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Everything posted by Apocal

  1. Hot burning hot dust and flaming shards of penetrator go flying all over, courtesy of DU's pyrophoric nature, igniting anything readily flammable and likely turning the tank's interior into a Viking funeral.
  2. Are you referring to an APS-equipped Abrams? Volley-firing helps. Helps more to just use a cannon round.
  3. From what I understand, a lot of times you don't even feel or hear it over the sound of the tank operating normally. Or rather, as "normal" as can be expected in combat.
  4. No, I mean you'd run out of infantry long before you run out of tankers. And if you were losing a bunch of tankers, you wouldn't have any tanks left either.
  5. The game is hilariously over the top lethal, yeah. But part of the reason is that a lot of casualties in real war occur "off-map" to CMx2. You lose guys to mines while securing an empty objective, disease and injury, being ambushed on a patrol, vehicle accidents and especially to enemy artillery/mortars. Fortunately, the majority of the wounded return to service, about half of them in a few days time. But CMx2 doesn't model the off-screen grind of day-to-day war.
  6. Considering the historical loss rate of infantrymen vs. tankers and the relative increase in protection for modern tankers, I'm pretty sure this wouldn't happen. If you had a bunch of tankers dying, it would be because their tanks were getting blown the hell up and the brigade doesn't fix those.
  7. You keep referring to this and I seriously can't find the section of the book where he describes Stuarts firing canister. I brought it up in another thread and you didn't elaborate there either.
  8. If you were really watching hard, you'd notice the shells fly in on three or four different trajectories. Other than that, no impact.
  9. 50cal to the fuel tank, slight chance of nuclear explosion to follow.
  10. The T-72B3 vs. Abrams is a much closer match-up than T-34-76 vs Panther or Sherman 75 vs. Tiger I. In general, its perfectly fine as far as tanks go.
  11. IRL 777s (the American towed 155mm) are damned accurate, even without GPS guided rounds. In-game, they don't seem especially inaccurate. Howitzers tend to have more tubes and higher ammunition loads.
  12. I dunno man, tanks spot, ID and engage non-firing dismounts in a building pretty damned fast compared to reality.
  13. I don't know, I've never had mine come under threat from the enemy.
  14. You can't select the dismounted option in a QB. They will always be trucks.
  15. Thanks to Crueldwarf for translating this and allowing to cross-post it: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Part 5:
  16. I think the accuracy is fine, but suppression is undermodelled and morale overmodelled. Dudes are too willing to stand and bang with each other for extended periods of time.
  17. As a workaround, most players use short target arcs for this.
  18. Russian squads have more moderately firepower at close range thanks to more (usually) SMGs. The Germans have somewhat more firepower at longer ranges thanks to the MG42 being better than a DP.
  19. Your point was that you would enjoy playing current CMx2 with fully-modeled HE. I mean, maybe you're really weird and want fights that begin and end over the course of only two or three turns as both sides blast the other's infantry into irrelevance.
  20. Squads don't spread out naturally in this game and never have.
  21. I wasn't in Baghdad, so the prohibitions weren't as strict. But yeah, they had IEDs, we had counters, they built counters to the counters in their new IEDs, we built new counters, etc. Sometimes the interplay would get pretty 'funny', especially when you saw them adapt tactically rather than technically.
  22. I play on Iron mode. And your units have FoW to each other, but as commander you can just click off the unit and get to see the entirety of your force. It definitely does not do this. I think you're mixing it up with (similarly named, admittedly) Ironman rules, which are informal limitations some players take on.
  23. I'm talking not small as in QB Small, but something like a reinforced platoon or a platoon of tanks + riders, maybe a company-minus etc. I've looked through the repository but nothing really caught my eye right off the bat so I'm ask here.
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