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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Commissar: What is the heaviest armor that succumbs to flamethrower fire? Thanks in advance. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, it seems like the very first scenario I played when I got my game back in late June, a flamer was hiding in a building (unbeknownst to me) when I drove a Panther G up the road towards it and then all of a sudden out comes some flame from nowhere and "catostrophically" blows up my Panther. And I was like "Damn!" Don't know about if they'll work against Tigers or JgPzs. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by patboivin: I haven't been able to use flamethrowers successfully either, except maybe to blast a building, to make sure the enemy wouldn't be able to use it. (I know it's gamey, and I remember the long thread about that, but I couldn't affort to let my opponent walk into that building!!! )<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What's gamey about that? If it is part of a plan, then I say "Go for it."
  3. Well I've had a home PC for almost 10 years now. I've learned computer mechanics from the good ol' days of DOS 5.0, Windows 3.1 and so forth. But one thing I have never been able to pick up on is this HTML stuff since the was really no such thing as the World Wide Web when I was in school. So in order to remedy this situation, I am currently enrolled in a Web Design class out at my local junior college. My mid-term project is to create a 5 page website of my own choosing. So of course, the obvious choice was to create a site to display my mods that I have done for CM along with some personal information. I have purchased Microsoft Front Page 2000, the same program we use in class, to do my website work on so it should be pretty good when I get it done. Now concerning my mods, I have quite a few mods that Madmatt has never posted. All of my "winter" mods are meant to be used together. Because they follow the same style and they all look good in-game (which is the important thing). Also, I tend to modify them occasionally and so those new versions are never seen in public. So stay tuned and I'll let you all know when the MAXIMUS COMBAT MISSION MOD SITE goes on-line. I will also gladly host other user mods as well. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KiwiGrunt: Just curious, why is TCP/IP taking so long? Its pretty much a standard feature of this type of game these days so I wouldn't have thought the coding would be such a big deal.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think the main delay or prolonging in getting this completed is just the complex way CM handles its turn/execution phases as opposed to other games like RTS's and RPGs. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DukesterMM: I got the demo version of CM and want to a few things to see if they were fixed up. 1) In the demo, if a troop was in a fox hole it would be on the same level on the terrain as every other unit, just he'd be on a brown "spot". Is this still the same?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, it is still the same. That is just the graphical representation of foxholes. The appropriate modifiers are still modeled correctly though. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>2) In the demo you could shoot through houses, this still the same?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What exactly do you mean? If you mean that it appears that you can, again, that is just graphical representation of a house. The house may be in a slightly different location "inside the code" than what you see on the screen. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>3) Lastly, is there more of a hit detection feature now? In the demo if a unit was killed he would disappear and if he was hit he would sometimes bounce back a bit. Is this still the same? thanks.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This sounds like you're still playing the Beta demo where eliminated infantry would just disappear. Since the Gold Demo, the eliminated infantry units would leave a "eliminated" icon where the last man fell. This icon is the exact same uniform of the unit that was eliminated except that it's laying on it back with one leg up and bent at the knee. The animation of infantry getting hit is still there, they "bounce back" as you say. And if you are still playing the Beta Demo, the infantry running animations are entirely different than they were in Beta Demo. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds... [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 09-30-2000).]
  6. It means that Steve, Charles, and now Matt and Dan can do all those sacrificial things that they've always desired to those hamsters and gerbels. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  7. No, no fellas...that's not what he's talking about. The problem is that his computer (and CM) is confused on what video processor (card) to use. He needs to figure out how to disable the integrated board so that his computer will only use the new Voodoo4500. Other games however, may have a config where you can tell it which card to use, but unfortunately CM does not have such feature. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  8. Me thinks the easiest solution to this would be to add a automatic command delay penalty to all Soviet tanks. Say an automatic 10 second delay? Should be easy enough to implement in the code, wouldn't you think? ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  9. Hasbro's Squad Leader game is nothing more or nothing less than Soldiers at War 2 ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  10. Somebody mentioned the PzIII? or [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 09-30-2000).]
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rollstoy: Pillar, where did you get that pre-release screenshot of CM2?! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> At 3D-Model Mother.com ie. A picture from that site: ----------------- All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds... [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 09-30-2000).]
  12. Nevermind. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 09-30-2000).]
  13. I don't know guys, I kinda agree with 'danielh' here. I just tried playing the Villers-Boccage operation and I got all my Tigers waxed within turn 10 I believe. Oh I knocked out several tanks, but my Tigers were getting knocked out by cheesy shots that should have "realistically" bounced off. Hell, one even went up in a "catrostrophic" explosion. Whittman's Tiger got its gun damaged within the second or third turn by a long range shot from something further in town. But the others were getting knocked out by side shots while they were trying to traverse their dead slow turrets to face these pieces of **** Cromwells. Now while playing the Tiger's Corner scenario, I was getting bushwacked by 57mm-AT guns. I mean, Com'on!!! ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds... [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 09-30-2000).]
  14. <LI> Frame up your screen. <LI> Press "Print Screen". <LI> "Esc" out of CM. <LI> Load up a photo/paint program. <LI> Click "Edit" <LI> Select "Paste" <LI> Select "As a New Image" Your welcome. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  15. **Golf Clap** **Golf Clap** No but seriously, Madmatt's cranium needs something to help it grow. But it's gonna be a good thing to see the Battlefront.com website get the major overhaul it deathly needs. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds... [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 09-30-2000).]
  16. For people that continuously make mention of BTS being bought out by some bigger company, PLEASE read the Battlefront.com Manifesto! The main thing is that Charles and Steve were both employees of the bigger companies and they got tired of the big companies' marketing execs throwing out unreasonable release dates. So they broke away and formed their own company to do their games the way they wanted to. Just because BTS did not go "retail shelf" with Combat Mission, don't think think for a minute that they regret it. In fact, BTS is laughing their asses off at the big companies for their publication practices. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  17. The Enter key works fine for a password. Besides, for a PBEM game, you're the only one that is going to see that particular file anyway. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 09-25-2000).]
  18. Actually you could find the night sky .bmp's and load them up in a paint/photo program and click down their brightness or contrast levels. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  19. Actually guys this phenomenon is a feature of the game itself. I think it is mentioned in either a readme from one of the patches or the manual itself. In any event, I remember reading it somewhere, where a tank that is rotating will not fire. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  20. A tip from another thread said that a way to make the AI attack better, especially if they have to cross a bridge, is to make the defender's side of the map "friendly" to the attacker. This makes the AI Attacker more aggressive because it makes it think that it can reach safety by heading that way. So like you're designing a scenario where one side is supposed to advance across the board in trying to move on to another "sector" make the "Exit zone" the friendly side. I'm not certain that this will work for all situations but the original "tipper" said this technique did substantially improve his scenario. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gen-x87: CM looks abosulutley beautiful at 1600X1200X32 Gen<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 32-bit color? CM supports only 16-bit color. Ha! You new guys make me laugh. Upgrading to a Voodoo 3? That's like upgrading to a PII when there are PIIIs available. One hint: go to at least a TNT based card if you want transparencies. My system specs are as follows: Celeron-433 128MB-100MHz SDRAM 32MB TNT2 Ultra SB Live! X-Gamer 4.8x DVD drive I'm looking into the possibility of upgrading to the top-end Celeron II chip. Me thinks it's a 700MHz now. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 09-20-2000).]
  22. Oh COM'ON you sissies! You guys make me sick about being offended by a curse word being used to emphasize a particular (****ing) point. The point is that most of us ARE adults, and if you can't take the use of a "wordy-dird" everynow and then, then go back and crawl under your rock and let the rest of us enjoy life. Geez, I can't believe you ****ers some time, and I don't even come around here much anymore. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  23. Still getting piss-poor reaction and response to your website? Do a spell check on your site. I'm tellin' ya man, a horribly mispelled web site is not good P.R. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: If Maximus and Tiger want top billing, they can open their own web sites.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ha! I plan on it when I finish my Web Design class this fall. Hell, making my CM website is my mid-term project! ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
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