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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. On a somewhat related note, I was reading up on the StuGs and StuHs from the website I posted above, and was surprised to see that several StuG Ausf A models fought at Gazala and Tobruk. All this time I was under the impression that the only StuGs to have seen service in NA were the 3 Ausf D's issued to the Sonderverband.
  2. Marder III 76.2 mm PaK 36®: Used captured Russian Model 36 76.2 mm L/54.8 gun. By May 1942 120 had been built and all but 3 went to North Africa to serve in the 33rd & 39th Panzerjägerabteilung of the 15th Panzer Division. Marder III Ausf H: Could penetrate 76 mm at 2,300 meters. Deployed in Russia, Tunisia, and Italy with Panzerjäger units of the Luftwaffe, SS, and Wehrmacht. From WWII Vehicles
  3. Currently there is a 3-month backlog on all map request, and its looking like August before we can get around to Normandy again. However, for a small fee we can expedite your order. $15.00 can get you a 2km x 2km Omaha map, complete with landmarks, detailed OOB and briefings. If you order before Monday I can have it to you by the end of the month.
  4. What better place to ask a TD related question than a thread started by Harry Yeide. Does anyone know if the American M10 GMC saw action in the battles around Kasserine pass in Feb '43? If so, which unit did they belong to? The TD Battalion Histories page at Harry's site shows 4 possible candidates - The 701st, 776th, 805th & 894th. Several more saw combat in NA, but either arrived too late or were equipped with different TDs.
  5. The American spotter was added midway through the purchase phase, yet the US spotter shows up first. Don't know why that is, but could explain the American flags. BTW, the map in the original CMBO version was actually bigger by at least a third, and included the 1st Canadian Parachute Bn defending the villages of Breville and Le Mesnil. I design maps like women shop. [ April 12, 2006, 06:44 PM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  6. Simple, really. Take a couple of these, attach them to one of these, and instantly you'll have all the free time in the world. Also works great for passover dinner at the in-laws.
  7. ...you're in the wrong thread, so be a good lad and sod off. This, on the other hand, is for those who would like to sink their teeth into something meaty. It is a CMAK conversion of an Op I recently released in CMBO, although now I've made it into one honkin' big scenario. 65 turns long, 11,800 points total, combination of German infantry and Mech formations from both 346th ID and 21st Pz against both Para and Glider units from Brit 6th Abn Div. You can see pics from the original CMBO map here.
  8. Thanks to Keith and Bert I now have the American briefings but still need the overall and axis side. Anyone?
  9. Carentan springs to mind. Check out Pud's CM bits and pieces
  10. For what it's worth, I have played this scenario, and think that with a slight reduction in map size and number of turns it would have been a perfect candidate for a ROW tournament. Had it been around for ROW III it probably would have garnered the same praise as Tiger valley did for ROW V.
  11. Is it a definte bug, or is the difference in ammo somehow related to the performace of the Italian weapon when compared to the Sten or MP40?
  12. My next one will be small....compared to the entire Normandy campaign
  13. Slysniper was the tourney organizer for out of the dust. It was a CMBO tournament, finished up not too long ago. He had a good run, with (IIRC) no dropouts.
  14. This is to slysniper or anyone else who had played "Panzers in the Peel" for this tournament. If you still have the briefings please e-mail them to me. My address is in my profile. Even if it is only the overall and side specific, anything would help. Thanks
  15. Quick followup question regarding this tank - did the versions alloted to 6th Abn have HE rounds in their ammo loadout, or only AP?
  16. Did any the different ethnic formations you mentioned fight in the ETO?
  17. Which formation were these units found in? Unless I am mistaken, the SS formations that fought in the ETO were either Panzer, Panzergrenadier or Gerbirgsjager.
  18. Hasting's Howards and Courselles-sur-Mer are two that come to mind, but there were for Gold and Juno beaches respectively. Regarding the CMBO scenarios that deal with Sword, but not of the landings themselves, these are the ones I can think of off the top of my head: North of Caen North of Epron South of Sword Ham and Jam The Merville battery First clash at Cambes
  19. These were due in part because the Germans underestimated the quality of the Canadian troops defending Norrey and Bretteville. The officers of the 12th SS were all veterans, yes, but of the Russian front. Meyer, Mohnke, Krausse, these guys all learned the tricks of the trade against the generally ill-trained and equipped Russians. They then get to Normandy, and flush with confidence from their own victory at Buron they go head first at the Canadians in Norrey and Brettville, and have their asses handed to them. Not once, but four times. I believe they lost more Panthers in that 12-hour period than in any other single battle during the Normandy campaign.
  20. You are correct, they were known as the Big Red One. The chart, on the other hand, has them as "The Red One".
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