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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. The Gebirgjager and SkiJaeger infantry squads have the same TO&E as a regular Jaeger squad, making all 3 the most heavily SMG armed squads available in CMAK. The one German unit that comes closest to a Russian SMG squad is the CMBO Volksgrenadier SMG squad. 8 men all armed with MP-40s.
  2. Thank you very much for the photos. BTW, can you (or anyone else) tell if that is an 'A' or 'G' model?
  3. I'm not sure where you got Sept 1-3 from. Comet was given the go ahead, and got to within H -4 hours before it was called off. Reference this site A lot of things brought M-G down, not just sizeable German forces. The blowing up of the Son brige, which was achieved with minimal forces, threw the timetable off by some 36 hours.
  4. There was only a difference of a week (Sept 9th to Sept 17th) between when Comet would have started, and M-G did start. While German strength certainly increased during that time, there was still plenty on the ground to oppose the Paras, especially when you consider that some of the bridges would have to have been taken and held by a battalion or less of paratroops. Edit: even if II SS Panzer Corp wasn't in the Arnhem area for Comet, advanced elements would have shown up far faster than XXX Corp would have. [ March 04, 2005, 08:19 AM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  5. Worse than Market Garden. AIUI, Comet called for the capture of the same objectives as M-G, but with less than 1/3 the strength, while the XXX Corp would still have to fight its way up the same road.
  6. APCR - Armor piercing composite rigid Check out the Armor and Projectile abbreviation thread in the CMBB forum.
  7. The screenshots are lost to history, but you can recreate new ones from the same scenario (kinda). "Going to Town" is available at the depot in the CMBO form, while a CMAK conversion by the Desert Fox can be d/l from Der Kessel. I did a slighly modified version that has the battle taking place in Tunisia, which you can d/l from Boots and Tracks.
  8. Caged Beast Following the annihilation of the advanced armored battlegroup of the British 7th armored, the Tigers of the 101st Schwere Panzer Abteilung, backed by a few Mark IVs and infantry of the Panzer Lehr, drove into Villers-Bocage. Waiting for them were the British infantry of the 1/7 Queens, armed with PIATs and sticky bombs, and backed up by the tanks of the 4th County of London Yeomanry (4 CYL). Small / 30 turns variable / 2700 points combined. The map is a CMAK conversion of Carlos "LOS" Lourenco's "Villers-Bocage" Op, with a few tweaks added in. Special thanks to LOS, John Salt and all who helped with testing. [ March 06, 2005, 05:55 AM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  9. And I should add that it is not only the designers who benefit from this, but the community as a whole. A well written AAR is sometimes all that is needed to bring another player into the fold. Case in point, go back 5 years in time and there I was surfing the net, bored, and looking for some new demo to d/l and try out. I really had no idea what to look for, or where to find it. Then I stumbled upon this and the hook was set in this fish
  10. Muchos Gracias, Senor Dorosh y Foreigner
  11. TRPs are locations placed on the map which allow both offboard and onboard weapon systems greater accuracy and faster reponse time. Think of them as a pre-registered point on the map which your guns have zeroed in beforehand. Any onboard unit that has LOS to a TRP will gain an accuracy bonus, but with one condition - they cannot move from where they were initially placed during set up. If they do then they lose all range calculations to the TRP. They can still fire on that spot, but all bonuses from the TRP are lost for the duration of the game. Onboard mortars can also fire indirectly onto a TRP, and they do not require a spotter with LOS, but the same no-move condition appies. Offboard artillery spotters do not have any restrictions with regards to TRPs. They can fire onto a TRP at any time, LOS or not, and can move at any time without penalty. You can purchase these in the editor under the fortification listing.
  12. Cheating and otherwise unfair gaming practices being used in ladder games!!!! Get out
  13. And of course that makes it easy to understand why he lost, since the British were able to just crush him under a veritable mountain of heavy artillery. But, see, the problem is that it's just complete bollocks. The British had a total of just 3 medium regts with only 48 guns. Even if you're super generous and include all the 4.2-in mortars and 105mm Priests, the total number greater than or equal to 105mm only comes to 84 guns, or less than 1/6th of what Rommel reported. It wasn't the material that did him in - he was just beaten. </font>
  14. I don't follow how it can be open to abuse. If your opponent has submitted a ceasefire he is indicating he no longer wants to continue. How does not accepting his CF change that?
  15. Those are the types I wish I had. Mine usually are the type that sneak up to within 15 meters of a tank, then sit and watch as it rotates, lowers the main gun, and promptly blows them to hell.
  16. "Bump" brings a thread back to the top of the list. It's a way of keeping your topic front and center I'll let someone else tackle the Peng question.
  17. Was the building damaged beforehand? I've known them to drop damaged buildings, especially with 2 charges back to back.
  18. Wow, a blast from the past Sorry, but this tournament ended 2 years ago. We are now on ROW V, but that is booked up solid at the moment. Will there be a ROW VI? Maybe, but we need the PBEM Gods to smile down on us
  19. From the website I just posted: T24 (M9): Used a M3 chassis but was too tall. T35: Used a M4A1 chassis with an open welded turret.1 In trials it proved to be unsatisfactory. T35E1: Used a M4A2 chassis.1 This prototype became the M10. M10: A M4A2 medium hull had a semi-open turret added. The top of the hull was shortened and the armor was reduced to save weight.
  20. Look here. Scroll down to midpage and you will see that both the Wolverine and Achilles were basically the same vehicles as the American M10. When the brits armed it with a 17 pdr it was called an Achilles MK IC or IIC.
  21. No, the Wolverine was the British version of the 76mm equipped M10. The Achilles was the same vehicle but with a much more potent 17 pdr.
  22. I fail to see how this can be the reason for the fall of France.
  23. But what is different from those that post here and the casual player? If anything, the guys asking that pbem not be dropped are by definition casual players. BTW, check your e-mail </font>
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