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ng cavscout

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Everything posted by ng cavscout

  1. She heard there is an Oddstraylun coming to vist the Continental United States and she wants something to defend our household pets, she isn't sure if you are going to molest them or eat them, either way, she wants to be safe.
  2. Don't hate on my boys, they just can't help being so deadly with this veritable Thor's Hammer in their hands. Don't you wish your crews carried such a manly weapon instead of that eurotrash 9mm junk? Then they could romp and stomp across the battlefield like my red blooded Amurriccan lads!!! Edited to add- I do like 9mm's though, I am thinking of buying one, for my wife.....
  3. Armored car shish-ka-bob anyone? Speedy has an assortment to hand out, piping hot too, right off the barbie right mate?
  4. I just love lace cuffs, I shall call him Wolfgang Amadeus Buzzsaw.
  5. Not so good for the scouts though. You would make a wonderful WW1 British General it appears.
  6. The warty toad Stuka can't be bothered to reply, he is apparently too busy planning his trip to Noo Yawk and molesting wombats. Either that or he is still sounding out the multi syllable words I used in the challenge and trying to decipher the Kings English into whatever dreamtime gibberish they use on the bottom of the planet.
  7. You are definitely already classified as a weiner Boo Radley.
  8. I recommend Old Crow Reserve, cheap, and yet it has a pretty good taste. If I want to drop some coin I will get Makers Mark or Old Forester.
  9. I commend you, that almost made me spit my drink all over my monitor. A great part of working third shift is you can enjoy a Bourbon and Coke at 8 AM without being called a lush.
  10. QB's work great. I, and many others, have no or at least minimal problems with the interface after getting used to it and maybe using the alternate hotkeys. You were given the option of cancelling your pre-order after the customs and VAT issues were discovered. That being said, I am sorry you got screwed by your government. You could look it at a value per dollar issue, I feel that you will get, even at the increased cost (which is a function of your government, not BF.Com), more enjoyable playing time out of this than most other $120.00 worth of computer games you could buy.
  11. Alrighty then, I can amuse myself with the tactical fumblings of 2 Oddstraylians at once. Stuka, yes you Stuka, put down the koala bear and the Crisco. Stop!!! I don't want to see that. Put away the Mel Gibson mask already and pull your trousers up!! You have darkened the doorstep of your betters here in the MBT for long enough. Send me a setup of a mid sized battle, you can choose type and sides. Your troops shall be butchered like Seanachai butchers poetry. I shall enjoy watching you flail about like Stoat on prom night in the back seat of his fathers Buick (ineffectually and not for very long). PM en route with my email address
  12. Speedy is becoming frightened of zombie tanks. Little does he know, he is dealing with the Haunted Tank!!
  13. Last I checked, all the members of House Rune could at least play the game...... I vote that we take up a collection to buy Boo Radley a new computer. I pledge $20.00.
  14. House Rune is in just fine shape thank you very much. I bit of dust here and there, but tip top shape overall.
  15. Or at least that is what King says. Good book by the way, not a masterpiece of English Literature, but engaging, like most of his early stuff. So, if you are truly Marlow as Joe Shaw indicates, then I retract my invitation to Sod Off, but it would of been smashing if you had let some of us know you weren't some geek of the street. Not very cricket to come sauntering in here undercover old boy, not cricket at all.
  16. Then perhaps you should find another SSN to challenge, tastefully mind you (with some imagination and cleverness), and give the MBT an example of your wit and dash, then, perhaps, if you are (un?)lucky, some bored Olde One or Knight will take you to squire. Or you could just sod off.
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