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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. Consider also that the Zook made its debut in NA, where the majority of Axis AFVs were MkIIIs/IVs (minus skirts) and Italian deathcans, and didn't see much in the way of upgrades. What the US was using in the Ardennes was basically the same weapon as was used in Tunisia.
  2. A ballpark average would be 3-6 battles of 20/25 turns per. That is based on what I've seen out there. The max the editor allows is 20 battles at 60 turns each. Unfortunately no.
  3. I think it is the highest ranking commander of the attacking force which has this capability
  4. Move the unit close enough so that the command line switches from its parent platoon HQ to the company HQ.
  5. Another useful feature is to assign them parts of other commands to create mini-platoons for special assignments. For instance, if an enemy unit is defending in a trench and I happen to have a platoon + company HQ available I would break off the strongest squad (or even split a couple of squads and take the SMG-equipped sections) and assign it to the company HQ. Now you can supress the trench defenders while flanking with your mini-platoon. When it come time to assault the mini-platoon will go in under command, while also benefitting from whatever bonuses the company HQ has.
  6. Go west, young man! 1:100,000 Topos of Russia Click on the index.gif at the bottom of the list to first get your bearings. Looks like Kalach-a-Donu is in the 'M38' section, right around the 43.5-long / 49-Lat coordinates. Click the back button to get into the M38 folder, and start rooting around until you find the right map.
  7. Give them an advance order, preferably not under fire, and more likely than not you'll hear the squad leader yell "Everybody advance"
  8. That's easy. Simply make multiple copies of Emar's "Blut und Ehre", rename each copy to whatever area you are interested in (for example Carpiquet) then edit the map down to size. Repeat for other areas. That monster map alone would include most of the battlefields north of Caen, and cover not only the Canadian drive on Caen on D+1, but Operations Windsor and Charnwood as well. Once your done there you can repeat the entire process using The Devil's Adjutant's "BCM-Operation Epsom" Map. This is another huge, but highly realistic looking map of the Scottish corridor. In addition, there are a series of excellent maps done in CMBO by the Desert Fox which cover the battlefields around Villers-Bocage. Any of these can easily be converted to CMAK using Pyewacket's map coverter. I have used a portion of his Villers-Bocage map for my "Caged Beast(II)" scenario, and have also converted his "Halpenny force" Operations map to a CMAK scenario
  9. Any chance you can e-mail me the pack? For some reason CMMODs hangs up whenever I try accessing any of the pages.
  10. In "Steel Inferno" Michael Reynolds describes the British decision to halt the crossing of the Odon during Op Epsom in anticipation of a German counterattack by II SS Pz Corp as "handing back the initiative". Was this a correct move on the part of the British? Note that the British knew of the Germans moves and intentions due to ULTRA intercepts, so they weren't basing their decisions on just a hunch. What would have been the result had the British gone ahead and sent 11th armored across? Would this move had thrown the Germans off balanced? My second question relates to Operation Goodwood. Following the disastrous first day the British consolidated their meager gains. Michael Reynolds states that the following: "Although both the forward british armoured divisions had full strength infantry brigades available and in the right place, neither attempted the one operation whihc the Germans were dreading - a night attack by infantry" Why were the Germans dreading this attack? What would have been the possible outcome had the British infantry attacked that night?
  11. Take a gander at the grown men in Gyrene's fora and ask yourself if there is hope.
  12. Excellent stuff, thanks again Is "Leichtgeschutz" German for light gun? Would this be a recoilless rifle or Pack arty? As to the date, it is the last week of July / first week in August '44. The place is south of Florence, Italy.
  13. Bismark sank HMS Hood using this method. In fact, the British were well aware of the danger to such fire on Hood, who being a battlecruiser was more lightly armored then Prince of Wales. This led to the decision to close on Bismark as quickly as possible to minimize the danger, and thus Hood and PoW came in nearly straight on while the Germans were able to use their full broadsides.
  14. Do what the Russians historically did. Place 4 T34/85s 100 meters in front of the Panther and then run the test 300 times. Ammo should work fine now.
  15. What range? The effectivness of T rounds drops off after a certain distance / angle What are the other parameters? Both crews equal experience? Both tanks facing each other so spotting and LOS is not a factor? What do you mean by 89% casualty? 267 out of 300 times the T34 dies?
  16. I agree. For instance, I was once looking for info on Tungsten round availiblity in the ETO and accidently typed 'Twistys.com' in the address bar. Lots of cool grog stuff in there.
  17. Contact the sales guys at BFC, they might be able to help you get a manual. In very rare cases you may get a hit on an enemy infantry, but it is hardly worth the trouble. Save them for light vehicles, such as enemy HTs, Armored cars and the like. In a pinch you can also plink away at enemy guns. They won't kill the gun but sometimes does rattle the crew. The 50mm has enough punch to fire up a Marder, you were just not hitting the vunerable portions. A direct hit in the fighting compartment, where the ammo is stored, would send the Marder crews home in a shoebox.
  18. Excellent! Can you tell me what assets the Werferbtl.1 had during this time, and if they lent their support to other divisions of I FJ Korp?
  19. You can't edit a squad's hand grenade supply, nor the number of smoke discharger a vehicle can carry. You can edit a squad's overall ammo count. Simply open the editor, choose the scenario, got to the unit purchase screen, click on the unit and then click the 'edit' button bottom right. You will be taken to the unit's edit screen, where among other things its ammo load can be increased or decreased.
  20. Looking for any info on what assets were controlled by I FJ Korp during the period July/August '44. This Korp was responsible for the defense of Florence, Italy, and had unde its command 29th PzGr, 4th FJ and 356th divisions, plus attachements. The Axis history factbook shows them having its own arty regiment of 3 battalions. What type and how many tubes? Any Werfer units under command? Thanks, man!
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