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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. Oh yeah, and much appreicated. I have "Amy" and "Smith" force on one end (with the remainder coming in as reinforcements), and the better part of KG Wunsche on the other (again with beaucoup reinforcements). 20,000+ Canadian vs 12,000+ German. Needs a few landmarks and of course the briefings, but otherwise she is ready to go. Of course, no one is actually going to play it...
  2. 'La Romola' is up and ready for playtesting. You can snag it from The Proving Grounds
  3. "I crush your head" -the kids in the hall
  4. Ah, sorry then, can't help you there. When B & T moved to its now current location we didn't bring along the CMBO scenarios. Can you send it to me?
  5. Even if you had to cross 300 meters of open ground? 4 MG42 LMGs would ruin anyone's day, even if it were a 16-yr old conscript pulling the trigger.
  6. Infantry screens, both forward and deep into each flank, to flush any ambushes prior to your own armor entering the kill zones. It's also good to lead the armor with a lesser vehicle, just in case the enemy has any AT ambushes or minefields. Make sure this lead vehicle can generate enough firepower to assist the infantry in case they do run into trouble. A good example is the American M17 AA HT, or the British AA Staghound.
  7. The map I am using is a 4960m x 2960m rectangle. It starts just north of St. Aignan de Cramsnil and ends at Cauvicourt and Haut Mesnil. The Caen / Falaise RR runs along the western mapedge.
  8. Good lord, this is going to be one honkin' big scenario! But, hey, someone's gotta do it...
  9. Are you referring to "Tutorial - Relay Race"? If so, it is designed to be played only as the allies against Axis AI.
  10. Thank you. About 2 weeks, but really only a couple of hours of actual time in front of the computer. I plan on doing at least 2 more - Grenadier ridge and Ricasoli ridge. I have 3 already completed and released. Must be a default setting. The screens were taken on a copy of the actual map, but with forces removed and time set to midday. The actual scenario does show the Kiwi flag in the interface.
  11. Yes, put a human in charge of the Germans. A scenario this good is wasted against the AI.
  12. Well then, check it out: This is the view from the Southwest. Map is 1600 x 1120, which is the smallest of my Tuscany maps. The view from the Northeast A closeup of the town from the Southwest And one from the Northeast These shots were taken in daylight, clear weather, but the scenario parameters is night & fog. [ May 22, 2006, 03:57 AM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  13. Why is there a 2-D image of the Achilles TC on the inside of the turret wall?
  14. The video is bitchin'! I am guessing that the view with the pine tree in the foreground is looking east towards the Arno river valley. BTW, with regards to La Romola, does anyone know which subunit from the 4th FJ defended the town during late July? Map is done, forces deployed, and overall and allied briefings finished. Just need some groggy details to add to the axis briefings. [ May 21, 2006, 06:10 PM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  15. Still working on the first - Romala - but haven't forgotten about the second. BTW, the reason for my asking about the Sherman's range comes from this excerpt: From Monte San Michele, the tanks of the Pretoria Regiment were able to fire to down into the valley of the Middle Arno, forcing the German to abandon their positions on the Ricasoli ridge and enabling the neighboring 4th Division to push on. Still trying to find a map that shows both locations.
  16. I envision KG Wunsche being thrown into a counterattack against the Canadian 4th armored in an attempt to slow it down, while KG Meyer and whatever else the Germans could scrape together would try to establish a line along the high ground near Pontigny and Laison river. A big tank battle would ensue, as KG Wunsche collides with Halpenny force in the open fields near Bretteville.
  17. Bored at work, so thought I'd kill time with another off the wall what if. Lets assume Op Totalize was to have been delayed one day. We know that Phase I was a success, but Phase II ran smack into the counterattacking KG Meyer, who happened to be the only reserve the Germans had at the time. However, 2 hours prior to the launching of Op Totalize Meyer was ordered to take his division westward and assist in the defense of the Vire area. What would have been the outcome of Op Totalize, and the Normandy campaign as a whole, if the 12th SS did indeed move westward? To start, this would mean the only thing standing in the way of two allied armored divisions would have been the shattered remnants of the very green 89th ID, backed up by the 8 remaining Tigers of the 101st SS schwere Pz Abt. and assorted Luftwaffe flak units.
  18. My experience is to avoid scattered trees, rocky terrain and soft ground as much as possible, even if it means plotting a longer route around it. If you can't avoid it, using the move command works best. I find that the slower you go the less likely your tank would bog. Another useful trick is to have one tank follow the other about a turn behind. If the leader bogs the follower can push the leader a short ways, which is usually enough to unbog the leader. Sorta like pushing him out of a patch of deep mud.
  19. Sure you can. Just follow the same directions as above. You can open and modify any scenario with the exception of those that were tournament saved. One thing I would caution against is modifying someone else's work and releasing it to the general public without the original designers consent.
  20. Click 'scenario editor' Click 'unit editor' Click unit you want to change Click 'edit' Click the 'standard name' box on the right and choose 'special name' Type in the new name Done Note that each unit has a default rank prefix (Sgt, Lt Col, etc) which you can not change or omit. So if you wanted to change a Lt Colonel Smith to General Jones the name in the game will show up as "Lt Col General Jones".
  21. Both are available 100 for small flags, 300 for large Familiarize yourself with the various commands, as some are brand new and others which have the same title (and hotkey) as those in CMBO do not function the same way. For instance, the sneak command in CMAK is the crawl command in CMBO.
  22. Stoat, Do you still have those Barry Manilow and Culture Club CD's? I may have found a buyer for you.
  23. The pbem files are sent as attachments via e-mail between the two players.
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