42s in overwatch? Or is the objective undefended and the MGs are the only thing preventing the HS from capturing it?
  2. You are right. The same map shows the 11th AD just north of the 3rd ID, so it would seem likely the former added some tank support to capture the city. In another section of the mag (great mag, this 'after the battle') there is description of the battle for St. Lambert-sur-Dives as told by Major Currie. During the battle the Major called in artillery fire on his position, and was surprised to receive 4.5" instead of the expected 18 pdr. Was the 18 pdr still in use in Normandy, or was he confusing it with the more common 25 pdr?
  3. I just received two back-ordered issues of 'After the battle' magazine, one of which describes the battle for the Falaise pocket. In it there is a pic of a British tank column rolling thru Flers on August 17th, with a small group of French civilians waving them on. What is really interesting is the lead vehicle in the column - a Challenger tank. There is no mistaking it in the photo, the tank following behind is a standard Cromwell, and is much squatter looking. The Challengers turret is far bigger, and for a second I thought I was looking at a Bishop. How common were Challengers in Normandy, and what lucky formation got them? According to a map in the magazine, it was the Brit 3rd infantry div that captured Flers. What Cromwell / Challenger equipped unit supported the 3rd ID?
  4. WTF, we just got done discussing the gameyness of split squads over at the CMBB forum. Now you want to bring in split soldiers???
  5. Wicky, I'd love to hear what you think of Hosszupalyi when you finish it.
  6. Think positive. When the splitting doesn't work anymore, who will want to go to the effort? Sheesh....I hope I'm right. Treeburst155 out. </font>
  7. E-mail me and I will send you both campaigns. My address is in my profile. Put 'CMBO campaign' in the header
  8. I did just now. To be honest, without a computer or game there really isn't much I can do for you. I wish I could, but even adding you to the reserve list won't help much without a rig (and don't go renting one - this tourney is hardly that important). Do you see any light at the end of the tunnel?
  9. Last week of Feb at the latest. All the regular round scenarios are prepped and ready to go, so its just a matter of getting people signed up, organzied and first e-mails sent out. BTW, A big thanks should also go out to Cpl Carrot, who designed the online signup sheet. Makes my job a heck of alot easier. There are others behind the scenes who deserve thanks as well, but they won't be revealed until the tourney nears completion.
  10. Yeppers. The scenarios are all designed using the latest patches for both CMBB and CMAK.
  11. Gentlemen, It is Official The Rumblings of War V tournament is now accepting applications. Please log on and sign up, as space is limited. You should receive a confirmation once the application goes thru. If you do not within 24 hours please do not re-enlist, just e-mail me and I will comfirm that your entry went thru. Note that this is required even if you saw your name on the list earlier today, or if I e-mailed you. I need your names in the database in order to arrange the sections.
  12. My understanding is it will shoot at whatever target has the greatest hit percentage within a certain frontal arc. IOW, it won't turn 90 degrees once it gets to its designated scoot position. Scooting straight forward is not that important, it will just take a little longer to rotate before it begins moving. On the other hand, scooting straight back is very important, as you want to get your vehicle back into cover quickly. Two drawbacks to the shoot and scoot command: the vehicle will roll forward to its scoot position regardless of how many enemy units have LOS to it, and it only takes 1-2 shots, and thus is not given a chance to bracket the target. I prefer a delayed move to contact command. If done right, the tank will stop at the moment it sees another enemy unit most likely hull down to it, and it will do so near the end of the turn. If the opposition is too much I can reverse him back down in the next turn. Otherwise I can leave him in good position relative to the enemy.
  13. I will post a list of the people that I have in my contact list. If you are on that list, then consider yourself signed up. Otherwise, please e-mail me. Keep in mind that the sheet may go up today. I don't know for sure. But if it does I would prefer that everyone sign up there, and save me the trouble of sending out 50+ individual e-mails. Edit: Here is the list. Ace Pilot Adres AnKulin BigMik1 Bulldog Capt T Combined Arms Dangerous Dave David Leaper Dawg Bonz Elmar Flammenwerfer Flenser Frenchy General Colt Green as Jade Jaws jbertles JC_Hare Jeff Wilders Jim Crowley JohnO Jon L JonS Kanonier Reichmann Ken Fedorofoff Larry Thorne Londoner Lt Bull Malakovski Melnibone Michael Dorosh Mick OZ mPisi Nefarious Nestor Other Means OWL PFC Driscoe PittPanther31 Steve McClaire Tabpub Ted The Capt The Enigma Treeburst155 Uhduck Vadr Walpurgis Night [ January 29, 2005, 06:38 AM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  14. If by the end of today the online sheet is not...eh, online, then I will personally register each person myself. You will receive a confirmation either way.
  15. Not to sound picky, but the scenario in your list titled "Ralf to the rescue" should read "Raff to the rescue".
  16. Glider, Keep your units intact, and insists on playing as the defender. Buy trenches, MG42s, and barbwire. Throw in a couple of TRPs for your arty. Then come back to us with the results.
  17. The purpose of my test was to show that a heavily outnumbered defender can defeat the SMG half squad horde that Glider was referring to in his first post. Note that splitting the SMG company creates 22 units, 11 or more that are smothering the trenches with a hail of fire, while the other 11 are advancing. The Germans can only engage 5 at a time, yet they stopped them cold.
  18. Ran my own test just now. German Grenadier platoon MG42 HMG team 4 trenches 2 AP minefields Total axis points - 189, of which 135 is on actual combat units. Russian SMG company Total price - 272 points, all in combat units. German units set in trenches, and deployed in tall pine tiles. 2 squads cover flanks, and fronted by mines. Remaining squad and MG facing the front. No mines. HQ behind all. Entire Russian SMG company split into half squads and deployed in tall pine tiles, but out of LOS to Germans in setup. A strip of clear terrain, about 50m wide, seperates the two tree lines. German units given mutually supporting covered arcs about 60m in front. Russians are ordered to advance towards German units, leapfrogging split squads forward, so at least half the entire force is firing on the Germans at any one time. By the end of the 5th turn I had decimated the Russian company, losing only the MG42 team and maybe 2-3 othe soldiers. Ran a second test, again with half the company providing cover fire, but this time the other half using the human wave command. Same results as first test. Entire company decimated. I should add that the mines played no part in either test. None of the Russian units made it that far.
  19. This will be a replica of Rune's head. Do you think your sharpshooter will obey your order and not shoot? Something tells me it would be a mad minute.
  20. I would like to see an optional "Use decoy mannequinn's head" command, which would be used in place of unbuttoning the TC, and for the express purpose of pissing off the other side's sharpshooters.
  21. Well, that explains why in our last game you advanced on my positions in a giant "V" formation.
  22. Actually, the 'fly put a damper on allied German tank relations. Before the 'fly came along the German tanks were very happy to see the allied tanks, and wished to see more of them. Everyday. But once the 'fly appeared the Germans weren't so thrilled. Sad really.
  23. If it was piloted by an American then it would have bombed the French.
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