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Everything posted by Wolfe

  1. No, SDRAM comes only in 168-pin DIMMs. DDR comes in 184-pin DIMMs. They're physically incompatible. - Chris
  2. I would have to assume this is intentional; BTS has known about it for some time: LOS Completely Through a House: **Spoilers for 1 Long Day** - Chris
  3. Ooooh a links thread! Large Request Threads Poll:What add features you wait for in CM2? Little Gems of ideas for CM2 thread What absolutely HAS to be in CM2 CM2: Wouldn't it be wiser... Graphics Graphics suggestions for CM2 CM article - Graphics Gameplay and AI Three little teeny tiny small improvements for the next CM Ideas on how to solve the VL 'problem' in CM2? Gamey option idea for those "Gamey-Tactics" Roster still needed Historical availability of the Puma Better QBs for CM2 QB requests for CM2 unhappy because your tank didn't see the piat? Engineer options during the game Why not 'set range' instead of ambush markers? Spotting in CM2? Editor and Terrain Stuff cm2 scenario editor: stuff that would be nice The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly CM2 wishlist: sewers, multi-dimensional buildings new tiles request for editor Photography mission: Urban Terrain in CM BTS: CM2 Terrain scale? Elevation step changes in CM2 Map feature request for CM2: shell impacted terrain density generation CM2 scenarios, ops, battles, wishlist HEY BTS! A Frustrated Scenario/Operations Designer Speaks Out! (Constructively) New Units Most Anticipated Soviet vehicles for CM2 Add-on pack stuff......BTS The only rightly justified vehicles to be included in a future patch Missing German HT Brumbar, Sturm Tiger, sIG33 Bison, Panther II CM2 and Captured Tanks Equipment wishlist for CM1 Add-on and CM2 What AFV are you looking forward to? Soviet Armor list in CM2 Brummbar in CM2? PzIV/70 vs. Jagdpanzer IV/70 Italian vehicles in CM2? Horses in CM2? Rare Vehicle Poll Minimum Tank list for CM2 CM2 Info....... Been waitin' to post that one. Just for future reference. - Chris [This message has been edited by Wolfe (edited 03-31-2001).]
  4. Actually, it will split its fire unless you give it a specific target order. If you specify a target, the tank will normally fire all its guns (main and MG) at the target you choose. Though I've also seen it spray infantry that is close by even after receiving a specific target order. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. If its main target is infantry, a tank is more likely to use all its guns on that target because it can kill/supress the infantry with both the main gun and MGs. Though if other enemy inf gets too close, it may turn one of its MGs on them too. If its target is an enemy tank, it's more likely to split off one of its MGs to spray inf while still using the main gun and coax to try to tackle the enemy tank. Though if you manually target an enemy tank between turns, it will turn all of its attention to that threat, atleast initially. If the tank duel last for a few shots, your tank may then break off one MG to deal with other threats. Atleast that's how it seems to work to me. BTW, if a tank is hull down, it can't use the bow MG at all. Starting with patch 1.12, the LOS tool indicates whether a bow MG is blocked or not due to the tank being hull down. - Chris [This message has been edited by Wolfe (edited 03-10-2001).]
  5. There's also a winterized Archer in the alliedwintercamo pack. BTW, Manx's mods list has most known mods and where to get them. - Chris
  6. The US/Brit Jeep can pull the: 37mm AT (Airborne) 57mm AT 6pdr AT 75mm Pack Howitzer (Airborne) 105mm Pack Howitzer (Airborne) But don't confuse the 105mm M2A1 Howitzer (which the Jeep can't tow) with the 105mm Pack Howitz. The German Kubelwagon can tow: 75mm Infantry Gun 20mm FlaK (not the Quad FlaK) 88mm Puppchen 8cm PAW 600 - Chris
  7. The germanflags mod also has one. The marker is kinda difficult to see in the game, though (lots of transparent pink). - Chris
  8. Compatibility. Reliability. Life-time warranty. I have had RAM go bad. And even though PC100 and PC133 are standards, compatibility does vary from board to board. You'd be amazed at how many intermittent "problems with Windoze" can be solved by replacing the cheapo RAM in a system. This isn't always the case, of course, but sometimes it really does make a difference. Besides, it's cheap. Get the good stuff (Crucial, Corsair, Mushkin). BTW, Crucial also currently has free shipping in the continental US. Though one good point already made is whatever you buy today will likely not transfer to your next system upgrade. DDR is coming (slowly, but still on its way) and even Rambus is changing specs. - Chris
  9. Nov 44 is also one month before the US gets Rifle-45 squads. And before the Brits get VT arty. Likewise, the Germans don't get the Ostwind, JagdTiger, or Flammpanzer until Dec 44. And have to wait 'til Jan45 to get their Rifle-45 squads. It'll be interesting to see what time period BTS chooses for default PBEMs in CM2. I've been looking through the Red Army Handbook, and the Russians seem to change their TO&E more often than they do their underwear! - Chris
  10. http://www.combatmission.com/mods/germantanks.asp http://www.combatmission.com/mods/germantanks2.asp http://www.combatmission.com/mods/germantanks3.asp http://www.combatmission.com/mods/germantanks4.asp - Chris
  11. Speaking of which: does anyone else collect all the mods they can find? I have most everything (except the largest gridded mods from CMHQ and Michael Dorosh's bitmaps; there are just too many individual files to D/L - sorry Michael). It would be nice if a couple of folks filled some HD space for just-in-case. BTW, there's a Priest mod I've been hearing about now and again - does anyone know where it is? Thanks. Manx_CM wrote: Is your email working again? - Chris
  12. Try Kevin's marsh or Tom's swamp mod: http://home.germany.net/101-77027/CM/TCMHQ.html - Chris
  13. Quick tip: If you D/L the two large files instead of the 7 smaller ones, notice the BMPs are recursed into separate directories (folders) within these two zip files. When using Winzip, hit the 'Extract' button and then look for a check box on the Extract screen that says 'Use Folder Names'. Be sure this box is UNchecked before extracting. Otherwise, the files will be extracted into 7 different subdirectories instead of just 1. Thanks for all the hard work, guys! - Chris
  14. Hey! Pretty cool. I had an Elite Churchill VIII (95mm gun) that could have as many as 3 rounds in the air simultaneously. It was firing at a target 3800m away. - Chris
  15. http://www.bigtimesoftware.com/images/mgvsht.jpg This is against HTs, but gives some idea of the penetrating power. The .50cal can even take out Hetzers and StuGs from the side and rear at short ranges. And I ran some tests vs. a few vehicles for my unit database: http://users.erols.com/chare/cm/ - Chris
  16. Actually, Tiger did do the Challenger previously: weatheredbrits2 Hear! Hear! - Chris
  17. Yep. Looking at the *combined arms* rather than just isolating certain units and comparing them is the best way to analyse match-ups. But be careful when pitting US paras against FJs. This can be one of the worst pairings you can have for the US side. There are two reasons. One is the lack of armor. FJs have access to StuGs. US Paras do not. The other is the extra support points that must be expended in order to buy infantry (you always get organic MGs and mortars within each US platoon) ends up restricting the number of infantry units you can buy. Even buying them in separate platoons doesn't help the US player out much. Here are the points allowed for a 1000pt combined arms meeting engagement: Side Inf Sup Veh Arm Arty Fort Axis 620 248 250 200 150 0 Allied 560 252 200 300 187 0 The German player can afford (all Regular units) 2 StuGs, 1 FJ Co (comes with organic 81mm FO), 1 FJ Plt, 1 81mm FO, and 6LMG. The US player can either buy one Para Company or 4 Glider Platoons. Because of the limited number of support points, you can't afford a full Glider company. The 4 Glider Plts are better than the 3 Paras that come with the Company, so I'll go with that. Max out the Arty category with either a 75mm and 81mm FO or a single 4.2in FO. You can't get any armor, but you still have a few points for support, so get 1 M1919 and 4 Zooks to hopefully deal with enemy armor. You now have 83 points left, and nowhere to spend it (except on a few Jeeps). You could substitute 1 57mm AT (and a Jeep to tow it with) for 3 Zooks, but I don't think that would be a good exchange most of the time. Your infantry is reasonably matched up (especially when you consider the US support units). And the Arty is fairly even. But the lack of armor is a real concern for the Allies, especially if you're not playing at night or in fog. Also, the German player has access to HTs. So you can substitute 3 251/1 HTs, an 81mm Mortar and an extra LMG in place of those two StuGs if you wish. The US player doesn't have this flexibility. The lack of tanks and the limits on support points can really hamper an Allied player's choices when playing with paratroops. Especially when facing a well-balanced FJ force. Paratroops are not necessarily the automatic answer when facing FJs. Incidentally, the US player can make things a bit easier on himself by restricting the force type to 'American Airborne'. This will give you 1000pts for infantry, 500 for support, and 225 for arty in a 1000pt ME. You still won't get any armor, though. BTW, anyone using those charts should re-download them. After reading this thread, I found and fixed a few errors in the German weapons column in the infantry chart. Sorry 'bout that. - Chris [This message has been edited by Wolfe (edited 02-25-2001).]
  18. JagdTiger is available from Dec44 on. The 88mm PaK43 and PaK43/41 (as well as the 88mm FlaK) are the largest German AT guns in the game. The largest field guns are the 105mm How, 105mm Recoilless (maybe not technically a field gun), and 150mm Infantry gun. - Chris
  19. Try: http://users.erols.com/chare/cm/ - Chris
  20. Carl Orff's Carmina Burana comes to mind immediately. I like the Jochum on Deutsche Grammophon. Verdi's Requiem: Solti and the VPO on London (Decca) records is very good. Mozart's Requiem. Also, Beethoven's 9th Symphony might fit here as well. Karl Bohm with Gwyneth Jones and Jess Thomas on Deutsche Grammophon is my favorite 9th. But I think it only comes as a two-fer now, along with the 3rd Symphony. Warning: there is another Bohm 9th out there with Placido Domingo and Jessye Norman on DG that isn't nearly as good as the older Bohm recording with Jones/Thomas. Soundtracks? A different war, but the soundtrack to Glory is good. As is the Conan the Barbarian soundtrack. - Chris
  21. The reasons for the PzIV winning are likely: it has both a lower silhouette and higher muzzle velocity, giving it a better chance of hitting the Sherman-75 while avoiding being hit. This can be a *huge* advantage in any duel. Also, one of the things I noticed when doing some tests like this a while back, the Shermans' 75mm gun can't always penetrate the hull of the PzIV, especially at distance or if the tank is obliqued. While the PzIV's gun doesn't seem to have quite as much trouble with the Sherman's hull (though you'll still get some ricochets). I suspect folks that are trying it at 800m or more are getting a number of Sherman rounds that bounce off the hull while most of the PzIV rounds are penetrating. If you replace the Sherman V with the Sherman III, the 100% armor rating on the Sherman III's upper hull will induce *many* more ricochets at 800m. Sherm III has 100% of 64mm at 47 degrees. Sherm V has only 85% of 51mm at 56 (effectively 43mm@56). Armor quality matters. Put both sides hull down (so you can only hit the weak turrets) or give the Sherman a better gun (as Lewis said) so it can penetrate the hull more readily and get help with accuracy from the higher muzzle velocity, and the outcomes will change dramatically. - Chris [This message has been edited by Wolfe (edited 02-18-2001).]
  22. Richard Tremblett's Bumpy Grass is nice. Pretty big files, too (512x512 textures). I downsized them to 128x128 for speed, and they still look reasonably good. The smaller textures still have the hint of bumpiness and still contain the color gradients, but don't sparkle as you move across the terrain. Although I am using 2xFSAA with my Voodoo5, and that also helps cut down on the pixel-popping a good deal. - Chris
  23. Most folks know about these sites, but for some info on Russian tanks, try: Red Steel Russian Military Zone Obviously everyone would like to see BTS put as may different vehicles and variations in the game as humanly possible, including lend-lease stuff and captured vehicles (SU-76i (a modified StuG III), T-34 737®, etc.). And I would like to add one other request: a bit better identification of the guns on various units. As someone who isn't a student of WWII history (but has been trying to do some homework), I'd like to be able to figure out which gun CM is referring to on which vehicle/unit. The numerous 76mm Russian guns, for example. It ain't easy to tell 'em apart. L-10, L-11, F-34, F-22, ZiZ-2, ZiS-3, L/16, L/30.5, L/41.5, L/55, M02/30, M1938, M1942. Yeesh. Many of these are different, but some refer to the same gun. The various sources I've looked at aren't always clear in what gun they're referring to. And IDing all the German tank guns (KwK##) would be nice too. I'm still not sure if the 20mm gun mounted on the Lynx is a modified Flak38 L/112.5 or not. Does anyone know of a good reference for lend-lease and captured stuff? I haven't picked up the Red Army Handbook yet. Does this book have info on them? Thanks. - Chris
  24. Check the bottom of this page for sound mods: Manx's Mod List - Chris
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