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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. Having someone's historical inaccuracies pointed out is nothing new, God knows I've seen plenty in this forum alone, but calling someone a "small-minded vindictive rodent of a man" in the process is not the way to do it.
  2. Jon, Is the New Zealand div and 2nd NZ div really one and the same, with just a title change, or are they actually 2 seperate formations?
  3. That the guy's 'facts' may not be entirely accurate is one thing, but to spew the venom as you have is totally uncalled for. There simply is no reason for ripping into him as you have, except for being an asshole.
  4. The Wild Bill version? E-mail me. My address is in my profile.
  5. Most of the time, but not always. I still haven't figured what the exact trigger is, but there are rare instances when the tank or gun will continue firing into the rubble. I believe (not positive) it has to do with how far into the building the target line is projected.
  6. The map legend has a scale from which you can determine the size of the designated landing zones. This may help As would this Utah Beach to Cherbourg
  7. Sorry, all I have from you is Polish push from ROW II and Duel at Dompaire for ROW I.
  8. Sorry, all I have from you is Polish push from ROW II and Duel at Dompaire for ROW I.
  9. I strongly recommend (if you haven't already) that you do an extensive websearch for the article that is titled "The fate of the amphibious tanks". It used to be listed within a Russian army site, which for some reason I can't find now. It contained an excellent write up on the entire battle you are working on, from the preliminary planning phase all the way to the when the last Russian units were destroyed.
  10. By all means, email away. Hopefully you also have the passwords.
  11. An important point that can't be overemphasized, at least in this particular case. The challenge was to get a force of 6-8 German tanks and an equal number of HTs inside the perimeter before the Brits knew what was happening. One option would have been to simply plop them down inside the Brit camp, but that was neither historical nor convincing. After much experimenting I finally chose a plan that called for a small force of Brit tanks to enter the perimeter about 2-3 turns ahead of the German column. They kicked up enough dust to shroud the lead German tank, in this case the captured Valentine III, whose own advance shrouded the following tanks and HTs. It took me well over a dozen false starts before I finally got the timing right.
  12. GAJ described the basic mechanics of how to create the scenario, or others like it. In a nutshell you are playing the scenario in hotseat mode until you reach a certain point (the "surprise"), then turn the scenario over to two players. In "Wolf in Sheep's clothing" the theme was a historical raid by a German armored column on a British laager during the Kasserine battles. Following the forcing of the pass the German 10th Pz division pushed north towards Thala, battling the British 6th armored division along the way. During the evening the British began withdrawing into the laager for the night, as was their standard practice. But the Germans didn't want to call it a day. They sent an armored column up the road about a mile behind the last British tanks. Heading the German column was a captured Valentine III, and when this force approached the British lines they assumed it was a column of stragglers and allowed them to enter the laager. The result was complete chaos. Keep in mind that it can only be done in a tournament-type setting, with the scenario already started and passwords locked. I played the first 10 turns (IIRC) until the moment the German tanks entered the perimeter, then turned it over to the players.
  13. Unfortunately, due to a HD failure it is lost forever. Too bad, really, as I was fond of how that one came out. The opening lines in the AARs, and the private e-mails from the players (especially the allied players) said it all.
  14. Behold! Scroll down to see the Channel Islands fortifications.
  15. There is a picture on the web of a Free French uni carrier during the retreat from Bir Hakeim that shows it packed with nearly as many soldiers as the Stug above.
  16. Looking for playtesters for a large, 55 turn semi-hisfictional scenario based on the German counterattack of the 2nd New Zealand division's bridgehead over the Sillaro river April 16th, 1945. Units of the reinforced New Zealand 27th battalion vs elements from the 4th FJ, 26th PZ and 278th Infantry divisions, plus 504th schwere. Pz. Abtielung. Each side has ~4000 points. Map is 1760 x 1360, mix of small villages / hamlets, farms and cultivated fields. 55 turns variable. Here are a few screenies: This view is from the Northeast looking towards the Sillaro River and the Kiwi's perimeter. You can see that the rail line was cut by Italian partisans. The view from the Southwest, again towards the Kiwi lines. As you can see the ground is relatively flat, as is the case in this region of Italy. This makes for fairly good tank country, but I didn't include any tanks in this scenario. This view is opposite the one before. The rail bridge was destroyed by the Germans just before they retreated across the river. You can just make out the destroyed road bridge at extreme left. This final view is of the town which this scenario is named after. Here is a good shot of the destroyed road bridge as well as the two pontoons thrown up (but not completed) by the Kiwis. A tempting target for an artillery strike to be sure, but I didn't include artillery either. Drop me a line if you are interested in playtesting it. My address is in my profile. Normally I would have it available at the Proving Grounds, but at the moment I do not have any briefings to go with it, and it will be a while before I can finish them. I will include a short writeup describing the general overview as well as each side's objectives in the e-mail. BTW, this should only be played in H2H or hotseat mode. Don't waste it against the AI. Edit: forgot to add that the screenshot parameters were chosen just to show as much of the map as possible, and thus differ considerably from the actual scenario. The game parameters are dawn, fog and cold with damp ground conditions. [ November 19, 2006, 06:30 AM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  17. Could this be due to the huge difference in experience between the two combatants? Assuming you are referring to the Korean conflict, weren't the majority of US tankers considered veterans, while their counterparts green at best? Don't forget the 105mm as well, both in howitzer and gun mode.
  18. It's actually a monorail. Ever since I downloaded the new CMAK patch I've been experimenting with different terrain tiles. You should see the fully functioning drawbridge. 0 to 60 degrees in less than 20 seconds. Almost as fast as me.
  19. Thanks for the quick reply. When you say they retained the 4 rilfe company org does than also take into account the support company that CMAK adds to a '45 Battalion? BTW, the map is coming along nicely, don't you agree?
  20. What are some of the things I should change in order to get a more accurate OOB?
  21. If the calibur, and thus the blast factor, is large enough then artillery does have a decent chance of knocking out a tank or two. However, directly targetting tank with arty it is a waste of a valuable resource. You would end up spending an entire ammo load and *maybe* get one tank out of the deal. Also consider that tanks can move out of a targetted area faster than arty can adjust. Arty is best used to strip the tanks of their infantry screen. Tanks will seldom continue the attack if they lose their infantry support, the exception being an A.I. controlled attack.
  22. The Tiger I was equipped with the Flak 88, which means it was originally designed to shoot down heavy bombers. This was achieved by constructing special ramps which would allow it to elevate its main gun. It also benefitted from being able to tie into the air defense radar network, allowing the turret and gun to be controlled remotely from ground stations several kilometers away. Entire companies of tanks were thus able to lock onto and fire on one target. This was witnessed on September 19th, 1943, when the 3rd Kompanie / 511th s.Pz Abt. brought down 5 Lancasters of 31 squadron, RAF.
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