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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. Tanks can, either with a lucky firing slit penetration or flanking the PB and blasting the back door off. The Churchill AVRE is especially good at taking out a PB with it's petard mortar. Best to smoke the PB and run your tanks behind it. Engineers with demo charges are effective, as are zook and Piat teams (although the latter really have to work their way around and hit from the rear). Flamethrowers can make the crew bail out of the PB. Arty is not really effective at killing the PB, but it will chase any protecting infantry away, making the job of your PB killer teams much easier.
  2. Check this out: http://www.armourinfocus.co.uk/afvgal.htm Make sure to stop by the Hetzer, Jagdpanzer IV and the ISU-152M. All are in very good condition and the photos look great. Also check out the Universal carrier. It shows the Brit 3" mortar in storage and the ammo layout.
  3. A search came up with 52 threads on this forum alone. If you expand your search to the other forums you will get more info. Good luck
  4. I gotta ask, when is the last time anyone of us zoomed in on a casualty marker and said 'Hmmm, this needs sprucing up".
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by phurbadorje: One alternative (too late for those already playing) is to narrow the no mans land (buffer) between the two sides. how? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Click on 'create sceanrio', then on 'load', choose Team Desorby from the scenario folder, then click on 'Parameters', go to settings for no man's land (bottom right), change to desired setting, then click 'save'. I'm going from memory so I might have skipped a step or two.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>when i played as axis the AI (correctly)gave me new start lines no farther than actual penetration,and left the allied player in the town as expected....why did it not do so this time?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Just guessing here, but I think because it's an Axis destroy Op the front line will be redrawn in favor of the Germans. The Op has an 80m no man's land, so no matter how far forward the Americans push, they will always be pushed back 80m from the farthest advanced German unit.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ: Abandoned armour is often repaired betwen battles...which actually ENHANCES the continuity!! This will happen provided the vehicle is still within your area at the end of the battle, so to prevent the enemy doing it yuo should advance to capture his hulks, or keep shooting at them until the brew up - you can keep targeting abandoned vehicles to do this.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Not always, as I had an enemy Stug dragged away while surrounded by two full strength Brit para squads.
  8. I have one of Mike sector, Juno beach. No boats, but the action starts right at the shoreline. Drop me a line if you wnat it.
  9. Just curious, given the overwhelming superiority in firepower the Allies enjoyed, how much different would this be to, say, Salerno or Anzio?
  10. IIRC, tanks will only be repaired and sent back to the line if the Op lasts more than one day. So Ops like Villers Bocage won't have any tanks returning to the front.
  11. I know they used for Phase one of Totalize, which was a Canadian op.
  12. I've got to remember to use smilies when posting. People are starting to take me seriously :eek:
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis: One last thing, how can moving targets be killed easier than stationary targets? Makes no sense to me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Just guessing here, but I would assume that the stationary units would go to ground at the first shot, therby gaining some benefit of cover.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Scipio: a) Do infantry know that they hit a mine (maybe that depents on the type of the mine?) [ 07-19-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, but not all at once. The guy who stepped on it knows a second or two before everyone else. Also, the severed leg flying thru the air serves as a useful indicator.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hey, how do I get in the list?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I like drinking very expensive Scotch..hint, hint Actually, It's about time I updated the list. Lots of new members to add. Besides, there is always room on the list for another 'Fish'
  16. I also have a huge scenario depicting the 2nd Panzer's drive towards Juvigny. Anyone interested can e-mail me for a copy.
  17. Nothing makes me happier than watching some guy's 300pt ubertoy roll over my 15pt AT minefield.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rlh1138: Cause I don't know any other way.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Behold!!!! http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=9&t=000477
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aaronb: If it worked, it would be brilliant, but my test just now says 'nope'. So you have to get a company or above, then scoop the company HQ's. Or leave a platoon leaderless - not a good idea.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What part of your test didn't work? I just created a scenario which featured one company HQ, 4 platoon HQs and 4 arty FOs from both sides.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sergeant Saunders: Walker: "spare HQs" Is there a way to buy/get spare HQ units? Was attempting to create a scenario with just a few FO's, but would like to have them in C&C.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think you can, but I haven't tested it fully. You can purchase any infantry formation and delete the combat elements, leaving just the HQs. Would that work for you?
  21. If you only get to talk to one person, make sure its Wild Bill.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tenfive2: Hey Walker, thanks for the info on the 3-inch mortar! Kingfish. Can you clarify what you said about the pattern? Straight line from what point?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> When on-board mortars fire their shells land either long or short, progressively working their way to the target. Few shells will miss right or left. As a result you will see a pattern of craters in a straight line. You can follow that pattern back toward enemy lines and most often determine where the mortars are.
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