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Everything posted by Ron

  1. What feature is that you are arguing for/against? That you shouldn't have to target a building to suppress the occupants? That you should model an effect based on a TV series? That the game should do everything for you? CMSF tends to model the simulation side of things, perhaps that's why so many seem not to concur with your vision of things.
  2. Let us not forget the multi-page addendum stipulating the correct hand positions while moving, firing, setting up etc. The animations would in all likelihood never be seen from a TRUE wargamer's perspective of level 5 or higher, but imagine the outcry and teeth gnashing, and the subsequent questioning of the developer's integrity if it wasn't modelled correctly.
  3. How did you get CM set to that resolution? I can't get to see anything past 1280x1024 after deleting the prefs even though I have a 1680x1050 monitor.
  4. A little more OT in not being a book, but an excellent documentary on the Soviet experiences in Afghanistan is 'Afghantsi'. It doesn't have as much 'live' footage as I would have liked, but the very brutal and honest interviews more than make for that and really bring home the reality of that war. All the more suprising coming from then still communist Russia.
  5. Should be 420 friendly for the Canadians as well imo.
  6. That would be ideal for sure, but in the world of CMx1 Ops, if I wanted to 'capture' that bridge all I would need to do was move a sizeable force to its general vicinity and then wait until the end of the battle. Voila! Bridge captured and the defender's position totally unhinged by the adjusted frontlines. Frustrating? Don't get me wrong I played a lot of Ops also because I liked them, warts and all, but certain features just didn't work properly in the context of the battle. The reasons for dropping Ops have been stated here and while we may or may not agree, it has been done. Hopefully some of its more useful features will be shoehorned into the current Campaign system.
  7. Dear God man look at that date! Couldn't you have searched further to find something even earlier to hold him to? Aren't you just the tiniest bit aware that things happen to change? Sooo you are fine if BFC keep us informed OR if BFC don't keep us informed, but you are utterly dissatisfied by the attempted combination of the two? Damned if you do and damned if you don't. For all your protestations, I honestly can't see anyone being more concerned with said Normandy release than BFC themselves. When the bandwagon starts rolling we will all be along for the ride....
  8. Isn't that almost always the case with software though? It will continue to develop and leave previous versions behind? Perhaps the real point of concern is the perception that somehow BFC is obligated to include the whole show in one package and if they don't then they are 'taking advantage of the poor customer' or somesuch, ironically it's something BFC has been pointedly clear about since the beginning. If a gamer wants some new feature or UI or modelling aspect from a new Family of games, then gosh-darn-it he will just have to slap down that CC and buy it.
  9. Here's my take: Expect well trained and equipped British infantry. ^ You have a group of dedicated rebels with limited RPGs and medium MGs, but no heavy weapons. Oh, and a couple of IEDs and mines as well. Use them wisely! ^ A small village with a few three story buildings. However, there is plenty of cover for further ambushes. ^ We have stopped the enemy patrol in an ambush. The invaders may believe that only a small group of our heroic rebel forces continue to operate in the area and will try to evaporate as usual when pressed. They do not expect to meet a large and determined force. ^ Ambush the British attack forces and kill as many invaders as possible! ^ Let them snap at the bait - let them choke to death on it. Allahu Akbar! Unknown enemy strength, expect a small group of lightly armed insurgents on the run. ^ Dismounted light infantry. One module of 81mm artillery is available on short notice. ^ A small village with a few three story buildings. UAV flyovers have discovered a trench in the northern part of the town. ^ We have lost a patrol in an ambush. The rebels will probably evaporate as usual, so it's essential to press the attack at once. We suspect that the attack was centered around the three story buildings, so concentrate your attack there. These buildings must be taken from the enemy. ^ This is a straight forward assault. Capture the town and eliminate all opposing forces. ^ Press the attack commander, you have less then 30 minutes to complete the task. God save the queen!
  10. Thanks for the AAR Normal Dude. In your experience how have the cover/concealment parameters changed from CMSF? (if at all)
  11. Yep, too rich. Question: How many disgruntled CMSF detractors from GS does it take to change a light bulb? . . . . . . . . Answer: Change?
  12. Awesome video Other Means, thanks for sharing. It is humbling and inspiring to see. The problem with age is it's filled with ideas and experience and knowledge and fear; it has forgotten the simplicity and wonder of life.
  13. Add me as another who reset their Customer Account on Saturday and still have not received their new PW. The new Forum PW was received immediately. I have battlefront.com added already as a 'safe' sender. Next step - wait some more?
  14. Most definitely am excited about Gary Grisby's War in the East. I have been following this for awhile and it is shaping up to be another classic ala War in Russia. An alpha AAR has been posted recently also. Stardock's Elemental: War of Magic is another I am cautiously optimistic about. It is supposedly the spiritual successor to Master of Magic, but looks to be much, much more. Both games are due out later this year.
  15. Souldierz:there's a nice write-up on how the battles progressed from the link above. There it fanned eastward several hundred yards and resumed attack to the south. The company soon Page 86 discovered that its maneuver had not gone far enough to envelop the enemy positions, particularly the reserve line, dug in along another east-west lane. Several times Company G almost reached this lane, only to be forced back by heavy fire from the front and left flank. The battalion commander tried a wider envelopment by sending Company F west of E and then south, but this effort netted only one field. On the other side of the nose, the 320 Infantry was making even less headway on 14 July. The problem of cracking this German strong-point was never really solved; success on other parts of the front settled the issue during the next few days. On 14 July, in accordance with XIX Corps' order to make the main effort near the river, the 137th Infantry had put all three battalions into line. The 1st Battalion took over the center, with the 3d on its right, each supported by a platoon of medium tanks, a platoon of tank destroyers, and Division Artillery. Attacking at o800, they encountered thick mine fields and 88-mm fire, as well as zones covered by enemy machine guns. The right wing of the 137Th Infantry nevertheless kept its advance rolling. The TD's, operating as assault guns, placed heavy fire on the hedgerows just in front of the infantry, knocking out 19 machine-gun emplacements and 4 mortar positions, and shaking enemy resistance. Late in the day, the 3d and 1st Battalions broke loose in a rapid advance that reached the Pont-Hebert-St-Lo highway. The regiment had suffered 125 casualties during the day's fighting, and lost 11 medium tanks. Fifty-three prisoners were taken. This progress, and gains made the next day southeast of le Carillon (p. 102), were to undermine the enemy resistance on the center of the 35th Division's front. Though well organized and ably defended, the security of the German strongpoint near le Carillon depended on flank protection. This was compromised by breakthroughs both to left and right, leaving the Germans in a pronounced salient which would eventually be untenable.
  16. I can only make out 3 ATGs. One is covering the sunken lane (dotted lines) leading from Le Carillon to La Mare. Another is covering the main road/area to La Mare at the main road/sunken lane junction. The other one is covering the approach from La Petite Ferme in a forward position from the main line. Thanks for the info TheVulture, very informative and a surprisingly large number of machine guns! A bit of a mistake on the American's part to have their boundary run through the main German defense like that, moot I guess because the German position became untenable anyways due to American progress on the flanks.
  17. Oops spoke too soon, seems you changed batteries afterall.
  18. I think your irony meter is low on batteries.
  19. Culturally speaking in my experience, it is very much like taccovert4 says in different parts of the world, ie Middle Eastern countries and to a similar/lesser extent many Latin American countries. The whole national characteristic thing aside, modelling Red split-squad capabilities as a mirror of Blue would be far too much of a stretch.
  20. That's great news, but you must know, no matter the qualifier, that you are hanging yourself saying stuff like "we will have the best CM game ever to give you guys." Either way I'm all for starting up the van again.
  21. What, BFC is different from the 99.9999% of other companies in their practice of discontinuing support at some point and moving on to a new game? I would ask BFC about their definition of bug and engine limitation. I would say the CMx1 franchise was pretty bugfree. Also the term abandoned has an entirely different connatation; something I'm sure not lost on those who love to use it in this context. Not trying to be argumentative, just I think a lot of people have entirely unrealistic expectations and attempt to hold BFC to some intellectual ivory tower standard.
  22. What kind of discussions are those GSX? Nutters saying CMSF will be 'abandoned' just like CMBO and CMBB and CMAK were 'abandoned'; 20+ patches worth of abandoned but oh no(!) now that is evidence BFC hoisted a lemon on the unsuspecting, loyal CMx1 fanbase. Nutters insisting CMBB/CMAK were unfinished. Nutters continuing to insist CMSF doesn't have a feature when it is patently shown otherwise, even with pictures for the contextually impaired. Nutters who find it offensive the side Steve parts his hair on... Yeah it is the same handful of rotten apples, over and over grinding the same axe. I agree there have been some good discussions at times, but to wade through the vitriol...
  23. GSX, from your two posts you seem to be missing some perspective here. What if BFC misses deadlines for their games, puts some projects on the backburner, fails to put in some feature etc etc? Think about it. You seem to have some inflated sense of your own importance here. I really don't think Steve is saying you need to be 'positive' on this forum, in fact he specifically said those type don't offer anything to them or the game. They want/need constructive criticism - not someone whinging about 'you promised this or that at this or that date'. Again some perspective and reality are badly in order, or perhaps less selective reading. You hold up 'that other site' as some paradigm of 'true' opinions, yet reading there this morning all I see is the same lack of perspective and irrationality and outlandish behaviour(others can paint large also ). Any child can go on and on about what it wants or some perceived hurt feelings, an adult has maturity and understanding, not only about themselves but about others and the world around them as well.
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