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Everything posted by Pak40

  1. hahahahahaha. I needed a good laugh. seriously though, my guess is he'll go back into the private sector and run some more companies into the ground. I'm sure someone will offer him lots of money for a book deal, although he wont be able to write it himself. It will have to be co-written by someone that actually knows how to string words into proper sentences.
  2. Sounds like the power saver is trying to engage but instead of turning the screen of it only freezes. See if changing the power saving settings fixes or alters the problem. rclick on your desktop, click properties, then go to screen saver tab and click the power button to alter the settings. See if anything changes after you have made the changes.
  3. depending on the brand that you buy, your hard drive might come with the software necessary to clone your old drive. I usually get maxtor drives and I seem to remember that option on the CD that came with the drive.
  4. Whoaaa! Wait a second guys, WWII is supposed to be in Black & White. Quit altering history and messing with my mind!
  5. Grandsons of an old WWII combat photographer found 3 rare films in his garage. MSNBC.COM has a video piece about it. Sorry, no direct link.
  6. gross misuse of space for arrows? I'm not sure what you're talking about here. Mu UI is is compact and efficient. It's the dull default colors but as many have pointed out, you can change themes easily. Yes, it can be real tricky to right click on your bookmark to edit them
  7. Wow, I did in 7th grade. You want me to remember 25 years later? jeeze.
  8. Sorry but cows milk is just as good as human milk, even if the cows are on steroids. Humans are way too risky to use for this because they're taking all sorts of drugs. I can just see some pregnant crack whore that is willing to to get paid $5 per milking. I'd rather have steroids in my milk than crack. Besides, I don't think B&J could get enough human milk for the volume of ice cream they produce daily.
  9. well, the tool is not very accurate. I just went New Orleans and started with 1m rise in sea level. Assuming that the levees were not there to protect New Orleans, it only shows spotty flooding even in the lowest areas of the city which are typically 5-8 feet below current sea levels to begin with. Using my knowledge of what actually flooded in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, I determined that the setting of 4m(13.12 ft) best represents what actually flooded. However, I also know that in reality the flooding never got above 2.5 above sea level. Therefore, I can estimate that this tool is off by over 10 feet. An actual flood of 4m above sea level would cover the entire city except the levees.
  10. Guys, Let's say for a minute that Al Gore and multitudes of scientists turn out to be wrong. What's the worst thing that can happen? We live in a cleaner and healthier environment? Damn that Al Gore for encouraging us to use cleaner energies so our kids can grow up safer! Now let's compare Al Gore's push for awareness of Global Warming to George W. Bush's push to invade Iraq because Saddam has weapons of mass destruction. Bush turned out to be dead wrong and he even based he decision on "darn good intelligence". What's the worst thing that could happen? oops - scores of thousands dead including almost 5,000 coalition soldiers and many innocent women and children. I'm not even going to the financial draining that this war has caused on the U.S. So ask yourself which mistake would you rather have: One that promotes a cleaner and safer environment or one that kills thousands of people?
  11. Hmm. I didn't know that BI wasn't doing OF2. Well, only time will tell... and whatever reviews come out.
  12. I think you're wrong. They never used pre-rendered cut scenes before. They were all done in game for FP1. However, the teaser trailer did look incredible and it does make one think that it is pre-rendered. But, I compared the screen shots to the video and it looks damn close. One thing for sure. I'm gonna need a new rig to play this game.
  13. It's exactly this kind of crap that really turns me off about this game. Especially if you work hard planning and executing a good strategy, then find out all that work is for nothing because the computer AI can cheat. WTF?
  14. Also, don't forget that most of the Somalis were high on that weed that they chew, supposedly giving them a pretty good buzz and do crazy things that any normal man in combat would not do, i.e. walk out in the middle of the street while firing and thinking they are indestructible.
  15. Get your facts straight. I have a 2&1/2 year old laptop and get good FPS on both games. Obviously certain processors are causing problems but that's not necessarily BFC's fault. All of us here know that BFC is a small operation and can't possibly test every hardware configuration out there like the big boys can. And, btw, the big boys have just as many bugs as BFC releases, usually more. Ubisoft's Silent Hunter IV is proof of that.
  16. I choose destination area and computers use red color to show me every possible hulldown positions for selected unit. </font>
  17. Hunt will only function as a 'hull down' command if the unit currently does not see any enemy, otherwise the unit will just sit there. And I don't agree that the hull down command was broke in CMx1. I used it several times with success. However, I must admit I didn't use it much. However, I can see the possible flaws in the design of the command: 1) the player specified the piece of ground relative to the unit trying to achieve 'hull down' status. The difference in elevation of the ground and the cannon of a tank can be a couple of meters. 2) The battlefield is dynamic. A player may set the 'hull down' command in reference to a the ground near a specific enemy tank. But that tank may move while the players own tank is seeking the perfect hull down spot. Then the command wont work at all. A partial solution in CMx2 could be a version of the HUNT command where the vehicle would ignore soft threats and only stop for armored vehicles or known AT units. This would really only work well when cresting a hill. [ August 02, 2007, 03:44 PM: Message edited by: Pak40 ]
  18. Sorry but this is hogwash. The "AI Calcs" in CMx1 took only a few seconds for the computer controlled TacAI. It didn't need a lot of processing power like the calculations for resolving the turn outcome. Therefore, I think and agree with the developers, that the AI calculations could be handled within the 60 second turn itself. It's probably actually done within the first couple of seconds during the turn itself. Even if it was done before the turn started, like in CMx1, it would only take a couple of seconds.
  19. Yes, but my point is that the old CMx1 system took only a few seconds for it's TacAI resolution and these were done on older machines. IE, not much computing power was needed for TacAI. I have to disagree. The GPU does most of the graphics processing just like it did in CMx1. Therefore the CPU is only doing the TacAI at the same time as the turn resolution which is just a small load in addition to what it did in CMx1. Obviously they two are able to coexist without slowing down the machine. My two year old laptop has no problem cranking out the turns in the demo.
  20. Let me see if I get this straight. You're saying that since CMSF is real time, that it doesn't have the CPU power to handle a good Tac-AI like the CMx1 games had? If that's what you're saying then I think you you're way off base. It only took a few seconds at most for the TacAI to compute in the CMx1 engine. It took a minute or more for the turn outcome to be computed, maybe that's what your thinking of.
  21. Didn't Nvidia just release new drivers like yesterday, July 26?
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