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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by rune

  1. Joebob , Isn't it time for you to take a plunge? I got the hotdog and coke vendors on stand by, tickets are selling wildly, and I even managed to get ahold of some judges to score you on the way down. Of course, at your advanced age, you may of forgotten about it. Let me put it this way, "Look out, bauhaus is behind you!" Wait, Joebob may like that, after all, it is he with the Mormon wives. Boo with the blue dress on, can't you take the position of Justacar already? This one leaves due to rules being broken then breaks his own rules. I haven't seen skill like that since the last Presidential Election. [No Bauhaus, I said Election] Well, maybe I will just send Joebob a scenario to melt his little lappy top. Rune
  2. I am the seventh Beatle, not part of the band and no one knows of me. The beatles were a band for you younger generation. hehehehehe Rune
  3. Lurkur , Is it really you, or is Boo dressing in drag again? Rune
  4. Speaking of which... Seanachai , did you get the scenario in the email? tradition dictates you actually acknowledge that you got it. Keep this up, and I will rate you as high as Joebob in the senility scale. Joebob , let us know when you plan on throwing yourself out the hotel window. I would like to arrange to have it filmed to keep for pos...post... a long time. I may be able to sell tickets to it too. Heck, your landing cannot be any worse then watching you land in IL2. Rune
  5. Bah! The two of you couldn't fight your way out of a paper bag. However, since the Justicar broke his own rule about bolding names, I will vote for Boo to replace Joebob. See, at least I bolded your name. For the two weiners, a better punishment would be for them to once more engage in mortal combat in a blood hamster in none other then a new Rune scenario. I happen to have one hot off the presses. Last, I did NOT hear from Lurkur Rune
  6. Joachim, Well done. I wanted a slim chance of winning, which you managed to do. In the historical battle, well explained int eh book, the British infantry came out of their foxholes and trenches to watch the destruction of the German tanks. The scenario shows that even Rommel had his bad days, this being one of them. Again, well done! Rune
  7. Seanachai of the Garden, Welcome back ye of gnomish stature. I had offered countless times some scenarios to help you pass the time. You never responded. For this, I am sending you a vile and nasty little [bah! a couple divisions are on the map] scenario to play. May it cause you much pain. This one is hot off the presses. Rune
  8. If anyone wins it, I would be amazed. Just goes to show you that indeed, Rommel had his bad days. That attack should not have been ordered. Oh yeah, there were actually more 25 pdrs there then what I show. Read the article from the book, interesting reading. Rune
  9. I may of made it, but the help from JonS, John Salt, George Nafziger, Charl Theron, and the fine folks at the South African National Military Museum, made it possible. The books at the end of the main briefing give a good accounting of the battle. Rune
  10. Cannot be done. The demo scenariocannot be changed and used in the demo. Rune
  11. Lars, Yopu forget, Acey Ducey is a marine Corp Officer, which means he is used to giving commands in small grunts, while waiting for his Sgts to do the right thing, and cover for him. New evilness created if someone wants to test it, a copy will be going to said Acet Ducey in the hopes of melting down his processor. Rune
  12. Since "gun damage" can be anything from a turret stuck, a turret ring hit, a barrel hit, to optics being knocked out, it is quite realistic to not have the co-ax firing. The hull mg will still fire. The chance of a crew bailout does depend on all of the stuff discussed above. Rune
  13. I am taking a lesson from Axe2121's wife, and he is now officially cut off. No more scenarios for him, nor does he have a chance to beta test anything but lulu games. Reason? The Bastidge tells me to be online, I have been all week and posted that, and he never came and gave me feedback. Let this be a lesson for those of you with rune scenarios, feedback is required, or you too could suffer the fate of Axe2121, and be put in the ignore list. All that being said, there is a new rune scenario ready to rock and roll. Anyone interested? Feedback, as mentioned above, is required. Rune
  14. I think Moon said it best already: Originally posted by redwolf: quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Personally I don't doubt they read all the stuff but I am also sure they will overlook (not reject) something, because things are way too chaotic and they don't give any hints what is considered/rejected and what is not. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Right, well, I am not reading this. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You attempt to start an organized thread was the way to go and they did not accept it which is sad. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What do you mean with us not accepting it? Redwolf, I have told you before that you should be careful about making assumptions about what we do or don't. You have no idea what we do, don't, or plan to do. The fact that this thread didn't get a sticky or a comment from us does not mean that we don't accept it. Or don't read it. Or don't care. We're ecstatic that people take the trouble to report all the various issues which are simply unavoidable in a project which has grown so much in complexity as did the CM series, and when you look back at our product support since CMBO, you should acklowledge that we care about delivering a good product more than your average developer. Your constant whining about "they don't read, they don't care, they don't accept" is not only unfounded, it's downright insulting. We have a tight schedule going forward, and we will work according to that schedule, not to how you think we should work. We plan to issue another patch after collecting a bunch of outstanding critical issues, see what is high priority and what isn't, and move on. Not all issues will be addressed, and our priority list might be different from yours - tough. We would still be "fixing" CMBO and there would have been no CMBB and CMAK (and BFC for that matter) if it was up to some people on this forum to decide. Anyway, I think this thread here has run its course, and I am going to lock it. Just so you know, it will be filed away for when we get to the next CMAK patch and read 500 times by all BFC members. Although the constant whining has actually probably reduced its usefulness. Martin
  15. And once again, it has not been announced what period will be covered, nor what features will be put into the game. Charles is coding the base engine and it will be months before anything is announced. Rune
  16. You forget I did make a scenario based on the Battle of the bulge movie, features King Tigers against chaffees posing at Shermans. It was a decidedly anti-grog moment after spending months making "A Matter of Honor". Rune
  17. Soon, very very soon, there will be new evil released.... it features explody things, South Africans, more explody things, rolling hills of tuscany, explody things, crunchies, some division named after a fat air force general, farmland, the La Foce Estate, and more explody things. To be different, I even added some explody things, and things that go "whoosh". Needless to say, it is evil... Hmm, do I really want feedback from someone who chains himself to a chair? Rune
  18. Yeah Michael, forgot you made one. Rune
  19. Shall be on this evening, not tomorrow as I have to referee some soccer games. Rune
  20. Never been to a Chicago Public Library, have you? It involved giving blood, sacrificing a Penger [hmmmm], and enough paperwork to make the Federal Government jealous. I will see if I can get into Northwestern's, but last time I was there, it was students and faculty only. Rune
  21. Boggsy, Make sure the tides are going out before having him go for a swim. Oh, and if it looks like he will make it to shore, make sure you yell for immigration to stop him before feet dry. Rune
  22. Excellent Boo, you are learning. Next lesson, do NOT drink out of the toilet, the colored water is NOT good for you. Rune
  23. Already been done. You can look for the scenario from Wild Bill on the scenario depot. however, welcome to scenario making! Rune
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