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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. Mike, Click on my Sig for "Titans". A couple of more tank battle suggestions: Chambois - The Polish 1st Armored division bumps into the German 2nd Panzer division as the latter attempts to escape the Falaise Pocket. Rock in the Flood - Polish 1st Armored defends hill 262 against a huge mix of German units escaping the Falaise pocket BTW, these last two you can also d/l from the B & T website August Bank Holiday - I had done a CMAK conversion of the CMBO original which was designed by Franko. I have since sent it to him, so you'll need to contact him to get it. This one depicts the German counterattack at St. Aginan de Cramsnil during Operation Totalize. It was in this battle that Michael Wittman was killed by a Firefly gunner named Ekins!!! :mad: Taurus over the Odon - Again, another CMAK conversion of a Franko scenario and again you need to contact him, as he now has possesion of it. The first attack on Hill 112 during Operation Epsom. British 11th Armored against 12th SS Panzer. Worthington Force - this one is my personal favorite. IMO, a perfectly balanced scenario atop one of the most realistic looking maps of Eastern Normandy. I have played it well over a dozen times against the Axis AI, and have always been given an excellent fight. H2H would be a hoot. Canadian "Worthingtom Force" gets lost during Operation Totalize, winds up on the wrong hill, and is then surrounded by units of 12th SS Panzer. This last one is a CMAk conversion of a scenario designed by a guy known as "Iron Cross". I have tried to contact him without success. Hopefully someone knows how to, and can ask him if it is alright to release the conversion to the public.
  2. Variable timed. Basically, it is an artillery shell with a special fuze which causes the shell to explode at a preset height above the ground. This is highly effective against troops caught in the open or in fortifications without any overhead cover.
  3. Hey, old habits die hard I'm still not use to the concept of having an actual ROW webpage which I have admin access!
  4. You are in Tourney 5, but skip that part and just send me the remainder. It means the results are posted once all the games of that scenario are finished. Send in your scores and AARs once they are available
  5. The Op Becket is referring to is called "Tank Warning" by Franko, and is one mother of a tank battle. You may also want to take a look at "Death of the Titans" by Wild Bill. The original is a CMBO scenario, but I converted it to CMAK as well.
  6. Once all games are completed. Note to all players: When sending in AARs, please make sure your username is included in the AAR title (example: Kingfish - St. Edward's). Makes it easier for me to organize and award bonus points.
  7. Sounds Kinky! To me. Check my profile for the address. Don't foget to CC your opponent. ROW V You can make a .doc using MS Word, and Adobe acrobat to make a .pdf file. Yes, as long as we can access it for the duration of the tournament.
  8. Here are a couple of nice ones of the Anzio area
  9. No! At least let them draw blood. Wait until one of them has him around the throat, then call them off.
  10. In the 2D map editor screen, hold down the Ctrl button and click on the spot where you want "Hill 304" to appear. A dialog box will appear which allows you to type in any text. After you hit OK you will see a small yellow triangle on the spot where you just placed your landmark. That is to let you know you have a landmak there. Now preview the map in 3D. If you do not like the location of the landmark simply go back into 2D, Ctrl-Click on the spot where the landmark triangle is at, and when the dialog box pops up just hit backspace to clear the text. Now repeat the placement process to put the landmark in the new location. Not sure exactly what you mean by "soft of shiny star thingies". Do you mean an asterik (*)? If yes, then it is the same procedure as with text. See above. These are available only in CMBB and CMAK. With regards to foxholes, there are 2 types: the one a unit creates during setup, and a second known as a "fallback position". To create a fallback position the designer must first select either an attack or assualt battle type (not probe or metting engagement). He then must select "dug-in with fallbacks" in the overall parameter screen. This will allow the defender to create a number of fallback positions equal to the number of non-heavy infantry units he has on the map. For instance, a German '44 Grenadier platoon (1 HQ + 3x Squads) creates 4 foxholes in setup. If they were allowed fallback positions the German player can create an additional 4 foxholes for this unit. To create a fallback position on the map you need to be in setup. At the top of the screen it will say "press Alt-F to enter foxhole placmment mode". Doing that changes the text, which now shows how many fallback positions you have available. Now click on the map to place each fallback position. As you add each new one the number of available positions drops. If you want to change, or remove a position, simplt click on it. That position returns to the pool to be used again. Click Alt-F to exit fallback mode. In the 3-D preview screen click Alt and then either the number 1, 2, 3 or 4. This will allow you to place craters anywhere on the map. The number designates the size of the crater, 1 being the smallest, 4 the largest. Click Alt-5 to exit crater mode.
  11. Are you sure about this? I just checked the manual, and it doesn't say anything about guns, only vehicles.
  12. The announcement page is up, so bookmark the site.
  13. No, only vehicles return. Keep in mind that in addition to the repair parameters you need to also make sure that the Op last more than one day. If it doesn't (and there are 10 battle Ops that last only one day) then your Panther will not be repaired.
  14. The protocol is to first find out if the person in question is sending files to other people in your group. If yes, then send a reminder (if you haven't done so already). If no, then e-mail me the person's name. As to your second question, I usually give them a few days to respond to my e-mail. If no response, then we go to the reserves. Edit: you may also want to check with your other opponents to see if this person sent out a heads up that he would be offline for a period of time. You may not have gotten that e-mail. [ February 12, 2005, 06:55 PM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  15. Send it to me directly, and I'll pass it on. The designer's identity won't be made public until the last game is complete, or the deadline is reached, whichever comes first.
  16. So does that mean my opponent in Maleme won't believe me when I say I have a platoon of KTs on the way? :eek: </font>
  17. Who is doing this? Is it another ROW opponent? Let me know who it is, and i'll...i'll...spot them 10 points.
  18. Another way of looking at this, and one that might add insight as to why we are tossing out these small and minor ideas instead of "thinking big", is to picture the parable between a housewife and Architect. When the architect asks her for ideas on how to build the next dream house, she will do so from the POV of a housewife (read player), not as another architect (read game designer). The majority of housewives know nothing about wiring, plumbing, etc. They do know they could use more room here, easier access there, better lighting here. We are the housewives of CM
  19. LOL!!! That certainly would help. The scenario is titled "Caged Beasts"
  20. 1300 Hours June 13th, 1944 After having annihilated the lead battlegroup of the British 7th armored in the morning, the Tigers of the 101st schwere SS-Panzer Abteilung, under the command of SS Captain Rolf Mobius, rolled into Villers-Bocage. There they met the infantry of the 1/7 Queens, backed by AT guns and the tanks of the 4th County of London Yeomanry. A fierce firefight erupted, as the Tigers went head to head with British soldiers armed with PIATs and sticky bombs. Semi-historical / 30 turns variable / 3700 points total for both sides. Special thanks to Carlos "LOS" Lourenco, whose CMBO map of Villers-Bocage was used as a template for this scenario. You can d/l the scenario from The Proving Grounds or e-mail me.
  21. I've read several posts that say a radio car will take over as a HQ vehicle for a tank or AC platoon that just lost its leader. However, I just ran a couple of tests and found out this is not the case, at least for CMAK.
  22. Ops allow for bigger maps, up to 4 x 8km max. Scenarios allow only 4 x 4.9km max.
  23. Cpl Carrot is working on an update section to the ROW page. As of right now there is nothing new to report. Things are rolling, one new guy came in, and the hatred of the designers begins to fester. You know, typical ROW stuff.
  24. OK Class, lets turn to page 130 of our 'Steel Inferno' textbook. We begin with the second paragraph. Follow along as I read a passage from the book: "Some time after 1300 hours Mobius ordered his 1st company into Villers-Bocage. They were accompanied by the Panzer Lehr Mk IVs" Question: How many Tigers and Mk IVs participated in this attack? Note the following description from Lieutenant Gordon, who describes 4 Tigers and 1 Mk IV being attacked by C Company, 1/7 Queens. Rolf Mobius describes having to withdraw after losing 3 tanks, and the British discovered 6 Tigers and 2 Mk IVs in the town after the battle. Lets continue to the next page, third paragraph down. Here it reads: "Some time after 1430 hours Brigadier Ekins, commander 131 brigade, paid a short visit to Lieutenant Gordon in the town. By this time it was raining. Gordon, a highly experienced officer, told him that enemy infantry were beginning to infiltrate his positions" 2 Question: was it raining during Mobius's attack, a hour and half earlier, and did any German infantry accompany this attack?
  25. From the CMAK CD: All is fair Totensonntang
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