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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. A new scenario is now available at the depot. Titled "If at first...", it is a fictional allied attack set in France, 1944. This scenario was orginally reserved for the ROW V Tournament, but was booted in favor of the ones we have now.
  2. Jim, I can't recalculate all the stats because I do not have your score for "Wolf". I can tell you that you scored second highest as the axis player in "Proof". Walpurgis Night 2.42 Kanonier Reichmann 1.81 Londoner 1.10 Ankulin 0.70 Steve McClaire 0.34 Heavy Drop -0.26 Bryce Baker -0.31 Tychus -0.41 Stoneage, Combined arms & Paul Atreides -0.57 Green as Jade, Elmar Biljsma -0.67 Levitacus -0.72 Melinibone -0.77 Enoch -0.87
  3. ...kicks back, closes eyes, and begins to relax...
  4. The selection process is totally random with one exception - ROW Vets are assured a slot. Other than that I left it up to the program to choose who went where. That being said, don't winge (whatever that is). I show you as being #3 on the list, and #1 has already been called up.
  5. Yes, but in very limited numbers. Click here, then click on 'GHQ Pz units', then 503. s. Pz. Abt. I do know that a Brit Battalion (5th DKLI?) captured one during the battle for Mount Pinchon.
  6. "It's a hell of a start, it could be made into a monster, if we all pull together as a team"
  7. Try turning off the weather effects, trees and smoke.
  8. You aren't. For some reason when I hit send it bounced back saying one of the briefings couldn't be delivered, and deleted it. I reloaded the briefing and hit send again, but got same result. Third time was a charm.
  9. Thats it baby, all five scenarios are out. BOOM! There went my head. Cpl Carrot has offered to create a section in the ROW V page exclusively for announcements and updates. For now I will edit the first post as Elmar suggested. OK Boys, have at it.
  10. The files for the fourth scenario - "Highlanders in Hell", have just been sent out. One more to go, then my head explodes!!!! GAJ, I don't think the admins will allow 2 threads about the same subject. They don't even allow 2 Peng threads, which in a way we all understand why... Group 1 / Section 1, A replacement player for John Kettler is being called on as we speak. Do not allow this to slow you down. Keep at it in the other 4 games. The new guy will be here shortly.
  11. I haven't forgotten about the reserves. In fact, I have just streamlined my technique of sending out files, and have enlisted some help, so expect to see the overall briefings tonight.
  12. The third set of e-mails have just gone out. Everyone should be receiving files for "St. Edward's Sanitoruim". If anyone is missing any files, please e-mail me at home (listed in my profile).
  13. It sucks to have to replace a player, and it's 10x as bad when its someone like JK. I hope the furniture sale nets you a nice chunk of change, and allows you to purchase a rig that is CMx2 capable. Yacinator, We'll get you someone by tonight. Keep the setup you sent John. Red Robin, I have not yet. I want to get the player's files out first. I am shooting for getting all the files sent out by this evening.
  14. Guys, The e-mails I sent you include a list of opponents for each scenario. You should only send files to the person directly opposite you on that list, not everyone on the list. Example: Steve McClaire JPS John Kettler Yacinator Renaud Stikkypixxie JPS is the axis player for Wet Triangle, and should send his file to (only) Steve McClaire. Yacinator sends to John Kettler, Stikkypixxie sends to Renaud.
  15. The second set of files have just been sent out. Everyone should have recieved either an allied or axis e-mail for "Push to Maleme". Let me know of any problems. John Kettler, You have mail. Please check it.
  16. Ah, other briefings and saved game files. Those are going out as we speak. OK, by now everyone should have received the appropiate files for the first scenario - "Wet Triangle" - and should have their games underway. Please e-mail me if you are still experiencing problems or have questions.
  17. It is right for half of group 2, the allied half of which you are a part of Scroll up a couple of post to where I explain why you got only the allied briefing
  18. It is because of times like these that man created maximun strength Excedrin. OK, the correct file went out just now. I tested the pw just before attaching it, something I should have done with the first one. If you have any problems with it, e-mail me. One important note: Keep the latest game file saved on your computer. If for whatever reason we need to bring in a replacement, that saved file could be the difference between picking up where your opponent left off, or having to start all over again (which under most circumstances I won't allow).
  19. Arrrrggghhhh. Give me a min to straighten this out. E-mails will go out shortly.
  20. Lack of game files? Well who the hell is responsible for that??? Nevermind, I'll take care of it myself :mad: OK, First files going out now. We are in lockdown, so Shhhh... For our new players I will now explain how we get started, so please listen carefully. Over the course of today and tomorrow you will receive e-mails from either myself or Spanish Bombs. These will most likely be a bulk e-mail for 12 people at a time, and will have the 'ROW V" tile. Inside you will see a list of opponents, a scenario password, and an attachement. What is inside that attachement depends on whether you are an axis or allied player for that scenario. If you are the Axis player you will receive the seperate overall and axis briefings, and the saved game file. You will be responsible for starting the game. Just open the file using the password, setup your forces, and then send to your opponent. From that point on the game proceeds as a normal pbem game. If you are the Allied player you receive the overall and allied briefings. You wait for your axis opponent to send you the files. Reserve players, you will receive the overall briefings as well. Thank JonS for the excellent idea. We will begin with the smallest scenario first, and slowly work our way up. Ok, any questions? You know who to e-mail Steve McClaire, I haven't heard from him either. I'll try to get a hold of him today. Either way, we will have G1/S1 up and running on all games by tommorrow evening at the latest.
  21. Vadr, I'll try to get WWB to fix the link. As for "B", why the frown? Jon, To be honest, I have not. This to get them up to speed on the tactical situation? PK, Go here
  22. Everyone, Moon is about to drop the hammer on this thread, so why don't we mosey on over here
  23. KTN, Yes, but be ready at a moment's notice. You will receive an e-mail from Spanish Bombs, who is in charge of the reserves, when the time comes to step in. Keep in mind that you will be picking up exactly where the previous player let off, so bring your 'A' game with you.
  24. “The guns are rumbling...the war is on” Wild Bill Wilder So it begins... Welcome one and all to the Rumblings of War Tournament. As with previous ROWs we begin with the Tournament Manual. This will describe the details of how ROW is organized and run, so please take a moment to read up on it. OK, first on the list: Deadlines The deadline for the regular season is June 7th. This gives you 4 months to finish 5 scenarios, so you do the math as to file exchange rates with your opponents. Although TCP is not a requirment, I do suggest looking into organizing a session or two with each opponent if at all possible. Exchanging one e-mail a day will require three days to complete one turn using PBEM. A one hour TCP session may complete 5-10 turns. AARs AARs are mandatory, as in everybody writes one for each game. A minimum of 5000 words and 30 screenshots...each. Ok, I was kidding about that last part, but not about the mandatory requirment. Look at it this way, you get to play in a very challenging and entertaining tournament. You get to play scenarios designed just for you. You have a chance at winning a case of the finest South African Wine, delivered to your door free of charge. What do we ask in return...feedback. Let us know how you did, what you thought of it, and ways we can improve it. We appreciate your feedback. If you need an idea of what we are looking for in an AAR, let me know and I can e-mail you a couple of good examples. FOW The moment the first file goes out the tournament is in full FOW lockdown mode. Loose lips sink ships, and they also piss off the tourney organizer :mad: . Do not discuss anything about the tournament with anyone, even your dog. If you have a question that is FOW sensitive, e-mail me. Dropouts & MIA The Nabla scoring system cannot handle incomplete games, so we require all games to be finished. If for whatever reason you need to withdraw please let us know right away. You will not be penalized in any way by informing us in a timely manner. If you plan on being offline for an extended period of time please inform your opponents. Also, if an unexpected problem arises that prevents you from informing us (computer problems), have a backup plan so that a message can be sent. In this day and age everyone has a friend or relative with internet access. Have them e-mail me explaining the situation. Lets see..anything else...? Oh yeah, first files go out tomorrow [ February 08, 2005, 03:56 AM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
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