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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Pak40

  1. I recently saw some old demonstration footage that would surprise you about the mobility of the 57mm. I wish I could remember where I saw it. Basically, the footage showed a truck towing a 57mm gun, the crew jump out and quickly unhitch the gun, run the gun about 10 meters - set it up by putting boxes under the arms to stabilize it, and quickly fire 3 rounds. The whole process took about 10-15 seconds. This footage was obviously rehersed and the crew was large, maybe 10 men, but it was still an awesome display of how mobile the gun is.
  2. This is really stupid. Why wouldn't a soldier share ammo that is needed in the heat of a battle? Just because they are in different platoons??? What's the historical basis for this? edit: "Sorry buddy, I know there's tank coming down the road straight at us but I can't give you any AT rounds cause you're in 2nd platoon."
  3. I haven't seen any instances of "hidden" ammo, but like you I was originally baffled at the ammo readouts that seemed to change a lot during a game. Also the unit's ammo readout usually differed from the ammo readout in the details panel. So, here's what I've figured out(using a U.S. 60mm mortar as an example): 1. The ammo readout that the unit is personally carried is listed on the UNIT INFO PANEL. (page 63 - section 1 of the UI) 2. The ammo readout in the TEAM INFO PANEL (section 2 of the UI) is what is available to the unit. This includes what the unit is personally carrying AND any nearby units that carry the same ammo type. Nearby units could be ammo bearers OR another 60mm mortar. So, for example, a 60mm mortar can act as an ammo bearer for another 60mm mortar.
  4. A couple of related issues that needs to be looked at also: On board mortars can begin firing within 1 minute in direct fire mode. But, if you want an area or line barrage then you need a FO or leader unit next to it that can spot the same target. But, for some baffling reason, it will take 4 minutes for this barrage to fall. So, my two improvement requests would be: 1. Drastically decrease the amount of time it takes to call in an on-board mortar barrage if the spotting unit is next to the firing unit (especially if the firing unit has LOS to the target) 2. Allow on board mortars to call in their own barrages when in direct LOS of the target, using the normal artillery menu method.
  5. Vanir, Can you do 1 more test: Use the same situation as in your original post EXCEPT hide the units behind the walls. possibly give them small target arcs to prevent them from firing. Have the units in the open fire or area fire if they can't see the units behind the walls. I'm just curious to see if the units that hide behind the wall are sustaining injuries at an unrealistic rate. Technically the injury rate should be a lot less than what you had before. I know that even in hide mode a man will pop his head up every now and then, but for the most part all the men should be safe behind the stone wall.
  6. Yes, at Krinkelt there were roving bazooka teams knocking out those cats. Of course it helps to get close enough when it's night time, it's foggy/sleet, you're in a town with lots of buildings and walls, and the cats charge into town without effective infantry support.
  7. I think this is a known issue. I've had several vehicles turn around when they should have passed through. It wasn't an issue where multiple vehicles were trying to get through.
  8. The map looks really good. I've often wondered about how well Cmx2 engine can simulate the Omaha landings. There may be some things that can't be modeled historically accurately ie, I don't think demo charges can blow up wire.
  9. I was really hoping the CMx2 editor would be vector based instead of tiles. It would have made map making a piece of cake. It also would help make the maps look more realistic with regards to the way many European towns were built. Roads with odd angles and turns are handled much better with vector graphics than CM's tile based system.
  10. I was playing the AI yesterday when I called in a 155mm artillery barrage on an area where some enemy troops and a tank were located. When the FFE started falling the tank started to back up to get out of the barrage. Eventually the tank disappeared behind all smoke and dust from the barrage but when I looked closely I could still see his exhaust smoke coming out of his invisible tank. It was kind of funny seeing a floating exhaust move across the field.
  11. Yes, I love this idea. It makes the tabs unnecessary. Smaller buttons might make real time play a little harder to hit the correct button. But, it may not be that big of an issue if hotkeys are implemented with this new layout. It's still a time save since you don't have to switch menu tabs. In either case BFC could perhaps have a setup option for the "original" GUI layout.
  12. Yes, he can move. He can also move anytime during the wait for the spotting rounds. Obviously you want him to see the spotting rounds fall, so it's best to move him back to where he's got a good view. Am currently playing a mission where I have an HQ group call in some heavy artillery which is a 12 minute wait. After about 3 minutes I notice some enemy spotting rounds fall around my men so I order all my units to run like the wind back to the previous hedgerow. The enemy rounds fall harmlessly around the hedgerow where my men used to be (including the HQ). After the enemy barrage is over I move my men back, including the HQ which still has his fire mission going through the waiting period.
  13. LOL, that's gonna give em a headache! Were they buttoned?
  14. Oh, they back away big time and pop smoke if they have it.
  15. Yes, but that Panther was a total penetration. The one or two guys that actually made it out of the tank did so by the skin of their teeth because they knew the round penetrated and exploded inside the tank. The case of the "Ballsy Sherman Crew" sounds a bit different. There was partial penetration or flaking that caused some injuries. I agree with you, more often than not, crews probably bailed when they were hit like this, but not these guys, they're like brothers.
  16. No, the move orders were plotted on the following turn. 1st Greyhound turned around. The next turn, another Greyhound went straight through. The turn after that I tried two more vehicles and they both turned around. BTW, in WEGO the pathing is calculated from the waypoint or pause order. You can tell a unit to pause for 30 seconds while your engineers blow a hole in the bocage, and they will go through the newly created gap.
  17. Steve, Not sure if this has come up, but I've run into another vehicle issue 3 times now: After blowing a tank size gap into a hedgrow, and giving a move order to an armored unit to move through the gap, the vehicle will stop before the gap turn around and try to find an alternate route to the waypoint. I know the gap is big enough for a vehicle because on the second turn I sent another armored unit through the gap with no problem. Both instances were basically 90 degree perpendicular move orders, so it shouldn't have been an issue with any turning. Ive seen this happen with Shermans, Greyhounds, and M8 MC.
  18. Look at it this way. The crew was a very tight crew with high respect for each other. No way in hell they were going to abandon their wounded buddies just to save their own hides. And quite honestly it doesn't matter what the crew's experience is in this matter, it's all about the bonding between the crewmen - green or elite, it doesn't matter.
  19. Uh oh, Steve, you just opened a whole can of worms by mentioning 1.01, but I know better than to ask about when it'll be out. Aww screw it. When's it coming out?
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by MOSwas71331 ... nothing I want done gets done in a predictable fashion. Not even something as simple as using the +(plus) and -(minus) keys to move from one unit to the next. Womble, I already tried to explain this to him in another thread but he obviously ignored it.
  21. Are Crack troops in better shape than green troops? Will they last longer before tiring out? Childress, time for some more tests :-)
  22. That's F'd up - getting 3 FOs and no artillery. As for the uncanny 1 shot on the move accuracy it seems that there's some debate going on about that in another thread.
  23. This might be a reasonable request for BFC to implement, it makes sense to me. However, I can also see some abuse here by players. For instance, players could place a pre-planned barrage, hit the go button, then cancel it ASAP. Then they would have a "free" TRP for the rest of the game whenever they want to use it.
  24. I think you're right - it seems too slow. I hardly use the Move command. Usually only non-essential units such as ammo bearers, XOs, reserve platoons, etc... Has anyone noticed how the Fast command is only slightly faster than the Quick command but seems to tire your infantry out much faster?
  25. Why don't we just have "leader" power-ups scattered on the map instead? Your leader can run over it and become a "super leader".
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