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Everything posted by Pak40

  1. Ironically I just read a passage in a book on Normandy that talked about this very problem. Spotters had trouble spotting the rounds or were too close use the heavy stuff. It seems that CMBN is dead on historically accurate most of the time . 60mm mortars can be used in direct fire mode as others have stated. Just be sure that the enemy is suppressed. This is part of the fog of war (relative spotting). Each squad/unit has the ability to spot an enemy unit. If a squad loses contact with a unit then a ? will appear. Sometimes those ? stick around even if another one of your squads is still on top of the ? and has confirmed that the enemy ? is either dead or has left the area. In other words, your original squad that generated the ? has to confirm for themselves that the ? is either dead or has moved. If you have this sort of overwhelming firepower you are, more often than not, doing serious damage to the enemy. FOW will prevent you from knowing exactly how much. Often I have thought the same thing as you and when I finally get the balls to send my troops across the field I discover that most of the enemy is dead, wounded, or suppressed. However, there are still times where I misjudge things and have lost lots of men.
  2. I urge you to stick with the game. Once you learn the interface you will see that it is superior to CMx1 series. The left mouse drag/right mouse drag is far better than using keyboard WSAD or edge navigation. Also, the + and - do in fact choose the next unit, however, you have to be in VIEWLOCK(tab) mode in order to be "taken" to the unit.
  3. I think you're wrong in this case. He has a point that his soldier aren't ducking when firing(maybe it's abstracted by CMBN or maybe it's a bug) but the fact that there's probably not much more protection behind the walls than he thinks is a very valid point and probably the real reason why men are dying fast.
  4. Just food for though on this topic: From my paintball playing experience (sorry this is all I have to go by), windows and doors are magnets for enemy fire. I always hated being in a bunker, building or tower because you only have so many windows you can fire out of, and the enemy assaulting said structure knows EXACTLY where you must stick your head out of in order to defend it. These buildings were often death traps from any determined assault. Throw in the fact that rifle bullets can penetrate some wood/plaster walls and you've got a bigger death trap than you think. Unless you are in a definite stone structure, you may not be as protected as you think. With all that in mind, I don't really have an opinion on whether CMBN models this correctly or not. I've mostly been playing as allies that are doing the assaulting. However, I'll keep an eye on this topic.
  5. From what I've read the 60mm were very accurate if they had direct los and still pretty accurate from an experienced observer. Read "With the Old Breed" by Eugene Sledge. He was a 60mm mortarman in the Marines. On Okinawa there were some passages where he describes them dropping rounds on small hut or building, a direct hit only took one or two tries. I think this was also featured in the Pacific.
  6. IMO, a mortar firing in direct mode should have the same options that in indirect mode. ie, area fire, line, point.... He should also have the option of duration and intensity that is normally presented to FO's
  7. They all look very different to me. I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish. Maybe there's something lost in translation here?
  8. Probably they should jump up and down all over the place. Another good method is to roll a barrel of oil or gasoline over the suspected area.
  9. Ambrose interviewed most of, if not all, surviving members of Easy Company for his book. There were many direct quotes in the book regarding Sobel, including ones that claim that Sobel was the one that made Easy Company what it was. I'm not sure what alternative view of Sobel (regarding his military life) you think is out there, but quite honestly, I think it's unfair to accuse Ambrose of crafting Sobel's persona to fill a stereotype.
  10. You can download mods from the Repository You might want to read the section of the manual that describes how mods work and how to install mods.
  11. Too bad they don't have a "Target Heavy" command that would basically be the opposite of the "Target Light" command.
  12. I second both of these issues. Pioneers or breach teams are very valuable in most battles. And they should never be the initial team to follow through the breach because we all know what's on the other side (or don't know). The specialize icon would be a great help also. Does anyone know that if a breach team is eliminated, can other units pick up the left over demo charges?
  13. It takes me hours if I'm watching the Memorial Day movie marathon on AMC or TCM at the same time. Normally though at least twice the time of the scenario in WEGO. Boring beginning turns I ff through but the good action turns get lots of replays and I spend lots of time for orders.
  14. CMBB is not a good comparison to CMBN, just because of the east front/west front difference. CMBO would be a better comparison. However, neither one is "deeper" than CMBN. The only advantage the two older games have is that they were greater in scope. CMBO's scope is D-Day to VE day. CMBB's scope is the entire eastern front from beginning to end. So, with a greater scope comes a much larger variety of units and equipment. One day CMx2 will be equal and probably greater in scope than either of the two older titles. We just have to wait for and purchase the add on modules. I personally like the approach to the CMx2 grand design. It allows for greater detail to specific campaigns and geographical locations, particularly in map making.
  15. You're right, it was just Hollywood. http://www.pbs.org/thewar/images/objects/large/S1478.jpg
  16. I have not had an issue with MG setup times. Actually quite the opposite. However, I have only used MGs a few times indoors and almost never were they HMGs.
  17. It's easy to tell hedges from bocage once you experience it the first time. Hedges are very low and trimmed square like boxwoods.
  18. While the graphics are generally less quality than a 1st Person shooter, I disagree that they are poor. Anyway, the emphasis in wargames in general is to model the simulation of battle. Graphics in many wargames get less attention than actual game design and mechanics. Also, small independent developers often cannot spare the immense cost to develop fancier graphics. If you know anything about the original Combat Mission, then you know that there is an extensive modding community. Before long there will be LOTS of building, unit, and landscape mods. Finally, graphics are not everything. Look at the where the customers are posting on BFC forums. CMBN already has over 40000 posts. All four games of the Theater of War franchise barely total 40000 posts. I'm not knocking TOW, I'm just saying that CMBN is that much more popular for a reason.
  19. It'd be nice if you program that Guinness bottle to control your view, then you wouldn't have to let it go while you play.
  20. You need to use the blast command ACROSS the hedgerow that you want to blow. Simply placing it near a hedgerow may not get the job done. The unfortunate downside to doing this is that your unit immediately goes through the blasted hedgerow whether you want them to or not. Also, in answer to #5, try setting a small fire arc/radius so that the mortars will hold fire. If you're doing direct fire then take the arc off when you're ready for them to fire. If you're not doing direct fire then you should move them back out of LOS of the enemy and use HQs to spot. The arc is also a good thing to do for all HQ and spotting units if you do not want them to give away their position.
  21. I thought the U.S. didn't have those time fuses until later in 44? First used in the Bulge I thought. Anyone know the details on this?
  22. The controls are basically the same as CMBO plus a few extras. The smoothest way to navigate in the new CMx2 engine is by left clicking or right clicking and dragging. I also am using the WSAD keys a little bit but they tend to stick sometimes and can be jerky. I also use the edge of screen method which is also jerky and number keys just like in the old CMx1 days. Overall I wish they would smooth out the camera controls so that you get a soft gliding effect but I still find it easy to get around.
  23. I don't think so. I read previously that the battles that come with the demo are different. You can, however, install the demo yourself. Both the demo and full game can reside on your machine, just make sure the install directories are different.
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