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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Hold on to your panties, I think I got a solution which will make everyone happy, well okay, most people... Madmatt
  2. If i go with black text it makes all the text on the outside (outside the post area) invisible. Its the crappy way UBB does colors apparently. Let me see what I can do. Madmatt
  3. Vader, that is intentional. Some links will become bold as I WANT you to notice them more than others. Sometimes when text changes to bold it will move other text around, its unavoidable. Madmatt
  4. Okay, what do you guys think about the white text? It solves many other issues with the whole forum but black text may be slightly easier on the eyes. You got 5 minutes to weigh in and then its off to bed. Madmatt
  5. Yeah, its not quite there yet. Having problems with a black background and black text which makes some stuff unreadable.. Hmmm... Madmatt
  6. Okay, I have few new color combinations that I am testing on another forum for comparrison. Stand By. I would also remove those SIG LINES if membership here is something you want to maintain. Madmatt
  7. Actually, went back and looked at my original design template and I did have it to be black text originally so I may make that change after all. If you have a wheel mouse you can adjust the font size by holding control and rolling the wheel. Madmatt
  8. Disagree all you want, it's still not going to change. What I can change though is the font size (although thats actually a browser setting that you can change yourselves). If you guys think its too small I can revert back to the older size (one notch larger). Which colors here are the hardest to see for those that are Red/green colorblind? Madmatt [ May 30, 2002, 06:08 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  9. There are some new screenshots in the new CMBB gallery... Also, we don;t know what happened to the thread about the new look. We didnt move or delete it but its deffinetely gone. Some things change, others (crappy forum software) stay the same... Madmatt
  10. Well, it aint gonna change so suck it up and cope! Madmatt [ May 30, 2002, 06:08 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  11. Hydralisk911, Maybe instead of acting like a immature punk you could instead offer some constructive criticism on ways to improve the game? You wonder how long you post will take to be locked down and yet you posted it anyway? That shows an understanding of what you said and the way in which it would undoubtedly be responded to by us. It also displays to me quite clearly that you hold no regard to rules of conduct of which you agreed to when you registered to the forums. Such blatant disregard to our rather lenient rules has only one circumstance. You have now entered the ranks of those that acted similar in the past by posting garbage and wasting all of our time. Hydralisk911, you are herby banned from posting on these forums, your access has been removed, your IP and email addresses locked out. Constructive comments on how our products can be improved have always been accepted openly. Comments regarding issues which could be improved, seem buggy or just general comments are also always appreciated. Posting detritus (look it up) which has no point other than to just spew or offend is not looked fondly on however. You crossed the line and you know it. Goodbye. Madmatt
  12. Capt, back off the FU-O-meter there mate. Even the Peng/Cesspool has rules and either you play along or can go run and play somewhere else. Comprende? Good. Madmatt
  13. Issues regarding other games need to be posted in the General Forum. Not here. Madmatt
  14. Battlefront.com and developer Fury Software are proud to announce the beta demo for "Strategic Command - European Theater", a turn-based Grand Strategy wargame featuring the Second World War in Europe. The full featured beta demo contains one major campaign: "Fall Gelb" - the German invasion of France and the Low Countries and includes multiplayer support via Play by Email (PBEM). Gameplay in the demo is limited to one full game year (May 1940 - May 1941). The full version will include a total of six major campaigns as well as a powerful campaign editor. Read the full Press Release Here! Download the Beta Demo from Here!
  15. Battlefront.com and developer Fury Software are proud to announce the beta demo for "Strategic Command - European Theater", a turn-based Grand Strategy wargame featuring the Second World War in Europe. The full featured beta demo contains one major campaign: "Fall Gelb" - the German invasion of France and the Low Countries and includes multiplayer support via Play by Email (PBEM). Gameplay in the demo is limited to one full game year (May 1940 - May 1941). The full version will include a total of six major campaigns as well as a powerful campaign editor. Read the full Press Release Here! Download the Beta Demo from Here!
  16. Yes very cute but we dont need anything confusing newbies to what CMBB will be like. Madmatt
  17. Just remember, no where did we ever say June. That is just what OTHER people are saying. When we are ready to announce the answers to your questions we will do so. We aren't ready to announce them yet. Madmatt
  18. Battlefront.com and developer Panther Games are proud to announce that "Airborne Assault - Red Devils over Arnhem", an operational level real-time wargame about the final leg of "Operation Market Garden", has now officially reached GOLD status. A new final demo can be downloaded free from www.battlefront.com. "Airborne Assault" is currently in production, and will be opened to pre-orders by June 1st. First games are expected to ship by June 15th. "Airborne Assault - Red Devils Over Arnhem" will be available only online from Battlefront.com and is not being sold in retail. Red the full Press Release Here Download the new Gold Demo here! Madmatt [ May 17, 2002, 02:45 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  19. Officially they are referred to as Terrain Elements... Madmatt
  20. I would prefer that you not use the forum as you own private message service to someone. Madmatt
  21. I don't know of any doodads that are specific to winter maps. Actually winter tends to have FEWER doodads as the ground is covered in snow. No, doodads are NOT repeat NOT user placeable as they are associated to specific terrain tiles. Craters, however (and good catch on noticing that), are now. Foxholes are handled a bit differently but more on that later. Madmatt
  22. Hmm...Winter doodads...Would that be a Snowdad??? Something like this? Cemetary and scattered rocks in snow and light fog..Note damaged building textures in background. Click to enlarge... Madmatt
  23. Just a quickie note to alert you all to the fact that the FULL CMMOS Mod list was just uploaded and now available. Thanks to Gordon for his tireless effort on this venture. Madmatt
  24. Hex overlayed terrain was done years ago and is still a mod for download on CMHQ. Madmatt
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