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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Pak40

  1. I highly disagree. Units that have ample supply of ammo such as MGs and armored vehicles will pour hundreds or thousands of rounds in to suspected enemy locations. Their job is not necessarily to kill but to keep the enemy suppressed. As it is now, the AI does not even use the area fire command (as near as I can tell). They only shoot at what they can see. If the target unit goes to hide and is no longer seen, then the shooting unit will stop firing until it sees the target again.
  2. Yea, this is one of my gripes about area fire in CMBN. For some reason area fire has to be a piece of ground. In reality most area fire was in a DIRECTION or at vertical objects such as hedgerows or buildings. Hedgrows and walls should be treated like buildings so that one can target them. Also area fire should be direction based instead of action spot based for crops fields and tall grass. It could be implemented like a covered arc command where the player sets a cone of influence.
  3. radios can sometimes not work, others have posted that it's random. Also, both units can't be moving.
  4. Thanks for that example, Chainsaw. I was about to post something to the effect that if triggers are implemented, then it can't be done in a simplistic manner. For example, a trigger that reacts to a flanking maneuver can't just be fooled by a simple unit or two. The designer has to have the ability to set the trigger mechanisms in this case, something like X number of units seen will set the trigger off. The Steelbeasts Pro trigger example is something like I had in mind, except tailored for CMx2 of course.
  5. To get rid of that wife problem: CTRL-ALT-DEL Task Manager wife.exe - end process Download and install the best anti-spam software available.
  6. Yea, but it only brightens the unit you have selected. I think he wants the bases to always be bright instead of having the icons. I personally like the icons, it's easy to select a unit on the other side of the map and then hit tab to zoom to it. However, it would be nice to have the OPTION to switch between icons and 'always on bases'
  7. The funny thing about this predicament is that the mortars still have to communicate with the dead spotter to adjust the fire during the 'spotting' rounds. This really needs to be corrected if it's still the case. IMO the spotting unit is exactly that - a unit. All persons in a FO were trained to call in artillery, not just the leader.
  8. I had an incident the other day while playing as the Brits. I had a two man sapper section behind a small bocage and one of my tanks was directly behind them. Some unseen AT gun shot and hit the tank, the AP round ricochet off directly on the ground near the two sappers killing one and incapacitating the other. Lesson learned, don't put your men near your tanks.
  9. Perhaps a distinction needs to be made between recon and scouting. Like Sergei says, recon happens before the mission (unless it is a specifically designed recon mission). Recon's purpose is to gather as much info on the enemy without getting into a firefight. The scenario designer has the option of allowing the player see enemy locations in the form of ? during the setup phase. This is a result of recon. Scouting is different in that a team is sent out before the assault to draw fire which will hopefully give away enemy's positions. It is a quick and localized form of recon but doesn't give the player a full picture or give the player enough time to sit and analyze every contact. Basically put, the scout draws fire so that other units can return fire accurately, not necessarily to find the safest rout.
  10. 1. screenshot? 2. is the unit hiding?
  11. I'm not sure how this translates into a "better chance of survival". By the time the main body enters the ambush zone the scouts are at point blank or even have passed enemy positions. Not much of a chance IMO.
  12. Sounds like you were blocking the fan input or output which caused the laptop to heat up. This is very common on laptops when setting them on your lap or something soft or uneven like a bed.
  13. Ah, thanks! People will have to remember this when picking forces for a QB.
  14. Just checked it again in a QB, only 1 Piat per company from an Infantry Bat. No extra rounds in the jeeps or anything.
  15. I have yet to play enough to really test the difference but three things stick out in my mind: 1. No MMGs in the company level will require me to change tactics. I'm used to dealing out high volume of rounds to put some suppression on enemy units. Brens have to fill this roll but have much more limited ammo. 2. Only 1 piat in a company? This was a shock to me. Even with the ability to fire from a building it kind of limits a company's ability to deal with armor up close. 3. Smaller 2" mortar with less HE ammo than the U.S. 60mm. I'll have to take advantage of the smoke rounds.
  16. Hmm, I use my middle finger for the mouse wheel. Shouldn't your index be on the left mouse button?
  17. Clearing a forest can be tough, as you probably know. One tactic I use is to break off a scout section and send him ahead of the platoon using either hunt or walk. The scouts will die a quick death if the forest is defended, so don't get attached to them, but this will let you know anything is in the forest before committing the rest of the platoon. My suggested method of clearing a forest is to put 3 squads very close together and march them through line abreast in walk or hunt mode. The HQ can follow about 20m behind the line using the same mode. A lot of players like the smaller battles for this reason. And I think the company size battles were what BFC intended when designing CM even though it's possible to have batallion + size battles.
  18. Assault isn't meant to use as a platoon (group) command. It is intended to use to a single full squad. It will cause the sections within the squad to leap each other in succession while the other two sections provide covering fire. Since the HQ doesn't have sections it will run and never stop until it gets to the end waypoint.
  19. Better yet, Go to Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall Norton. Then download AVG free edition. Better protection, less hassle, less resources taken.
  20. Thanks, my bad for not reading install instructions. So this leads another question: So all the mods created for CMBN are useless?
  21. Is anyone else getting some odd choices in the QB pull down list? Under Service pull down list, I get choices such as IG Ammo Bearer, Easy Eight, SPA, M1917A1. Under Combat Force pull down I get Panzerfaust 30K, AT Rocket, Light Gun Tactical.
  22. Soon after CMBN came out someone(I forgot who) did some bocage blast testing. One of the interesting things that he found out is that when blasting parallel to the bocage you had a much greater change of creating a BIG breach instead of a little one.
  23. Pz Mk III should be included as it played a part in the attack on Arhnem Bridge. Also, I'm not sure if it's going to be implemented but there should be some way to blow a bridge.
  24. Ok, sorry to turn this into a flame war. For the record, I had never bought a CMSF module, so I wasn't aware that there were no new command features added in modules. I'm still used the CMx1 where each new version had some improvements. And while I've had a sneaking suspicion that no command features will be added to the Commonwealth module, I've still held out hope. so, let's move on.
  25. I'll tell you what Wodin, you take the time to do the search where someone from BFC said that and then I'll believe you and the other people that aren't affiliated with BFC. Me, I don't have time to do that or read every f'ing post.
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