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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. Play Maltot and curse Andreas. Or curse Andreas and play Maltot. Either way you'll feel the pain.
  2. The Sherman/StuG dance did seem ridiculous, but then again what do you think the response would have been had someone posted a short clip of CMBO showing Stuarts and Greyhounds taking out Tigers with one shot, or an entire platoon charging across open ground towards a dug-in MG42 and not incurring a single casualty?
  3. No doubt the best place is directly underneath the enemy.
  4. Did you rename the scenarios? If so, check to make sure they have the proper suffix, such as .cmg for scenarios.
  5. It only worked because of prior knowledge of what was in front of you, or with regards to AT and AP mines, what is not.
  6. *In a hotseat game, the guy who is not plotting his moves is the designated Beer-getter.
  7. ..and fry your video card. New scenario available for testing at The Proving Grounds. "Dueling Sledgehammers" is a massive ficitional meeting engagement that depicts a collision between Halpenny force thrusting south from St. Aignan de Cramsnil and Kampfgruppe Wunsche driving north to meet them. The map is huge - 2960 x 4960 - and is a CMAK conversion of the Desert Fox's "Halpenny Force" CMBO Operation. Force totals are +20,000 allied / +12,000 German. Obviously, this is not for the faint of heart. The huge numbers of vehicles and wide open Norman fields means this will tax most computers, and the need to micromanage so may units may not be for everyone. Nevertheless, here she be, so have at it, if you dare. Keep in mind that this scenario can only be played H2H. Very special thanks to the Desert Fox, JonS and Gpig.
  8. I still remember testing this one with Smitty. What a game, easily the best CMBB PBEM I've ever played. The Stuka attack was especially memorable: "Oh look, I received a company of infantry and a platoon of tanks as reinforcements" "Oh look, a Stuka is screeching down on my reinforcments" "Oh look, I have a squad and a half left"
  9. One allied infantry divisions which was even stronger than the German Pz and PzGr formations was the 2nd New Zealand divisions. Two complete infantry brigades, a 3-battalion armored brigade, motor battalion and assorted Arty, AT and Engineer assets put it in the same league as the SS-units, but without the organic Werfer attachments.
  10. One notable difference being that German Panzer and Panzergrenadier divisions had at least one HT-equipped battalion in its TO&E. US and CW infantry divisions were for the most part truck-mounted.
  11. Unfortunately, neither phrase produced any results (that I can understand at least). However, the second did produce this neat site. Too bad it doesn't zoom in far enough to get definition for CM-sized maps.
  12. BTW, does anyone have access to maps of the Roupel fortress complex?
  13. You're right, CMAK is missing. Hopefully if we get enough people interested in designing a few scenarios on the campaign the site might include the game in its list. Perhaps this site might spur some to dive into the editor.
  14. Came across this site while looking for info on the Metaxas line: Greek wargame site Click on the wargames tab left side of the screen. See anything missing?
  15. Fictional scenario now available for testing at The Proving Grounds. Medium / 35 turns variable / ~2100 points total. New Zealand units attempt to delay German Mechanized units advancing south from Mt. Olympus. The map is a modifed version of Franko's "Crete2 Rhethymnon" map. Although ficitional, it is based on several engagements that occurred during the allied retreat from central Greece in April '41. This is the first in a series of scenarios I plan on designing for the Greek campaign. Also in the mix will be battles around the Servia pass and Pinios Gorge, the Metaxas line (Thanks to Evzone for the research material) as well as Platamon (you see Jon, I haven't forgotten ) Fellow designers and modders are more than welcomed to contribute their works. Hopefully we can release a pack.
  16. Well, I wouldn't call it work Sadly, it does not depict any Greek forces. I would love to do a scenario or two on the fighting for the Metaxas line, but a) lack any reference material and don't have actual Greek force to work with. Free French does not cut it for me.
  17. Thanks John. The Lexicon site appears to answer my question, at least for the 5Pz.
  18. Looking for info on what types of tanks and A/Cs were in 2Pz during the Greek campaign, specifically for the battles around Platamon, Tempe and the Servia pass. Were the PzIIIs the 37mm or 50mm equipped versions? What types of A/Cs and HTs? Edit: should add 5Pz to the mix just in case. [ August 18, 2006, 05:13 PM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  19. Consider the size and weight of most AT guns, even the early war pea-shooters. Far easier to hitch them to the back of a truck than rolling them up a ramp, securing them, then praying the truck's transmission doesn't fall apart from the stress. They are treated as trucks when being shot at.
  20. The 7th Medium Regiment, RA, with only one battery (of 60-pounders) came under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Weir on the 11th and dug in behind the field guns. That excerpt is found in 2nd New Zealand Divisional Artillery CHAPTER 2 Greece: The Gunners' Campaign NZETC.Org What calibur were these 60 pdrs, and what would be the CMAK equivalent? Edit: Nevermind, my good friend Wiki answered it for me. [ August 14, 2006, 04:49 PM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  21. What are the double tubes placed atop the turret?
  22. Boots and Tracks has Meeting in the Wind, among others.
  23. With the exception of the Wittman fella you guys keep talking about. Everyone knows he was plinked by a rouge Typhoon flying 'off the record'.
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