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ng cavscout

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Everything posted by ng cavscout

  1. Good news all, as your forces get smaller, so do the size of the PBEM turns!!!
  2. You obviously bought some of those super tanks talked about in the "ZOMG Teh Game Is Broken Because All Tanks Get First Round Hits And Killz!!!!" thread. Trust a gamey Oddstrayliun to pick Shermans.... Why don't you just get air support carrying an A-Bomb? I however, am consoling myself by grilling a nice 1.2 pound (no I won't convert the weight to Metric for you goobernationals) Porterhouse Steak on my new (used) grill!!
  3. I think you are talking about the Le Dezert scenario, I know of no PzIV in Bloody Gulch. Nor do I recall Engineers in that scenario. I agree about the initial setup zone for Le Dezert by the way, Playing real time makes guiding the vehicles alot easier.
  4. It is a way of getting more eyes on the target, especially binocular equipped eyes. And aren't the PSW's supposed to part of the recon unit anyway?
  5. And here we are on page 2, what do I expect though, when Emrys is left in charge...
  6. Maybe he should do a podcast, that will keep him awake
  7. SPOILERS!!!!!!!!! I had the most success with moving units with binoculars to the highlighted observation points. Have them crawl the last 10 yards or so. Have them sit there with short covered arcs (like 3 meters) pointing towards the suspected enemy positions. Pay attention to how long it takes you to get there and leave with that much time plus 2 minutes left. That should get you to the exit zones in time to exit. You should spot a unit or two which will give you, maybe, a tactical victory. You should dismount your PSW crews as they have binos
  8. I have had, as the Germans, a friendly 120 mm mortar spotting round come down on the back deck of one of my Panthers and knock it out. I have also, again as the Germans, had a Stug survive a 57mm ATG hit from the front. The expended round ricocheted off, angled high into the sky, came back down into one of my infantry squads about 120 meters away, and killed a soldier.
  9. Joe Shaw, if you are not quite up to the task of posting a bump every half hour or so, well then, maybe it is time to hang it up and retire? Maybe spend some more time crashing your biplane or whatever it is you do in that WWI flight game. You should send me a setup, and a stenographer.
  10. And don't get engaged by the enemy, they get points for spotting you. This mission causes much wailing and gnashing of the teeth at first. JonS is right, you can go on from here with an American victory, makes the next battle a bit more interesting.
  11. I feel no pressing need for this myself, but I may be a minority.
  12. I shall send you a setup in a few hours when I get home, in memory of the Tim Tams that I was sent by an Australian, I can't remember which as you reprobates all tend to blend together after a while, but the cookies were great, so, I shall honor you with a (hopefully) historic drubbing.
  13. Yes Mace, reading all the sad and weepy parts, like where he went to Oddstraylia to volunteer in their criminally negligent primary education system.
  14. So, Joe Shaw, what happened to your pod casts? What happened to your stenographers? Where is Seanachai? Who are you? What do you want to do with your life? This post is here because none of you poncing whingers can manage to keep the MBT off of page 2.
  15. Remember, the editor is just to show you what it is like, you can't save the scenarios or maps you make.
  16. MIA stats only represent troops that surrendered (totally) to the enemy. As for routing, I have noticed troops are much more likely to cower uselessly or give themselves short movement orders to cover than actually totally rout off the board.
  17. Foxholes don't turn, they are multidirectional. Trenches and barbed wire can be turned, but you have to kind of use a workaround. Place one section and then place another close to it. They will snap together and by placing the second close to the first in different positions you can kind of adjust the line of the trenches or wire. That is the way I came up with to adjust. Good luck.
  18. An eery quiet descends across the restricted boards, a soft wind in the branches heralds......
  19. Never really liked that movie. I really think Tarantino never quite equaled Reservoir Dogs.
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