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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Umm, i didnt change anything...Depending on your browser though it may have cached the old version. I just re-checked and it is the new version it is downloading. Madmatt
  2. Yes, the tiles are the same size as before, 20x20. The most obvious difference is that this time we have a full time dedicated artist working on textures. Kwazydog isn't just a great guy, he is a great artist who knows how to get the very best out of his artwork and each texture he touches is a masterpiece. Madmatt [ June 12, 2002, 08:17 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  3. Seems just about everyone and their mother had a hand in this mod. As I understand it, the original mod was from Kwazydog and featured in MDMP-1, then Fernando winterized it, then Paul McMahon made some new roadwheels for the Jadgpanthers that Gordon then winterzired and this whole thing was sent to me by some other guy. Whew, got that? Anyway, this has always been a favorite winter texture of mine and its even better now. Head on over to CMHQ to grab your copy now! Madmatt [ June 11, 2002, 12:08 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  4. Hopefully prior to the launch of CMBB I will have some time to update that guide. While usefull, it is also woefully out of date. For example, most things can be accomplished now by using Gordon Molek's awesome CMMOS utility. Madmatt
  5. Not all the vehicle types submitted are going to go in CMBB obviously, but since it was a modelling contest we did not limit entires to just vehicles we knew were going in. Madmatt
  6. Moving to the Opponents Wanted Forum. Madmatt
  7. I just checked the file myself and it downloaded fine with no corruption. Madmatt
  8. No, actually email sales@battlefront.com, not me. There is a charge for a replacement CD and verification that you purcashed the game from us will also be needed. Madmatt [ June 06, 2002, 03:42 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  9. Okay time for a little bone throwing. Clcik to see full sized pictures. Enjoy! Madmatt [ June 06, 2002, 09:40 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  10. Two things about this thread. #1 It's the wrong forum for such issues. #2 People need to relax a bit of they feel even the remotest amount of offense because someone picks out a specific group to mention for remberance. It's not like they said "God Bless America and everyone else can go to hell!" If this forum is truly to be a global village (and I am not convinced that is always such a good idea) than we all need to remember that with diversity needs to come an equal or even greater amount of intelligent acceptance of peoples views and intentions and not to get all bent out of shape when someone says something you don't agree with 100%. Madmatt
  11. Long overdue but the WinterWonderland mod has been added to the extensive CMMOS support page along with a few other additions. Get your fill of CMMOS goodness right now! Madmatt [ June 05, 2002, 08:00 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  12. Impossible! It is your weak perception that is at fault...Check again. Madmatt hmm, that would make a good sig...
  13. Okay, thanks for all the comments. These are the new permanent colors, so if you don't like um, well tough. As to the transition pages, thats probably your cache needing to be cleared out as they are all in the new color style on my end. Madmatt
  14. blah blah blah...Fionn this Fionn that..blah blah blah...Yeah I knew I should have never let him back. Now, who said I am only a *little* more rude than Fionn??? Madmatt
  15. Tank?!? Why that's no tank but none other than Steve's new 105mm armed M29c Weasel you silly boy! Madmatt
  16. It was mentioned by some that I should revert the column colors back the way I did before to make individual topics (the unread yellow linked ones) easier to see against the greener background. I think that about wraps it up for now then. I do appreciate the feedback. If UBB would give a little more control this wouldnt have been such a chore. Madmatt
  17. I did make active links turn black though which makes them stand out a bit more IMO. Madmatt
  18. Can't do that as its related to the link and visited link colors and switching them would mess up other stuff I believe. Madmatt
  19. By the way, it's not BTS, it's BFC if you wanna be technical. Although BTS is engrained in everyones verbage we would really prefer to be referred to as Battlefront, not BTS. I don't work for Big Time Software, I work for Battlefront.com. This Battlefront.com's website. This is Battlefront.com's forum. Big Time Software was the company name for Charles in the early days but anymore Battlefront is really more accurate. Just an FYI... Madmatt [ May 31, 2002, 11:14 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  20. I think I am going to stick with how it is for now. Madmatt
  21. I have no idea what you just said. Sigh...I think I may just revert to how I did it originally. People have a workaround for font size and colors so maybe that is best. I prefer the forums to BLEND into the site and this new color scheme doesnt do it as well.... If UBB would just give me one more text tag to play with it would be simple. Madmatt
  22. Okay, made an additonal change the one of the two text field colors. Some said the black text was lost in the darker green so I lightened up some. How is this? I think I like it. Madmatt
  23. Okay, I left the Forum Catagory (intro) page in the old style (black background) and made this forum in the new...Comments? Matt
  24. I already made the change to the visited link tag (why all read and unread topics looked the same). I am also using a new style sheet which will make URLs always bold (easier to read) and also turn white and be underlined. I think I may switch back to a black text font color and use a light green background color. I am testing it now in the beta forums and it looks good. I will let you know if I make the change but like those that didn't like the earlier colors to check them out sans browser overrides. Sorry to be on edge last night (well, more so than normal) but if you guys know how much time and effort has gone into this new site you would understand a little better. Okay, let me see what I can do. If its any consolation, there are people within Battlefront that are just as back and forth about these color changes as you guys. Madmatt [ May 31, 2002, 09:32 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
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