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Everything posted by Pak40

  1. Excuse me for chiming in late to the discussion here, but wont the rarity option lead to some ahistorical encounters? If Tigers operated together in "heavy" battalions then the likelihood of encountering a second or more tigers should be increased, not decreased.
  2. The smoke columns appear sucked towards the center because they are blowing the opposite direction from where the snapshot was taken. Since some of the burning vehicles are left of the vanishing point of the perspective then the smoke tilts to the right for those vehicles. The vehicles to the right of the vanishing point of the perspective have smoke blowing slightly towards the center. There is one vehicle that appears to be exactly on the vanishing point and his smoke is completely vertical.
  3. Why are you asking him? He's never right
  4. Yes, but like all other things that the British have invented, others have perfected. Radar, football, sex, etc... oops, scratch that last one. The British didn't invent it.
  5. Good stuff, thanks for the info. Some of these things I've learned the hard way from playing CM. After reading the "Combat in Woods" section, I wonder if CMBN will allow defenders the option of creating fallback dug in positions. Does anyone know the answer to this?
  6. Yea, but the Germans had big crosses so it evens out.
  7. ARMA II and Op Arrowhead, hands down. A great customizing community also with new (and more realistic) weapons, new maps, new scenarios, and all sorts of other mods.
  8. Yes, it's England. North Korea also had one player that plays in a foreign country.
  9. Another WC trivia question: Which team was the only team in the 2010 World Cup Final tournament where all the players played professionally within their own country?
  10. Did you even read the first myth bust? 1. You are just moving the pollution out of the cities to the countryside. Busted: Electric vehicle motors are three-to-five times more efficient than gasoline-powered vehicles. While it's best to power EVs from renewable energy sources (which are growing quickly), the efficiency of EVs makes them cleaner, producing less carbon, under any situation -- even when they are charged using coal-fired electricity. As far as "hippy-dippy" hybrid buyers are concerned, their cars are solely powered by gasoline - they don't plug into the grid so they don't use any coal fired electricity.
  11. I agree with you although George Foreman might through a wrench into the whole thing.
  12. This is an overstatement. This is not what I got out of the scene at all. I think the two guys watching were appalled that their fellow Marine did such a thing. Yet at the same time they knew why the Marine did what he did. Chalking this off to "casually shrugging off a war crime" is gross misinterpretation of the scene. Also, you may be aware that this is based on Sledge's own memoirs, so it maybe this is filmed exactly as it happened. (I personally haven't read his book yet so maybe I'm wrong about this) I'm not exactly sure what you want to see here. These battle scenes are based on the experiences of the 3 main characters in the series. The Japanese really did use these human wave banzai attacks repeatedly. Do you want them to show ahistorical battle scenes or scenes mimicking 50s hollywood movies which we know are all inaccurate or cliches? I guess the last episode showing marine's heads and limbs being blown off didn't get your attention? Yea, I agree. Stupid girls should not be in the series because they had nothing to do with these soldier's lives during the war. [insert sarcastic emoticon here] I guess a little heavy metal distorted guitar would have gone with the Marine's beach landing a little better. I fail to see how this parallels Iraq. Maybe you can enlighten us?
  13. You're all wrong. Any open air market salesman would have divided the berries by the pound on the first day into separate crates because he would have hoped to sell them all. He wouldn't have re-weighed them on the second day. What would be the purpose? Therefore he would have made the a 200 profit. Also, wouldn't a wise seller keep his berries wet, increasing his profits further?
  14. Good one, Sergei. Joe, I have Windows 7, so it may be slightly different: First try and see if it's the insert key. If not then try this: 1. go to control panel 2. Ease of Access Center (probably called something else in XP but it's the handicapped settings) 3. Look for display settings (in Win7 it's called "Make the computer easier to see") 4. Look for cursor size(thickness) settings hopefully that will solve it
  15. One major problem with the environmental angle: Century Gothic wastes up to 16% more paper than Times New Roman. I just checked this out in MS Word. A 6 line paragraph in Times New Roman = 6.5 lines in Arial = over 7(7.1) lines in Century Gothic. Basically 16% increase in space. A 20 page paper in Times New Roman will need an extra 2-3 pages in Century Gothic. So while the school may actually save $ on ink it will have to spend more on paper and kill more trees.
  16. Re: US 57mm AT gun For what it's worth, I'm currently reading The Shock of War which details the northern shoulder battles during the Ardennes campaign. One chapter details the 1st Infantry Division's defense of Dom Butgenbach. They had about 6 57mm AT guns in the line and the author specifically mentions that each gun had 10 rounds of British sabot ammunition.
  17. I haven't seen it yet but I will, and hopefully in 3D. However, this plot comparison to Disney's Pocahontas is hilarious and borders on outright plagiarism. For those of you that have seen the movie, is it pretty accurate? http://images.huffingtonpost.com/gen/130283/original.jpg
  18. Thanks I figured out the problem. I had older 186 drivers. I tried the 186.81 drivers but had the same problem then I tried the latest drivers and then everything was perfect! lightning fast turns processed and smooth fps! thanks
  19. I have two issues that I hope someone can help me with. A rather minor but annoying issue is that the camera control is rather slow or sticky. The camera doesn't change immediately after clicking one of the camera control buttons, rather it seems to take a fraction of a second before the view changes. Also, when the view does change it is not fluid or transitional but rather instant. The major issue I have is during playback of the action. Moving units are not fluidly moving. There is a serious reduction in FPS. Fraps gives me an average of 3 fps. The two issues are probably related. I currently have AA forced on 8x to resolve the other issue that is typical of Windows 7 machines. I have tried almost every other 3D control in the Nvidia panel: vsync, thread optimazaton, AA x 2, AA x 4, max pre rendred frames set to various numbers... All have the same results: about 3 fps. I have also tried XP and Win98 compatibility modes. My setup: Asus G71 laptop with Windows 7, 64bit Core 2 Duo, 6Gb RAM Nvidia GTX 260M This has recently been upgraded from Vista but CMAK was reinstalled after the upgrade and I'm pretty sure all drivers are current but I will check just in case. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
  20. Looks like the CTU in 24 has a better budget.
  21. Funny thing is, there didn't seem to be much publicity about it. My company subscribed to Computer Shopper and then earlier this year we suddenly stopped receiving them. We couldn't figure out why until yesterday when I read an article about it. I would have thought there would be a big publicity push to visit their website. "Hey, we're no longer in print but we have all the same reviews and articles on our website!"
  22. I'm not sure how I missed it but this past April Computer Shopper has gone digital only. Over the past 30 years this titan of the computer industry has gone from its industrial size of 1 tree per copy down to a normal magazine size with a few pages. Now it's not killing any trees. With Computer Shopper and PC Magazine both digital, this begs the question: Is it time to install a laptop stand in the bathroom?
  23. This is a bitter lesson that many of us learned in New Orleans after Katrina. Imagine your fridge and freezer packed full of meat, seafood, and frozen food - then unplug your fridge and let it sit for over a month in 95 degree weather. The smell that comes out of there is just the the foulest odor ever. Frozen dinners were the worst; they just turn to this gray liquid that has in indescribably bad smell. Most people were wise and didn't even open the fridge when they finally got back to New Orleans; they just taped it with duct tape and brought it to the curb for the trash trucks to pick up. Even if you could brave the cleaning process, it's not worth keeping the fridge due to the fact that you'd never get the smell out of it. Also the fruit flies that breed in there are a force to reckon with. They make there way back into the motor and keep breeding there. Nasty. All the above is nothing compare to the millions of pounds of chicken lost by New Orleans Cold Storage facility after Katrina: http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/10/11/blog.tues/index.html
  24. According to Shelby Stanton's book WWII Order of Battle for U.S. forces: An armored division has 3 armored battalions each with 53 Medium Tanks and another 6 tanks with 105mm Howitzers. There are an additional 9 tanks with division artillery. Total 186.
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