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Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Do you have the .NET 2.0 framework from Microsoft? That might be it. When in doubt, blame Microsoft.
  2. On battles, fair point, this isn't a true representation of the battle of Seelow Heights, or a part thereof. It's a battle inspired by Seelow Heights. They might not be 100% realistic but they are fun, I assure you. Mostly. Gah! Avalanche! *falls to the fround and twitches*
  3. sonar, we aren't trying to chase crazymurpy away. But if every post he makes is negative and mostly stemming from an unwillingness to get informed or help himself that just gets on my nerves. I'm only human! If someone gives valid criticism I am more then happy to help address the issue or pass it on to the team. Emperors new clothes? I've been testing this game since November. I know it's faults (yes, it has its faults) better then most
  4. ah, no sorry, my bad. I wasn't paying as much attention as I should and thought you referred to maniac_nat's earlier question. Your question I couldn't answer, because Madmatt is a meanie and made us poor testers slog through the missions one by one. I recommend you do that too. Not only is that more rewarding but you also get your men some XP so that they'll perform better in the next mission.
  5. You could use the editor to such an extent that you'd be able to play the other side, I do believe. However, you'll need to rework the AI scripting (not as hard as it sounds, but not easy either) so both sides know what to do. This because the side you previously controlled do not have the scripts needed to do what they might need to do. Depending on size and complexity of the scenario this can be a fairly significant job.
  6. For the guys in trenches tell them to hold fire (and position while you are at it) and select the crouch stance. This will keep them out of too much trouble. If you select crouch only they will still try and get shots off, thus increasing the chance of getting spotted and hit.
  7. They don't move over to the single player list. You'll still have to go to the campaign section. Then you can access all the games you played at will. You will not be able to switch sides though. Often though their is a scenario from the opposite side based on the same battle, though it is different from the one you played as the other side.
  8. I'm sorry?! You can't be asked to find stuff out for yourself yet bitch and moan about stuff you simply don't understand. People here try and answer your question as good as they can and you continue to moan and still feel entitled for us to hold your hand when you continue to moan to cover your own ineptitude? What inhuman patience are you expecting of us? And take your threat elsewhere. I'm not paid by BFC, I am just a beta tester who roams this board hoping to field questions for those that need a little help. You sir, quite clearly don't want to be helped. I give up! Good luck.
  9. Correction, there are British voices. Sadly, they are mixed in with US voices. Yeah, I know, that is dissapointing.
  10. Let's see... you can't be bothered to RTFM or adjust the settings to you liking and have the situational awareness of a clump of dirt. BFC can't patch any of that.
  11. By sneaking a look every now and then to see where the enemy is. Otherwise you are just guarding a 1.5m deep hole.
  12. GunzAbeam, no it's just that you need to play the Campaign battles to unlock them to play at a later date. There's a toggle in the Options screen that allows you to continue the campaign even when you fail to win the current battle. So should you play the first battle in the Allied campaign then afterwards you always play the 1st and 2nd battles just like the single missions.
  13. It might be worth while to look though this.
  14. Nope, can't turn them off and you shouldn't either. Trees affect aiming and does offer concealment and cover for troops directly behind one. When dealing with armour the efect is fuzzy. One tree does nothing for LOS/LOF except decrease your hit chance. A whole bunch of trees and the LOS is blocked.
  15. You can hide your troops. Just don't expect miracles, if you are in an open field you are going to get noticed pretty easily. Hiding under a bush I've had infantry run over by oblivious tanks.
  16. Damning with faint praise?
  17. Herding a gaggle of infantry can be tricky, not to say a chore sometimes. But in many missions you'll find it most useful to control individuals.
  18. With such a high muzzle velocity it probably could fling a round that far. For ToW purposes though the information isn't all that useful. More or less the same is true for rifle ranges, they are very high, but I wouldn't open fire at such ranges.
  19. Ordering them to crouch and hold fire works well. They'll still sneak a peak every now and again. Wouldn't you?
  20. No no, I'm just a beta tester, so for the next few days I'm keeping a close eye on the forum to help out where I can for release day questions and issues. I'm not employed by BFC. I just thought I'd chip in here with my 0.02$. Oh, and your English is fine. I do understand your desire to post in German and don't begrudge you that. I just explained why BFC might not be too keen on it. It has come up before.
  21. I'll continue in English if you don't mind. Not that I'm listening to Moon , I just feel more comfortable expressing myself in English. Point is that if people start talking in foreign languages they may say sorts of things. When Balkans On Fire was released a few Serbs had some quite despicable things to say. Fortunately I knew the more interesting words so I saw what was being said was quite unacceptable and reported it. But that reveals the issue at hand, if the guys at Battlefront can't read your posts (be they German or something else) they can't police their own forums. Considering some of the downright sick things some crazy people will say that would be bad for their business. Secondly, it's just more fun and useful if everyone posted in the same threads instead of in a several sub-forums. This way more people get to read the often very interesting things that are said. Besides, it creates a more fun community. If this forum was just filled with Americans, I'd like it less then the diversity that we get now. If your English is as poor as my German, don't worry. People that complain about poor language skills tend to get short thrift from the community. And it is fact (for better or worse) that a basic English knowledge is now expected.
  22. The ratio of tanks to infantry is still high in most scenarios. Roughly CC2 level, though there are also some that have no armour in it. Now, as grognard myself I initially didn't like it but as I got to play more scenarios I realized it didn't annoy me as much as I think it would. It's just sooo much fun! And then there is the powerful mission editor, where players can make changes to the forces present.
  23. I forgot to mention that the spotting skill of tanks is also factored in. A tank crew highly skilled in the Scouting skill will spot you easier then someone who's less capable. And as I've mentioned before, we too are a little puzzled about the frigging laser beam accuracy of the tutorial. We've not seen it do anything like that before.
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