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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by rune

  1. May have been for a magazine, I don't remember... Rune
  2. It also depends ont he scenario designer guys. In the design, you pick friendly edges, and broken units will head towards the friendly edge. So a cutoff unit could head towards the friendly edge even if enemies are there. I did that on a scenario or two because that is what they had to do. However, go into the scenario and change the edge on the scenario and see if you get the same thing. It isn't a bug, but could be the way the scenario was designed. Rune
  3. with my computer crash, but someone was wanting a Kiwi scenario to use [with the army?] Anyway, I have been working closely with JonS to get a scenario done. Thanks to his help, we got a very accurate to&e for fighting in April 1945. Let me know who you are, and I will send you what I got so far. Everyone else will see it after it is complete except for a very select few who are testing. Rune
  4. Just for your information, Intel and others are releasing the next generation of power supplies/Motherboard/Cases this year called BTX. Along with changing the video card from 8X AGP to PCI Express [benefits are doubtful, however see tomshardware.com for a good article], it changes the design of the motherboard and case so fans on processors and video cards are not needed. Basically the entire system is designed for air flow through out the case. BTX cases/motherboard will come in three flavors, and anandtech.com and tomshardware.com both had interesting articles on the layouts. Gone are things like serial ports, parallel ports, mouse and keyboard ports, etc. Rune
  5. So it is written, so it will be done... As soon as I get home, will email to you. Rune
  6. Lars , As if going to dalem's house wasn't punishment enough, I have determined to really make things miserable for you. If you are not playing the rune scenario I suggested, then I will send one I am working on for you to play.....none other then dalem . What does this scenario feature you may ask? The Last Offensive of the Eighth Army during WWII. Kiwis...without sheep. Kiwi explody things German Explody things Crunchy things from both sides. About 4000 points per side, 1km by 1km map. Did I mention explody things? Let me know if you are playing the other one, if you are, I will spare you. Rune
  7. Since the project was secret, it went to beta testers, and only a few of them. However, thanks for the offer for the future. Rune
  8. before you post it as a bug, make sure. Here we see two tanks captured by the Aussies near Beda Fomm, and look, radio antennas. http://www.diggerhistory.info/pages-armour/enemy/italian_ww2.htm Here a destroyed tank at Beda Fomm has a radio antenna. http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Quarters/1975/g_itawna.htm However, I also see pictures of tanks without them. Perhaps some did and some didn't? Found one more site, the radio antenna are clearly shown. http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Quarters/1975/g_tnkita.htm Rune
  9. But you are risking your chance of free alcohol.... Rune
  10. The secret is out.... http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=30;t=001688 I suggest Blessings from the god of war two players. Rune
  11. The secret is out.... http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=30;t=001688 I suggest Blessings from the god of war two players. Rune
  12. The secret is out.... http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=30;t=001688 I suggest Blessings from the god of war two players. Lars if you would please hand Boo his head, and let me know how it went. Rune [ March 10, 2004, 03:38 PM: Message edited by: rune ]
  13. Joebob , Nice way to kill a thread trying to get revitalized. Sure you don't want to kick Boo while he is laying down there too? Speaking of which.... Boo , you odorous windbag, with an IQ the same of a flounder [marine life, damn bastiges still don't know what SOS is][oh, and that still rates you higher then the wafflers], are you plsying that scenario with Boggs? If not, methinks you should play Lars , winner gets to dress the other in a dress of their choosing. Maybe YK2 can give suggestions. Back to Joebob , thank god...err..sorry about that Berli , that you have no input on the four horsemen. With your age and all, we know if is hard enough for you to find your teeth in the morning. Fear not, Emry's will regain the title once he returns, I am just the place holder....and paid good booze for it too. Ahhh...maybe that is what he is after. Too bad, have to come to Chicago to leech free alcohol. Rune [ March 10, 2004, 02:44 PM: Message edited by: rune ]
  14. Exactly my point, saying the spreadsheet covers all those is fallacy. What it is good for, is balance for a 2 player game without ai use. It does so very well. But to say Hisotrical Battles agains the AI you don't need a vl, is plain wrong. I'll use it for seeing how points play out to make a both sides being equal, a draw. If I design a scenario that if both sides play it and are equal, that the US will win....then why play the scenario at all? You know the outcome. Scenario design is NOT a once size fits all. I can use a small or large flag to direct the Ai a certain direction, and can counter it by having an objective flag further back in the defenders lines or by having enough forces to cause a equal amount of point loss from the attacker in normal circumstances. What about a situation where there are 3 major VLs, but you have forces to cover two? Give the defender the option where and how to defend. As I said, the tool will help a lot, old and new designers will benefit from it, however, it is NOT the end all for scenario design. Rune
  15. And there you are very wrong. VLs are needed in any scenario, historical or otherwise, because you forget one major point, you can control the AI behavior with VLs. When playing the AI, you can control a "path" by setting up a series of VLs. A historical Battle agains the Ai with no VLs is a waste of time. [Operations differ, of course] granted the human should be the attacker normally, there are scenarios where you can have the AI attack if you give them plenty more points, and give them a couple ways to attack, all with using VLs. Also the point is you improve the scenario to YOUR critera, NOT the authors critera. nor the criteria of directing the AI. It most CERTAINLY makes a difference...you are again hung up on gameplay...which is NOT always the #1 concern with ALL scenario design. Your formula certainly can help in certain situations, but certainly not in all. Rune
  16. That is just your opinion, I believe a historical scenario should put you in the situation, then you see how you did compared to the real thing. If you adjust a historical scenario for gameplay, then it is not a historical scenario, but semi-historical. Remember as many people that are out there, there are that many opinions on how a scenario should be played. The game is to teach just as much as it is to play. Not all scenarios should be balanced, not all scenarios should be set that if two people play that are equal, that the numbers balance out one side wins. variety, including your great tool, should be used...just don't want people to think this is the end all, it isn't. However, don't think I am putting down the tool. It is an excellent way to make a type of scenario. If you are new to scenario design, or even an old hand, it would help. However, there should be many different types of scenarios to cover the wide variety of interest. As a side note, I try to setup my two player scenarios that if they are equal skills, they get a draw. A mistake in tactics by either side should punish the player, and affect the score. Nope, my way is not the perfect solution either, just how I design a lot of my two player scenarios. Rune
  17. Berli Works for me, this is only a temporary position until Emrys makes his return. Are you venturing into the city anytime soon? Rune
  18. However, vskalex does have a point.. this IS the Mother Beautiful Thread , and to change it for some idiot just lets the idiot win. So, to get back on the subject... With Emrys on the lamb [not that kind Mace }, I hearby submit myself to fill his role as one fo the 4 Horsemen. What are my qualifications you ask? Well, that is easy....to Berli I will send the bottle of Glenfiddich Reserve Scotch which cost more the Joebob makes in a year. To Andreas and crew, a case of wine is already heading his way. To Grog Dorosh I will send him the latest Canadian scenario I made, or the promise not to make anymore Canadian scenarios if he prefers. See, proper bribery. You all should learn something from this. In the meantime, to get things here rolling again, I submit that 12 new scenarios will be available shortly. These were done from none other then Berli , Andreas , myself, WWB, and jwxspoon. They will be available here as soon as the Madone posts the secret project. Most are single player, but there are some multi-player scenarios available. Now enough of this pity party, Seanachai will be back when he is ready, as well as Emrys. In the meantime Lawngnome, when you read this, toss me an email and let me know if you want the scenarios ahead of everyone else. Will send a bunch to you to help pass your time and melt your processor. Now, let's get back to the taunting, the challenging, and the ever present not turning your back on Bauhaus that we are famous for. Rune
  19. Drink less? Not for long.... [An evil plan is coming together] Rune
  20. Not a map, a full scenario will be heading your way as soon as I get home from work. Rune
  21. Becket! Becket!!!!! Will send you the scenario when I get home tonight. However, I am expecting one thing I seldom get from the wafflers...some ^%^%*^ feedback. You will have version 1.1 which was tested and told good to go as is, but always want feedback. So pick a victim here with an IQ higher then a sponge [hard to do here, i know] and you should have it tonight. Rune
  22. Becket! Becket!!!!! Will send you the scenario when I get home tonight. However, I am expecting one thing I seldom get from the wafflers...some ^%^%*^ feedback. You will have version 1.1 which was tested and told good to go as is, but always want feedback. So pick a victim here with an IQ higher then a sponge [hard to do here, i know] and you should have it tonight. Rune
  23. THAT was truly......AWEFUl. Excellent job! Maybe you should apply for the Bard's position, I hear it is open since the past one now thinks he is a minor god. Rune
  24. Or, Boo and Boggsy can use a brand new evilness I finished. It features Germans, Americans, Buffalos, Italy, Things that go BOOM in the night, and other pain causing things. Gee, torture two at once....I like the idea. Rune
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