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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. Guys, stop bumping up these old threads. You're going to freak John Kettler out.
  2. Here's a thread with member #2 (#1 was a no show) Click here
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I would think this the responsibility of the player, as the commander. If his reconnaissance were that good, he would already have dug in. A Meeting Engagement only makes sense to me as fresh contact between opposing forces, and whether or not recon units are involved is up to the player.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> David, Assume your recon screen discovers the approaching enemy 5 minutes before they show up on the field. That is not enough time to dig-in a 57mm gun, but plenty of time to run them up to a patch of woods and hide them. Is this scenario really that unlikely?
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: As has been the basis of my entire argument, if you had cared to read it, the 'front lines' in a Meeting Engagement have only been thus for the previous five seconds. The guns have been tagging along with the armour and infantry, and suddenly the enemy is encountered. Hence the name.The battle starts when both sides realise the enemy is straight ahead, and that's when you have to decide where to put your guns. The guns have no business being there, ready-deployed – they are simply part of your column. Of course it's dangerous deploying guns in the face of the enemy, but I wouldn't call it ahistorical. As previously discussed, Meeting Engagements are historically unusual, but not ahistorical. The problem of deploying guns under enemy observation is inherent in the situation.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Something to consider: Any commander with half a brain would deploy a recon screen ahead of his main force. That screen would most likely locate the approaching enemy early enough to get his forces deployed. That is why everybody starts off a ME in a tactical deployment, not in a marching column. That extra few minutes is sufficient to get guns deployed along likely enemy approach routes (certainly enough time for a pair of 57mm).
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155: To begin a battle with guns enjoying good LOS to likely routes of enemy advance is a characteristic of a prepared defense. That would not be a meeting engagement.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> But what if you substitute 'Guns' for 'Tanks'? Would David had objected if, during setup, Chad had deployed Tanks in the same location as the guns? Is it because the guns were already disenmbarked and deployed? Assume the guns were embarked only 5 meters away from their firing positions during setup, then unloaded, pushed 5 meters and then deployed. Is it still gamey?
  6. Check here: http://www.combat-missions.net/ In the scenario section about 3/4 of the way down. It's titled "A matter of honor" or somesuch. -or- If you don't want to d/l the whole pack you could contact Rune at: :rune@ameritech.net [ 08-04-2001: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  7. If it's happening at night or in heavy fog then it's normal. Troops will target their own due to the low visiblity and confusion of battle. Sometimes they will even fire on their own men. For German SMG squads in particular, the most dangerous thing to them in night battles is not the enemy but the squad advancing next to them.
  8. Make sure to plot down the center of the road with waypoints before and after the bridge, not directly under. An overhead view works best.
  9. Joe, IIRC, there are two versions availible, one of which is a tourney saved. E-mail me and I will send you the regular version. My address is in my profile. [ 08-01-2001: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  10. Just curious, Does the 'A' part contain the Sgt and the 'b' has the Cpl in command? It would make sense for the lower echelon to be rallied by the superior officer when rejoined, but not the reverse.
  11. To become a memeber you must first be added to the list: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=9&t=000477 The fee is $48.00 USD. I accept cash, M.O. and most credit cards. I'll even e-mail you a confirmation once your order is processed.
  12. The larger weapons were intended for high altitude targets like B-17s. The smaller ones had a much faster ROF and traverse, making them ideal for low level jabos like the ones in CM.
  13. Even if the allies headed eastward they wouldn't have bagged army group 'C'. They might have forced it's withdrawal, but all that would accomplish would be to shift the front to the Italian / Austrian Alps, terrain ideal for defense. Also, most of the forces of Dragoon were free French, and I'm sure that played a part in which direction the 6th army group headed.
  14. Juju, You were right all along, the enemy does not gain points from forcing units off the map. After reading about your last hotseat test I decided to run another one myself, only this time I set it up to ensure everyone was either killed or routed off the map. I lined up 6 US rifle platoons (240 men total) along the map edge and advanced them into the jaws of a German death machine (9x HMG, 3x 150mm IGs, 3x quad 20mm Flak, 3x 37mm Flak, 3x 120mm FOs). By the end of the third turn the AI surrendered (I wonder why). The butcher's bill was 152 casualties (30 KIA), 1 captured, and 87 OK.
  15. Juju, I was mistaken when I said there wasn't any Canadians listed as 'OK". Turns out there were 41. The final score was 97 / 3.
  16. Juju, Here is the force I started out with for the Canadians: 1 Rifle platoon 1 Engineer platoon 3 Piats 1 Sherman III 3 scout cars 1 3" FO 1 Vickers MG 1 2" mortar The first three I used for the test, Everyone else I withdrew off the back edge on turn 1. The AAR lists 44 casualties, 13 KIA, 6 captured. No allied units were 'OK', nor were the vehicles counted against the allied total.
  17. I just ran a little test using two platoons of Canadian rifles walking along the map edge in clear terrain, with the Germans in dug-in positions with clear LOS. After 3 turns the entire force either routed off the map, died or were captured when the AI surrendered. The tally was 44 casualties and 6 captured, so troops that rout off the map are counted as enemy casualties. Hope this helps.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I do think they should be made less visible but I have not done any tests to see how visible they are at he moment. Is this an issue?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes it is. Here's a quick test. Medium map, mod trees and hills, clear day. Take a 12 man rifle squad and a daisy chain and deploy them in scattered trees. Now advance on them from a 1000 meters away. Chances are you will spot the DC long before the squad, yet we're talking about the difference between 12 men and 5-6 brick sized objects painted to match the terrain.
  19. He goes by the username 'Admiral Keth'. Here is his address: mailto:admketh@dragonlair.net He's a regular on this forum, so you can contact him here as well. [ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  20. I see that Steve is taking a break from driving an ISU-152 to chat with us homies, so I'm bumping this up in the hopes that he might pop in. Everyone is invited, even Tiger. Grab a brew, take a seat and speak your mind.
  21. Just curious, Can't you transfer Mods like you can scenarios?
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pak40: what's a hole squad? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 12 Courtney Love clones
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