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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Dan told me that the finished texture won't have the Deaths Head on it and will have a slightly different camo pattern apparently. I was using some older textures when I took the screenshot though. Madmatt
  2. As always please remember that the graphics you see are considered to be "Works in progress" and may or may not be changed (and improved) prior to the release of the game... http://www.battlefront.com/products/cmbb/bones/7_02/index.htm Enjoy... You can ask all the questions you want on what you see but don't expect any answers, we are a little busy at the moment. Madmatt [ July 02, 2002, 06:27 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  3. Yes, you can import maps now in QB's. It is an option offered when you normally would select the map type. Those maps can be pre-built and saved for this purpose (import maps) or you can even pull a map in from any scenario and even games that are in progress. If you import from a "in-progress game" map it will retain all visible damage (buildings and craters) from the time the game was saved. That means if you were half way through a battle, saved that game and then used the resulting save file to import the map (whew) the map WOULD retain all the same damage that was in play when the previos battle was saved. Oh, and if you remember to save the last autosave from a completed battle and you import THAT file you get the ability to...Well, you'll just have to wait to see what THAT does... Madmatt [ July 01, 2002, 05:00 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  4. Ted, I think you need to take some time off. Madmatt [ June 29, 2002, 04:34 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  5. You guys think its confussing? Try working here! (sit down, it wasn't an offer!) I work for Battlefront.com which is the Publisher but I am on the design team for Combat Mission which is the game series being developed by Big Time Software, but I also do work on all of our other products... Hmmmm..so techincally I should be getting TWO SALERIES! Hey, Steve, Where is my second check?!? Madmatt
  6. Any discussion with reference to GB is a waste of bandwidth. Madmatt
  7. Technically we (Dan, Steve, Martin, Matt, Charles) are all the staff of Battlefront.com (BFC), the publisher of all the products you see listed and for sale and the owner of this website. Big Time Software (BTS) is the company Charles is the head of and is only the game developer for Combat Mission, but nothing else. So when people refer to BTS as this all encompassing company, they are incorrect. It is better to just refer to us "Battlefront" because that is who we are and we are trying to get away from there being a distinction between BFC and BTS. Madmatt [ June 27, 2002, 09:46 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  8. Guys, this thread is getting too big. Please start a new one. Madmatt
  9. So don't cheat! As long as people have the will to cheat no precautions we take will ever prevent this type of behavior 100%. Madmatt
  10. Battlefront.com is pleased to announce that Airborne Assault- Red Devils Over Arnhem is now shipping! All Pre Orders left our US and European warehouses today. New orders will ship within our normal 1-2 day timeframe. Airborne Assault Order Page Madmatt
  11. Steiner 14, I don't know what sort of agenda you keep but your post is right on the edge of being "actionable".I have heard all the BS before and I am sure I will hear it again but thats the great thing about running this Forum. I DONT HAVE TO! I don't have time for this sort of crap today so take your theories somewhere else or be my guest and post more and I will happily ban you. Your choice. Madmatt
  12. Deletion of posts is not permitted here.
  13. Doodads are graphic enhancements to the terrain tiles. They do not work on models as such. Madmatt
  14. We probably will for CMBB, now that we know we can do it, when it's time. Madmatt
  15. If your paying 600 a month for your car your have other issues that no Battlefront.com fix can resolve! Damn, even my 300ZX was only 400 a month! Madmatt
  16. The currently featured books are just the begining. Let us know what other titles and types of books you would like to see. Madmatt
  17. Okay, i just made a change to the View Cart page that should help the issue Gpig was seeing. Let me know if it looks okay now. I also fixed that broke link on the Purchase Page. Thanks! Madmatt
  18. Gpig, i have checked all the links and pages and they appear okay to me, can you double check the order pages once more for me please? Also what browser and version are you on and what is your desktop resolution set to? Maybe you need to scroll down some more? You should see a screen like this: Madmatt [ June 13, 2002, 03:51 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  19. Okay, time to close this down and let me make this REAL SIMPLE for you. Is CMBB coming out on June 22? NO Is it going gold on June 22? NO We will have any type of CMBB Announcement to make on June 22? NO Everyone clear on that now? Madmatt
  20. Battlefront.com is proud to announce the grand opening of our new Battlefront Bookshelf Area. This new area will showcase selected titles for sale covering a wide range of subjects and topics. Currently we feature six titles from the popular and acclaimed Nafziger Collection. Just the thing to get you into the right mindset for the forthcoming CMBB!!! Have a look at what's on our shelf and add it to yours! <p align="center">Click HERE to peruse the book titles for sale in our Bookshelf!</font> Madmatt [ June 13, 2002, 03:00 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
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