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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wesreidau: Err..where`d the socialist bit come from? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The socialist bit? It's what you freakin' described in your opening post. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Add to that the following facts: EVERYTHING is more expensive here than in The States or most of mainland Europe including cars, clothes, food, beer, cigarrettes, petrol (don`t even start on that one!), housing, well..you name it really. Brit defenders may suggest we have a "free" Health Service - yeah right, check your wage slip and read the amount under "National Insurance"....£70+ month in most cases...ie not free.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's Socialism to a tee, bub!
  2. Finally a guy that truly realizes the glory (or lack there of) of Socialism. I've been trying to tell that to the Canadians for years. Another did pet peeve of mine is that Socialism breeds "lackidasiness", meaning that since the government provides a lot of life's benefits, it leaves little sentiment to work or to better oneslf. Leaving lackluster customer services.
  3. It can be! Just open the Forum in a new window and bookmark that.
  4. Yes, go to the Forum within the Battlefront.com site and then right-click in the forum window and select "Open Frame in New Window". Then bookmark that new window. ------------------ Coming soon to a web near you... The Maximus CM Mod HQ This site will be host to a plethera of mods from myself and others. Please send questions and comments to: davem@shawneelink.net
  5. The uniforms are done. I am currently in the process of emailing them to Dick Reese, owner of the Rugged Defense site over at http://home.wanadoo.nl/edwin.vos/cm/cm.htm ------------------ Coming soon to a web near you... The Maximus CM Mod HQ This site will be host to a plethera of mods from myself and others. Please send questions and comments to: davem@shawneelink.net
  6. I've modified the "casualty" icon from a red cross to a skull and crossbones. Looks pretty cool, IMHO. ------------------ Coming soon to a web near you... The Maximus CM Mod HQ This site will be host to a plethera of mods from myself and others. Please send questions and comments to: davem@shawneelink.net
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: If that doesn't work,....the taking of hostages may need to be considered! Mace<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah, huh, huh, and the first one we'll take is Madmatt. (Since he is now employed by Battlefront) We'll hold him ransom for a CM5: Rising Sun or we'll polish up his bald little noggin bright enough to blind Steve and Charles. ------------------ Coming soon to a web near you... The Maximus CM Mod HQ This site will be host to a plethera of mods from myself and others. Please send questions and comments to: davem@shawneelink.net
  8. I always looked at it as you had to have a substancial amount or even overwhelming bit of force there to control the flag. Because even when you're fighting over it, the flag won't change hands until you've driven off the enemy to where your troops out number and out power them. Because even after you've left a flag behind lines with none of your units there it will revert back to neutral. Which basically goes back to how this game is designed differently than other games such as Steel Panthers or Talonsofts Campaign series in which the main objective is not just a flag rush, but a rush to eliminate the enemy. ------------------ Coming soon to a web near you... The Maximus CM Mod HQ This site will be host to a plethera of mods from myself and others. Please send questions and comments to: davem@shawneelink.net
  9. Honestly, I think the main reason why people tend to admire the German Army of WWII is because of their pure dedication to the cause, not that the cause was right or wrong, it's just that they fought on even when their nation was on the brink of collapse. Such dedication is very rare now these days. Maybe there's something to be said about extreme nationalism. I don't think the hardware has much to do with why people admire the German Army. Maybe somewhat, but I don't really think that's the case. ------------------ Coming soon to a web near you... The Maximus CM Mod HQ This site will be host to a plethera of mods from myself and others. Please send questions and comments to: davem@shawneelink.net
  10. Bump. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 10-10-2000).]
  11. Greetings all, As some of you may know, I made a set of winter uniforms a while back, both German and Allied. Well, They were good at the time, but when the MDMP-2 German uniforms came out, I replaced mine with theirs. This left, of course, my Allied uniforms which were no longer a "part" of the winter uniform set. Well, about a week or so ago, I hi-res'ed all of the uniforms in the game. While I continue to criticize my own work, I have decided to redo the allied winter uniforms in MDMP-2 fashion--Hi level detail retained in the tunics. They look extremely similar to the MDMP versions. So far tonight, I have redone the '45 pattern US Army and Airborne uniforms. I still have the Commonwealth uniforms to go. I'll try to get them done within the next day or so. I'll get them zipped up and if anybody wants them, you can email me when their ready. I'll post here when they're ready. But in the meantime, I can send you a preview screenshot of them, if you wish. Just click my email below and request them. ------------------ Coming soon to a web near you... The Maximus CM Mod HQ This site will be host to a plethera of mods from myself and others. Please send questions and comments to: davem@shawneelink.net [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 10-09-2000).]
  12. Oh man, that HAS GOT TO BE the funniest thing I've read on here and that's saying ALOT! ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  13. First of all, to post an image to the board, it has to be somewhere on the web. Then you use the UBB image tag which is the tag "img" surrounded with brackets []. See this site for help. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  14. Yeah, I agree with the ol' Captain. I downloaded the SS demo before CM was out. I couldn't get any sound out of it for some reason. The whole hit point thing was totally stupid. When a King Tiger can get taken out by a few bursts from rifle infantry, I was like, "This is totally lacking in coolness." as Edge and Christian would say. As for STRAKER giving CM only a 90 rating based on a limitation on what you could mod in CM is totally ludicrous. What else do you want to mod? You can modify everything from the total look of the menus and interface to the terrain, units, and sounds. To add or modify vehicles and small arms fire is NO easy task. You just can't simply add a new vehicle to CM. There's tons of research put into each unit and modelling of real world physics associated with each unit. And for wanting the whole western front time period in CM the first time around is also wanting too much. The base game itself was already a half CD at ~325MB. That's why BTS is going to do all the areas in separate games. The reason BTS did the Beyond Overlord first is because it covered a large amount of the vehicles needed for other theaters. (At least for the German side.) ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  15. What's the friggin' point of just reposting an entire post as a quote with no additional input? ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  16. Yeah, I did this once too. Actually I turned off smoke for a reason...had the the screen full of smoke screen or something like that and then later forgot that I had done that and the fiery explosions weren't there...and I'm like, WTF, and then I remembered, "Ahh, I turned them off."
  17. Kinda redundant don't you think? You can already do this with the Editor although it can't be played with "Quick Battle" mechanics, ie. manual force selections. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis: I'd like to see a 360 turn (or 720 turn) limit on battles. That way you can simulate an entire day of fighting. Plenty of battles in the early Stalingrad battles (Sept 1942) lasted 6 hours or so. Germans attack, pushed back, regroup, attack, pushed back, regroup, etc... In these battles, the russians never got reinforced.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's basically what a CM operation does. Allows a battle to last for a couple days if need be. REMEMBER, CM's scenarios are more or less just "fire fights" or small skirmishes. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pillar: Close Combat 5 Demo out.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So? 2D snore-fest. Bad AI. Need I say more?
  20. I made my neighborhood area. A 1500m x 1500m map. Used a topo map off the internet to do it. However it was at least ten years old and the terrain it showed was way out of date, mainly because a new four-lane highway has come through and the land has changed quite a bit because of it. Whole tree lines and woods have dissappeared due to the new highway. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 109 Gustav: For me, it all started with Over the Reich. I saw the demo of OTR on a shareware collection CD, played and loved it, went to BTS to get the achtung spit demo, and in the process, saw the first pictures of the alpha version of CM. The second day the beta demo came out, I downloaded it (I couldn't use my school's fast internet the first day). I became a member of this forum shortly after, when I wanted to find out how to keep my M18s alive. When the gold demo came out, I got that. It took me this long to order the first version, I only ordered it yesterday. Watching Tiger roll out his great mods convinced me. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Geez, 109 Gustov, you're not hard to convince are you? Been around since the Beta Demo and you just now ordered? I hardly believe that. With characteristics like that, it makes me question one's decision making ability. But anyway....I first saw mention of CM on one of those "Battalion is ready...Are you?" banners back in the Summer of '99. Went to Battlefront.com and CM was only in Alpha stages then and I wasn't too impreesed. Clicked on that banner again in January, 2000 and the Beta Demo had been released for about 2 months. Downloaded it and pre-ordered CM the next day. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds... [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 10-07-2000).] [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 10-08-2000).]
  22. For once, Rob/1 is correct. CM2 will most likely be named "Barbarossa & Beyond." However, that name doesn't fully encompass the Finnish-Russian "Winter War" of which BTS did plan to include. But actually, a name with "Steppes" in it would probably catch it all. CM4 will most likely be named "Blitzkrieg!" Now for a little fun...... CM3 shall be named "Desert Hamsters" CM2 will be named "Ice Gerbels Strike Back." ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  23. Well, I tend to pick my names according to whatever is "floating my boat" at the time of username registration. My first name, as some of you may remember, was "Ol' Blood & Guts", and OH, what a name and reputation it was and became. Now my name of Maximus was of course after the main character in the film, Gladiator, which was a true warrior. But since CM's release and after the CM Borg assimilation of all these new humanoids, I hardly know anybody on this board. I spend most of my time either playing the game or making mods for it. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  24. One other note. The Bow MGs do have and firing arc other than straight ahead, so the hull doesn't have to be pointed in the exact direction of the target for the bow MG to fire at it. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  25. The only way to do it now is through PBEM games. Then you gotta remember which file was the movie file.
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