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Everything posted by gunnersman

  1. I noticed in many of the screen shots that tanks without tracks leave no tracks anywhere on the ground. Is it too difficult to model persistent tracks that have been thrown? Or is it because these are beta shots? http://www.battlefront.com/products/tow/screenshots/index_42.html http://www.battlefront.com/products/tow/screenshots/index_37.html And the second part, I notice that infantry do not use cover as well as possible. For instance in the screen shot below the PIAT infantry is out in the open and not up against the building or up against the PzIV hulk or better concealed in anyway. http://www.battlefront-newsletter.com/portals/0/piat1.jpg Same for this guy. Particularly if you are trying to throw grenades at a tank. I would think you would want to find some cover. That barrel looks nice. http://www.battlefront-newsletter.com/portals/0/piat6.jpg These Russian infantry I think could do better than the clothes line and a fence that can be seen through. At the very least be behind the house or a tree. http://www.battlefront-newsletter.com/Portals/0/shot5.jpg
  2. Come now. Now thats not fair! You can't NOT have a video for bail out deomonstrations and death animations. You are such teases. Your going STRAIGHT to hell for that! Although they were nice.
  3. Dont do anything I would love to watch.
  4. ASAP. Send your cashiers check or money order to: gunnersman 2860 N Sheridan Road Tulsa, Ok 74115 Please, dont be stingy. Dont tell me you didnt see that coming. Ok, ok, seriously. From what I've read: 2)You give the squad orders and not individual soldiers. 3)There is no emphasis on command and control. But there is slight delay but I think its only inherent in the programming and not so much because of delay due to orders trickling down through the ranks. [ August 15, 2006, 08:43 PM: Message edited by: gunnersman ]
  5. Ah, I didnt think about. Im way over those ages.
  6. No we have to switch it off. Or risk being banned from shop shelves :-( I hate current gaming trends... </font>
  7. Damn, you guys are no fun. Come on! Back to the insults! The flame wars here are better than reality TV! Well not better than "Who Wants to be a Superhero"
  8. Underneath the tree, lower left corner. Is that guy (who looks like he is doing a push up) trying to get a better look at what is going on? http://www.strategyinformer.com/pc/theatreofwar/screenshot-viewer.html?id=129850 Or is he just bored and getting some PT in?
  9. I would say that is more like turning around a dime. But, WOW, that was fast.
  10. For me CC2 was my first real intro into RT gaming. And I loved it. Mostly because it was a WW2 theme and there was a bigger objective involved. I started to lose interest in the rest of the series after CCIII. Command and Conquer was next. I loved it, at first. It was novel, to me. But that formula of "resource gathering" and "tanks slugging it out while they wear each other down" got old for me real quick. Be it Starcraft or whatever. Most RTS games move too fast for me. That and there is the hierarchy of "you need this type of unit to destroy this type of unit". That gets tiresome too. For me, personally, I've always stuck to the WW2 themes because it is what I am familiar with. Unless it had a C&C format. Blah! It has a been a trial and error expirience. Albeit expensive. LOL! Thanks for that memory Barkhorn!
  11. Its usually by invite. Or a well placed bottle of whiskey, hookers, cocaine...what have you.
  12. You know when you are leaning back in your chair and WHOOPS! you start to fall but you catch yourself? Its like that.
  13. In IL-2 you can actually take your photograph and put it on the pilots face, thus YOU are flying the thing. So theoretically you should be able to do that in ToW. I would think that would personalize the game more if you were to put faces of your choice on your core units.
  14. Yes I know. Hence the Colon, minus sign and capital "D". But thank you all the same.
  15. LOL! Nice Vergeltungswaffe. Let the Chuck Norris posts begin! Hehe
  16. MythBusters, eh ? what a reference. there goes any creditbility... ---------------- It is OBVIOUS that Hollywood is, well, Hollywood. People are not flipping over like that. But, PLEASE, ... MythBusters LOL... ----------- The question is, do we really want an ultimately realistic portrayal, or a more, well, Hollywood-style representation of effects? If there isnt going to be the real mess anyhow we can just as well have comical flipovers. </font>
  17. In IL-2 you can take an image and put it on your pilots face, gunners face, etc. So if you want your face on your pilot you can do that. Will this be possible in ToW?
  18. Which card will ToW be optimized for? ATI or GeForce types?
  19. Tube launched, Opticaly tracked...oh wait...sorry. As you were. :-D
  20. Beee-aaaa-utiful! How will the trees be handled when looking "over the shoulder"? Will they turn translucent or will they block your view?
  21. Aaah! Thanks for that Barkhorn. I always wondered why it did that but was not curious enough to actually find out. I just loved to play it. Fascinatin'.
  22. Is that anything like an "easy button"?
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