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Everything posted by Wolfe

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Commissar: woah, are you sure Steve said the textures of the IS-3 were done and not the IS-2's? All indications are that the IS-3 never saw combat in Europe before the war's end and probably didn't even see combat against the Japanese either. What's the rationale of including the IS-3 then? Just for fun like the Sturmtiger? I don't mind but I can see great abuse of this unit which can be argued doesn't belong in an east front game since it most likely never saw action.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Been looking for any remnant of the old thread, but it really does seem to be gone. Oh well. Anyway, yeah I wrote down the units Steve mentioned, even the ones in passing. And that includes the JS3. Hope I didn't get it wrong: the tank mentioned had something to do with multiple textures being finished (or near-finished) for it. Summer and Winter texture sets??? And if the IS3 does end up in CM2, I'd imagine it's kinda like the Super Pershing: an easy unit to do because its based on one that already exists in the game. Change the turret on the IS2, and you get the IS3. Not a huge leap. And that, I would imagine, is one of the main reasons the T-35 isn't in (aside from it being rare): it would be a whole new model. And a complicated one at that. But BTS does seem to be throwing everything they can including the kitchen sink into the game thus far (Ferdinand, SU-76i, SturmTiger, IS tanks; maybe M3 Lee and T-28). All of which is ok by me. - Chris
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SenorBeef: No, sorry, just my post. I edited my post with wordpad rather than on the web page for ease.. so I ended up saving it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Dang. I think that was the post where Steve mentioned the JS3, which is what I was looking to confirm. Thanks anyway. - Chris
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Jarmo, the flak guns (Bofors as well) will be more effective than the 50mm AT because they are much more precise. Open the editor, place scout cars and various guns on a map and watch the hit chance display in the LOS tool. And the flak guns should have higher ROF and being faster in turning (not checked and probably doesn't apply to the bofors).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yep, all good assets. The Bofors can turn 180 degrees in 14 seconds and can fire ~13 times per turn (Reg unit). The 20mm FlaK gun can turn around in 6 secs (11 for Quad). The 37mm FlaK gets around in 11 secs. Both can fire ~15 times/turn (Reg units). And the good muzzle velocity *definitely* makes a difference in accuracy. The 50mm PaK38, OTOH, takes 45 secs to turn 180 degrees! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jarmo: The reason small AA guns are gamey, is that in real life a battalion would only have one company of them (6 guns?).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Still, I really don't see anything wrong with having a few AA assets who fill the dual role of AA and AT. Especially to deal with the occasional opponent who likes the mini-car rush. Just try to avoid the "dozen Sdkfz defense". - Chris
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SenorBeef: This got lost in, I think, the ammo thread that was going before the BB crashed, and anyone could respond to it, so I'm reposting it here.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey! Do you still have a copy of that thread? If so, could you send it my way? Thanks. - Chris chare@erols.com
  5. Try plotting a *very* short Sneak move as their first movement, then run (or move) after that. They'll hold fire until the sneak move is over. - Chris
  6. Because you're fighting at night. Friendly fire can happen at night, even allowing units to target those on its own side. See Maximus' post: Extreme Case of Friendly Fire in CM for how bad it can get (though I don't know that his specifically targeted his own units; they just kinda got in the way). In one lengthy night battle I had to continually switch 2 MG42 teams from firing at their own troops over a period of 15 turns. They were just having too much fun killing their own comrades! Also had a tank target friendly troops and unleash a couple of HE rounds before I could reign him in. Yikes! - Chris
  7. And one more for good measure: Calling all Asskickers and Asskissers ... join the new AKoTM Tourney - Chris
  8. These old threads are all 'broken', so Madmatt locked them up. The Mad One says viewing them shouldn't cause any harm, though. Winecape's megathread calling for suggestions for CM2 and beyond Ye Olde CM2 FAQ Tank extremism, Panther Loyalists and the M26 Pershing What's coming up from Mod makers? Sick of the AI? It's because you CHEAT! Announcing FRANCO'S TRUE COMBAT RULES! 5000pt Meeting Engagement in Progress/AAR Whining about those bloody 37mm SPAA guns again! Armor Penetration of Multiple MGs Shooting at One Target Official Response to the Feature List Thread Information on New Player's Guide: folks interested in contributing, please post Urban Combat Tweak needed for CM2 Threads getting too 'groggy'. Please Stop The Term "Howitzer" Sadly, I couldn't find the one I was really looking for: the Rarity thread where Steve mentions a couple of vehicles including the Sturmtiger and JS3. *sigh*. Oh well. Enjoy. - Chris [ 05-23-2001: Message edited by: Wolfe ]
  9. In the previously interesting Rarity thread, Steve did mention that textures were done for the IS3 tank. And that the M3 Lee and T-28 (even though they're multi-turreted) may make it in via some sort of coding 'hack' (for lack of a better term - my term, not Steve's). The multi-turreted T-35, however is too rare and won't be in. And they're going to try to get the SturmTiger in, despite its rarity and excruciatingly low ROF. Other vehicles mentioned as examples during the discussion: PzIIIJ and PzIV (F2). These were used as examples, which doesn't rule them in or out; I just like grasping at straws. Of course, that's all from memory. I could be wrong, and the entire discussion could really have been about how to properly model horses. - Chris
  10. Thanks. I have a Voodoo5 and doubt I'll be upgrading this year; maybe early 2002. Was just letting folks know they might have another option for improving the look of CM, and was wondering how much of a difference it really makes. The GF3 looks like it might have enough juice to run CM well at 1024x768x32 with 4x FSAA or maybe 1280x960x32 with Quincunx and 64-tap Aniso turned on. *Anything* to cut down on the texture shimmer in CM. The FSAA on my V5 helps a lot, but it can only do so much. - Chris
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Schrullenhaft: It should make a discernable difference<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yep. That's the $64,000. Does it make a difference? Anybody? Bueller? - Chris
  12. Gordon, hate to put you on the spot, but I was wondering if you were thinking of doing a hi-res version of your excellent Churchills? Love the camo pattern! Any chance for a hi-res one? No pressure, of course. Thanks. - Chris
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by engy: I'm not sure if this is the one you are thinking about<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The one with pictures and more complete stats (such as MG ammo listings) is Jason's (Guachi). After coming back from a hiatus Jason said he was going to work on his database to bring it up-to-date with the newer changes through CM 1.12. Don't know if he got started on it or not. And I don't believe anyone is hosting his old version right now. The old ASL site had them, but it disappeared. Mine is up-to-date with CM 1.12, AFAIK. But doesn't come with purty pictures or the more detailed info like MG ammo loadout for tanks or which ones have the nahver-what-cha-ma-thingey, etc. - Chris
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus: Try the scenario "Tiger Trap".<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Wow. You mean people actually play my scenarios? Who woulda thunk it? I even got an email yesterday complementing me on my Crossroads scenario. Two in one day! I'm on a roll! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You will face a HORDE of French troops.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Genghis Khan not included. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>the 150mm Field Gun can do wonders with its huge blast and can send whole platoons running home.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> True, but this unit usually won't last very long. And for ~the same points you can get 3 81mm mortars and an LMG or a VG SMG platoon or an 81mm spotter or a pair if 75mm FOs. All of which will usually contribute much longer and have more of an impact on a given battle than the fragile Infantry gun. Although an Inf gun sitting down in a valley away from the enemy's overwatching units can be quite effective slaughtering his troops as they come over and down the hill. Of course, that's very terrain dependent. And with a limited FOV, he might not even get the chance to kill many enemy units. But they're still fun to play with anyway. - Chris
  15. Good point! Thread over on the Tech board: GeForce and Anisotropic Filtering in CM. - Chris
  16. Been reading through the GeForce3 review over at Beyond 3D and I was wondering: can GeForce cards force anisotropic filtering in CM? Does it make a difference visually? Thanks. - Chris [ 05-05-2001: Message edited by: Wolfe ]
  17. Been reading through the GeForce3 review over at Beyond 3D and I was wondering: can GeForce cards force anisotropic filtering in CM? Does it make a difference visually? - Chris
  18. One of the best uses of sharpshooters is as a simple observer. Sharpshooters have better spotting abilities than other units. So you can place him on overwatch in some scattered trees or move him forward to observe enemy troop movements. Once you know where the enemy is moving, you can pound them with artillery. The sharpshooter doesn't even have to fire a shot to be extremely useful. Of course, if you're the one attacking and your enemy doesn't move his forces, the sharpshooter's spotting won't be quite as useful. Although he can still help with finding hidden enemy AT guns once they open up. - Chris
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Is this a web page? If so, could you possibly direct me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You can find my charts here: http://users.erols.com/chare/cm/ - Chris
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: I didn't mention cavalry for obvious reasons. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Why not? Seriously, there's nothing wrong with having dis-mounted cavalry units in the game. Looking thru Zaloga's Red Army Handbook, Cav Squadrons seem to be the only units that have AT Rifle platoons integrated at the company (er - squadron) level. Other units which have an AT Rifle Plt/Co have them as part of the Battalion structure instead. Cav42 and Cav43 have 4 Platoons (each containing 2 Cav sections) per Squadron along with a Mortar ('42) or MMG ('43) platoon and an AT Rif platoon. Earlier Cav platoons ('39 and '41) integrate the mortar teams into the platoon. And the Light Cav divisions seem to have 3 platoons per squadron rather than 4. Would be an interesting unit. I hope they make it in. - Chris [Edit: added important smiley.] [ 04-30-2001: Message edited by: Wolfe ]
  21. Here ya go: http://users.erols.com/chare/cm/ - Chris
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Before we start a story, let's go through some of the posts and pick out the droppings of information that Kwazydog, Madmatt and the boys have let slip.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Found this one looking for info on captured vehicles: Soviet Armor List in CM2 And I'm 99% certain Dan mentioned the Ferdinand/Elefant as being in already. ... *searching*. Yep, here we go: Kwazydog: ahem - Chris
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Will CM2 feature captured vechicles? TBD.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well there's atleast one: The SU-76i (a Soviet F-34 gun mounted on a captured PzIII/StuGIII chassis) shown in the SimHQ pic. - Chris
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis: I have 4x FSAA on so text whiteout is not a problem. The only problem I have is that for some scenarios (All or Nothing is one of them), my video memory is swamped and the whole screen starts whiting out. Using low res mods instead of high res would help, but I like the eye candy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I used to use 4x at 1024x768 on my V5, but have since switched to 1280x960 in 2xFSAA. The 4xFSAA would slow down larger scenarios too much (along with losing or substituting textures). I don't have those probs any more with 2xFSAA. It's not quite as nice looking and the textures shimmer more (pixel popping) than with 4x, but I can see distant objects better at the higher res. I think it's a pretty good trade-off, myself. Just a thought. - Chris
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stefan Fredriksson: And I like the colors. Looks better than before.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yep, colors do look much better now. Though one complaint I have is with the date color. When it's displayed on the green background, it almost fluoresces, making it difficult (even somewhat painful) to read. Could we go back to the deep burgundy color (#800000) instead? Thanks. - Chris
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