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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. All THREE winter Panthers are now available. They're not the same (style) as the Panther A up now, but are in-line with the rest of my mods. They look great in-game though. My mod making method is to try to stay within the style of the original textures, so any of my mods look good with what's already there. In other words, no real super realistic looking textures, just good "smooth-gamey" textures. Mainly because my paint program doesn't include the necessary filters to do the super realistic ones. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  2. Yes, Tiger is correct. Just go to the 3rd Party Section and then to the Winterized German Tank section and my Panther Mod will be there. It includes all 3 winterized versions of the Panthers. The PzV-A, PzV-G, PzV-G(late). They are all a total reworking of the camo scheme. I changed the color of the greens repectively in order to get a distinction among the three types. Madmatt has had these textures a while, just check the date in the readme when you download it. PS. BTW-Tiger, the name's "Molinarolo". ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds... [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 09-17-2000).]
  3. ATTENTION, ATTENTION!!!!!! I have winter textures for just about all the German stuff. I have done a whole set of Winter Panthers, it's just that Madmatt hasn't posted them yet. Don't ask me why. I also have a winter JgPanther as well. And even one based on the MDMP-2 JgTiger as well. Edit--Well, that one's not quite done yet. Got base colors done, just need to white-wash it out. If you want these, email me at davem@shawneelink.net ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds... [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 09-17-2000).]
  4. In all honesty, I think why some people are a little skeptical about buying CM is because the way it is marketed, ie. via the Internet. But the answer to that is very simple. Read the Battlefront.com Manifesto which is located here. When in fact, most retail store-bought games are a bunch of crap that the big software companies push out the door for a cheap buck. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  5. I would think for an indefinte time period. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  6. Oh, com'on Matt, get some of those new mods up that you got stashed away on your HDD. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  7. What's an "arr"??? ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  8. Actually I have been thinking about this lately too. I was basically wondering if BTS could make any further tweaks to the Operational and Strategic AI. The Tac-AI is pretty much on target now with the v1.05 patch. However, I *still* do see some eratic behavior at times. Namely the "breaking" of infantry units under fire when they haven't even taken a casualty. If there was a way to improve the Strategic-AI and Operational-AI to offer an increased effort in a computer attack then that would be most appreciated. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  9. Hasbro's Squad Leader sounds like a game my uncle would buy. He also bought Beachhead 2000 which he thought was fun. But which in turn he bought the Sid Meier's Civsil War Series. Basically this new Squad Leader is a toned-down, politically correct, Soldiers at War II. The travesty is that Hasbro is using the AH licensed name of Squad Leader. And from which Hasbro absorbed AH, I think their intensions were exactly that as to throw on the well-known name of Squad Leader and produce another crap game to make a cheap buck.' But don't worry, the game will probably be in the bargain bin in a matter of a week or two. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  10. Ok, one more time. The major issue is here is the difference between world economies which dictate exchange rates. Exchange rates are based on the respective countries' economies compared to other countries. Which in turn is based on the style of government, whether it be capitalism, socialism, monarchy or communism. Now lets review what each of those are. Capitalism is a government and economy system based on the life-dream. Which is work hard to earn money to which to spend on life's needs and wants. Upon all the hard work going on brings consumer services and high production. This tends to make the currency strong. Socialism is a government/economy where the government supplies free services to everybody to which discourages hard work. Whether it be medical care, or whatever. These free services come back to bite the public when trying to pay for thing that are global needs such as gasoline. This leads to weak currency. Communism is a government that provides equally to all according to one's needs. Well who decides what one needs. The government. With very few people working, there is little consumer goods to be available. This of course leads to VERY weak currency. When the Russian Prime Minister makes about $16,000 USD annually, that is just barely making it in the States. Communism has been proven time and time again that it doesn't work. So to see pirated copies of software in Communist China doesn't surprise me at all, cause what would a retail version cost? Several Thousand Chinese dollars? So the bottom line is that if you don't like the high prices of world commerce in socialist countries (including Australia), MOVE to a capitalist country where people earn what they're worth. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  11. So really what we have here is just a bitch about exchange rates. Well, TOUGH ****-SKIES. That's just the way the world works, or doesn't work...whatever ever way you wanna look at it. Please refer to my post at the top of the page.
  12. Oh this is a totally stupid thread. First of all, the cheapest new game on the shelf in the States is about $40. With the most expensive being $60. So with CM being $45 + S&H is pretty damn reasonable to me. So if you're complaining about the low value of your currency. It's not our fault. Maybe its saying something about world economies: Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism. One thing I notice about Socialist economies is that their governments gives away money for weird reasons. When this occurs, it tends to drive the value of their currency down. When people have to earn their money, it tends to make the currency strong. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  13. OH GREAT, another good thing that Yahoo can **** up. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  14. Yes, yes....another new Mod from your's truely, "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus". Oh it's true, it's true. For those who don't know, my original handle was "Ol' Blood & Guts", but due to a server breakdown, I was forced to change my name to "Maximus" (just after I saw the movie, "Gladiator" ) But anyway, some of you have emailed me for a copy of my new and improved Panther G (late) texture. Well, I received a comment saying that it didn't quite go with the other Panther textures. Well I had already come to that decision myself after comparing them in the editor. So I started working on the regular Panther G model immediately. The final result is about the same as what I did for the "late" model. So this is where I came up with the mod name of "Jungle Cats" because they have the camo pattern of basic military fatigues minus the black. I'd post a screenshot, but do not have a site of my own......yet. I'm currently taking a Web Design class to learn how to do this HTML bull****. In fact, my mid-term assignment is to create a site to publish my textures. Probably will be on "geocities.com". This new file has been sent to Madmatt, so it will eventually be posted, but if you really, really want it now email me at davem@shawneelink.net . The file is roughly 1MB, so I'll try and wait till I get several requests to send it. Now for those of you who have already gotten my "late" texture, this new file contains an updated version that has a colored under hull (between the treads and upper hull) along with more muddier look. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds... [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 09-14-2000).]
  15. IMPORTANT NOTE: The increased visual spotting around bocage has been increased since the v1.05 patch. ie. LOS thru Bocage has been extended. Why? I'm not totally sure. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  16. Tiger, That looks a hellava lot like my new "Jungle Cats" mod. I have sent it to Madmatt and several other have received my Panther G (late) texture. But I have redone the Panther G as well in a similar fashion so it doesn't clash as much with the "late" model. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  17. Well, the main difference between CM and ANY OTHER game out there is the awesome support for the game from its developers. The game is has only been released for only ~2.5 months now and it has had 5, count'em FIVE patches, to fix and tweak the AI and game mechanics. There is no other company that delivers this kind of support. And with a message board with nearly 110 THOUSAND posts in just about a year is phenomenal! The greatest thing about CM is that it is highly and easily modifiable. With not only scenarios, but with new textures and sounds. As for other games, I just purchased Aliens vs Predator about a week or so ago. The game is pretty cool, but it just can't hold my interest as CM does. I think mainly because CM is constantly changing with mods and new scenarios. I myself, as some of you may know, am one of the modsters that is contibuting to the community after being the so-called "(B)ass-hole" prior to CM's release. Since CM's release, I have not come to this board as often as I used to. No reason to really. Just a periodic check of CMHQ is all I need to do to keep up with what's going on. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  18. What's a Tiger II? The correct name is a PzIVB (Konigs Tiger) or King Tiger. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  19. Let's just bump this up one time. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  20. Matt, hope you like that Panther G (late) texture I sent ya. It's a great deal better than the original. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  21. This evening I whipped up a new Panther G (late) texture. It is slightly hi-res. (I sharpened each file, but didn't increase the size of the files.) I have totally re-colorized the model. Every part of the tank now matches with the rest. I have sent it to Madmatt and hopefully he'll post it soon. But if you can't wait, email me at davem@shawneelink.net and I will send it to ya, for it isn't a very big file. Just slightly under 500K, I think. Just a note, the reason why the original model looked so screwed up is that each file didn't use the same background/base color and/or brightness/contrast level. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds... [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 09-12-2000).]
  22. Rob, I see you still can't spell. Son, I suggest you really get back into school or something. Good spelling really goes a long way in showing credibility. If I were a corporate head and I saw your webpage, I'd be like, "Who's this poor idiot?" Web editors have spell checks. Use them. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds... [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 09-10-2000).] [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 09-10-2000).]
  23. Well honestly, I don't like the new smoke and fire at all. To me, the new fire that came with the 3D explosions mod looks the best so far. What's the deal with that big ugly poofy smoke anyway? That looks almost like the "fast and compatible" smoke option. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  24. GEEZ people, what is there to discuss now that the game is out??? Other than bugs or possible enhances. I've been a member since January, used to be a daily visitor and put up my share of bull****, but for the most part I tried to help out the new people with their FAQ questions during the demo days. But since the release this board is totally full of bull****. I totally missed the Jochen Peiper cherade, and you know what, I can't believe you people took him seriously. My God people, if he is a kid, namely a 14-16 year old teenager, COM'ON!!! I would have laughed in his face. Or feed him one whole Regiment of my Army of , the veteran members know about those. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
  25. Knocked out a JadgTiger with an M8 in a weak spot in the side of the JagdTiger. The JadgTiger was dug-in, BTW. ------------------ All that sleeps, awakens... All that awakens, hungers... All that hungers, feeds...
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