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Everything posted by rune

  1. Jack, Nothing has been announced about CMX2. It is still being discussed internally. Rune
  2. Because to teach someone Charles code would take a long time, not to mention the formulas contained within. Rune
  3. It has been said, and will say it again, work will go to CMX2, and not to CMBB which is a done product. Rune
  4. Hmm.... I was going to activate the "loser" code that I had Charles put in, in order to have Axe, and Boggs lose all the time...but now I see it was a waste of time, they have't managed to win anything anyway. Heck, and to think we could have put in another tank model instead of wasteing time on that. Rune Boggsy, oh Boggsy, have time to pick a victim and test a scenario?
  5. You will see CMAK mentioned several places. Page 76 features a review and an Editor's Choice Award, Under games of the year 2003, you will see CMAK won the Turn Based Strategy Game of the Year, and under the comments of the staff, you will see two people mentioning CMAK. Rune
  6. This confirms something I had always suspected. Berli always wanted to be the THE Navy, the Marine thing was a passing phase. Rune
  7. Then I have nothing to fear, you guys don't even play baseball. If you try to hit me with a cricket bat, I imagine it will take you four days to even get to that point, a typical game lenght. Your soccer team is rated 81, 70 below that of the US. Your rugby team couldn't even beat the Pommies. You have mace running around with a sheep on his shoulder, dareing people to knock it off. As I said, not impressed by the Aussie gang. Rune
  8. Sorry....none of the Aussie Gang has impressed me... Rune
  9. Actually an excellent idea guys. I have written it down for when the time comes. Thanks for the great idea! Rune
  10. Sorry guys, but that will not happen. Rune
  11. The exact term used in historical accounts was soggy. You also ignore the point that some tanks did indeed move off the road, however slowly. It had less to do with mud, but more with the wet sandy type of dirt. I can think of several types of terrain that wasn't covered. In a Finnish scenario, a forrested Marsh, in Russia, near leningrad, the same type of sandy dirt, same here. Heavy mud would not allow the tanks to move off road at all, not historical. Mud with increased bogging would not be historical either, sinces the tanks did move off, but due to the type of terrain, slowly. If you look above at previous messages, it is what I stated. I went with wet for Chris, slows down movement, with the lowest chance of bogging. There is not a proper way to just slow down the tanks off road. You do what you can. As I said, if you don't want to behave as the scenario asks, then change the parameters. I will not change it and change the way the battle happened. I also understand the points raised, and have no problem if you want to change the parameters, as long as you know why it would be different then the historical battle. Rune
  12. No they aren't just labels, they amount of bogging changes. I am not going to restrict the tanks from doing something they could do historically. If you feel that strongly about it, and are going to ignore what is in the briefing, then change the parameters. Funny, I get people saying everything should be historical, and I get others saying to change historical settings. Can't win either way. Paterx, thanks for the comments. I never said it was for two player however, and I always mark the scenarios I make for two players. I also don't believe all scenarios have to be balanced. If you learn something from the scenario, then that is what matters. I still think Chris did a great job on the scenario for being 14 when he made it. Rune
  13. The word is it is NOT a bug, it was a choice to either exclude the AC or use an existing model due to the fact the cd was maxed in size. Also, there will NOT be new models in the patch, as work must begin on CMX2. Rune
  14. Too early to talk about this stuff, the engine is still being discussed internally. When the time comes, Madmatt will post the information, but it is a while away. Rune
  15. Simon, During that battle, due to the rain and the sandy terrain [not mud], yes, the tanks tried to stay on the roads. Unfortunately, we do not have a sandy/dirt terrain, so used wet. So, to answer, mainly the tanks stayed on the roads, but also could and did move offroad on occasion. It is in the briefing to stay on the roads, and most players do try to stay their with small exceptions. The scenario was made to show the contribution of the British at Anzio. I think most Americans think it was an American operation. That piece of terrain was to switch sides multiple times during the course of the operation, and before it was over, the factory would change hands several times. The british fought hard and suffered many casualties at Anzio, and I wanted to honor their contribution there. As for the scenarios posting, it is my call. They get posted on Boots and Tracks, so are available to download. If you want to know more, feel free to send me an email. Rune
  16. And speaking of feedback, if you have sent me an email recently, and I have not replied, please resend as my computer has died and is awaiting repair, but I got another in the meantime. Tim
  17. It is not deep mud because historically it was not deep mud. It was play tested both single [which it was designed for] and two player. Treeburst is entitled to his opinion that it is imbalanced, but sorry, not going to change history. I even got feedback on the scenario from a father of a user here that was at the battle. If he wishes to post his name, he can do so. I will put in part of an email I got from him: "Just to say thanks again for doing this. I finally got CMAK here in the UK last week, and was over at my father's at the time and was able to show him the scenario and his character... he was really pleased! So you've made an old WW2 vet happy!" Nope, I no longer post scenarios to the depot, doesn't mean I don't like feedback. Email me and I will respond. Nothing to do with Admiral Keth, just sick of scenario ratings being trashed to elevate someone else's higher on the list. I have responded to critiques in email from people like Grog Dorosh, Panther Commander, Berli, Holien, and others. Always open to suggestions when treated kindly. Come in and attack me, and I ignore you. [in General, not you personally] I will give my resources, and if wrong, at least you know why something was made a certain way. It is also the reason I do not post reviews. I do not want the appearence of trashing someone elses work. I have been lucky enough to work with some good talent. When time comes for CMX2, I will again ask those who I want to make scenarios for the CD. being a while away, please don't ask me now if you are reading this [for anyone reading this]. Everyone also remember the majority of the scenarios on the CD are made to play the computer. Also remember for each user here on the forum, there are a lot more that bought the game but don't get online or come here. AI is still the #1 way the scenarios are played off the CD. So, again, thanks to all the guys who made scenarios for the release. It has been a honor to work with you. Look forward to working with some of you again in the future on CMX2. No, there is nothing to say about CMX2 yet either, everything is still internal. Rune
  18. No and No, too many changes in terrain types. Rune
  19. Guys, There are no bones. It is way too early in the process to give out anything. remember, we are looking at up to 2 years down the road. Everything has to be decided on then coding starts, so uless Charles is going to come in and say i coded 100 lines today, there will be no information on the engine for a bit. Rune
  20. Guys, The scenario was designed to show what the cruisers did there, and how they made the difference. Kill the spotters and see how difficult a time the Americans would have had. Chris [who just turned 15] was reading Two Ocean War, and there is a big section on the Naval gunfire support, it was never really meant to be played two player. More of a challenge would to play as the Germans. See the web site I posted earlier to see how the Naval Gunfire truely saved the day. That and the General rallying his troops. Rune
  21. Guys, The scenario was designed to show what the cruisers did there, and how they made the difference. Kill the spotters and see how difficult a time the Americans would have had. Chris [who just turned 15] was reading Two Ocean War, and there is a big section on the Naval gunfire support, it was never really meant to be played two player. More of a challenge would to play as the Germans. See the web site I posted earlier to see how the Naval Gunfire truely saved the day. That and the General rallying his troops. Rune
  22. Delete the combat mission prefs file, then start it again. When the different valuyes come up, select one and see if it works. Rune
  23. I couldn't pass this one up. We will serve no wine before its time. [A old American Wine Commercial] Rune
  24. P-47 could and indeed did carry three bombs, it could carry up to 2500 pounds of weapons. usual load was 1 500 pounder under each wing, but it could, and did also carry a third under the fuselage. They also could carry rockets at the same time. Here is a picture with the belly shackle. http://www.aviation-history.com/republic/p47.html Cost fo a P-47 was 85,000 dollars. Wish I had the money back then. Rune Obviously if dropping 6 bombs something is wrong...
  25. Make sure if you have any anti-virus software to turn it off before you runt he install. Sometimes it tries to read the cd and check the file, which is one massive file. If you don't want to turn it off, then let it spin, it may take a few hours. Rune
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