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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. All or Nothing features both the Challenger and Comet, although the latter is in a reinforcement group set at 5%, so it may take a bit before you see it. Not to worry, there are plenty of other toys to play with in that scenario.
  2. M4/76. The cast hull and lack of muzzle brake gives it away. p010694 is a good view of a 'fly. Can anyone tell me what the tanks in p000622 are used for? They look alot like the process vessels we use at our Pharm plant. Is p001135 a captured Puppchen?
  3. This was posted over at the Axis History Forum: Normandy Photos Check out the p011078-082 series of photos. KT from the 503rd s.Pz.Abt? Doesn't look like a Porsche turret. p011087 is the famous photo of Major Currie at St. Lambert-sur-Dives, with additional pics from that battle further down the list. The p011194-210 series is of aerial photos of what I assume to be the aftermath of the Falaise pocket. StuGs, Mk IVs, Flak 88s and assorted transports all scattered about. The color photos start in the 300 series.
  4. But isn't MG jamming a problem with the firing mechanism, and seperate from barrel overheating?
  5. I'm probably wrong on this, but wasn't the water jacket meant to cool the barrel? Vickers MG
  6. Hasselt, which at one time I dubbed it "the unwinnable scenario", but have since changed my mind after playing the Maltot conversion.
  7. Hasselt, which at one time I dubbed it "the unwinnable scenario", but have since changed my mind after playing the Maltot conversion.
  8. Open the CMBO editor While holding down the 'Shift' and 'Ctrl' key click on load briefings You will now be asked to load the briefing into a new location of your choice. Choose new location (I prefer desktop). Click 'Save' 3 times, one for overall and two side-specific briefings. Open briefings and edit if needed. Open CMAK editor and load briefings. Enjoy new CMAK conversion.
  9. I once made Yorkshire pudding in 6th grade.
  10. Excellent! Now be a good lad and walk the countryside around Gavrus for me, only this time keep the measurements to inch/feet.
  11. A scenario with infantry and tanks? Yeah, I played that one before.
  12. BigDuke6's AAR for Across Moltke Bridge comes to mind. So does Tabpub's one for South of Vevi.
  13. To be honest there are no multi-turreted vehicles in the game. The Grant has one turret and one hull mounted gun, same as the Lee (really the same tank but different turrets) Some others that fall along the same turret/hull gun arrangments in CMAK are the Italian M11/39, The Churchill Mk.I and Churchill Croc. Not sure if the Sherman Croc is available in CMAK. Edit: I stand somewhat corrected, in that there is a vehicle in CMAK which does have multiple turrets, or at least did in real life. The British Cruiser Mk.I (A9) has a main turret with a 2pdr and two smaller MG turrets on either side of the driver. However, I don't think the game treats these as independent turrets, but as regular forward firing hull MGs. [ July 06, 2006, 10:25 AM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  14. I redid the Alpha battle in a Tunisian setting. The scenario is titled "Going to the Oasis" and is available at the Scenario Depot II
  15. It cuts both ways. The larger map gives the attacker more manuever room, and also tends to spread the defender's forces out. The flip side is that there is a lot more ground to cover, which eats up time, and time is almost always on the defender's side in a computer wargame.
  16. Any unit moved off the map is lost forever, regardless of type.
  17. Probably because more often than not this trick backfires. If the attacker comes up on a mutually supported position, or a defender packing a lot of close range firepower, or if one of his attacking halves breaks too quickly, the entire attack falls apart and he is out one squad for no gain.
  18. 220 is far too small a sampling for such an important test. Most folks here expect data from at least 12,000 samples, and even then its considered an average test. To get up to the level of John Salt, Rexford or JasonC you'll need to run +30,000.
  19. Half squads also capitalize on a known CM bug, that of a unit being able to fire at only one target. If a split squad of 5 men each comes up on a defending full squad of 10 men, the defender will concentrate his fire on only one of the attacking halves. The half that is getting shot at will suffer badly, but in the meantime the other half is blasting away for free, and usually that is all that is needed to break the defender.
  20. This may help: 5th Leichte division 21st Panzer division 21st Panzer division again Note the reference material each site lists. This would be what you are looking for.
  21. The scenario is titled "HSG-B-Christmas at Manhay" and can be d/l from the scenario depot II.
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