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Everything posted by rune

  1. I know, I was agreeing with you from another source. However, you sure about the same turret....according to that source the front plate has a 2 degree difference in slope in it, I would assume it means it was modified a little? What does Jentz say? Rune
  2. John, No problem, I almost did the same thing! However, someone asked me about the first battle and I looked it up in my research materials this morning. Have to dig some more out, as I don't have Panzertruppen1, just 2. I do have a breakdown of the equipment from Nafziger for the Afrika Korp, but haven't looked it up till I get home. Rune
  3. Bast, I will double check when I get home, but this is what I had found earlier. According to Encyclopedia of German Tanks of World War Two, front turret in the H and G was 30 @ 13, and 30@15, and the gun manlet itself was 37@0-45. Will double check when I get home, but seems close to yours except for the rounded parts, which is the manlet. However, what is 2 mm among Grogs? Rune
  4. People, Work will proceed on the next engine, there is NO plan for a PTO under the current engine. The code will not be released to anyone, since it would take as much time to get someone up to speed as it would to code it. You just don't find a brain in the jar just laying around you know. Rune
  5. Going to disagree with you John, On March 24, 1941 against Hitler's explicit orders, Rommel attacked and captured El Agheila with components of the 3rd Reconnaissancee Detachment. They enemy quickly withdrew to Mers Brega, 30 miles to the northeast. This led Rommel to wonder if the Tommies(British equivelent to US GIs) were as formidable as thought. A little earlier and a bit more west then you thought. Rune
  6. I like Jeff's and Harv's ideas Admiral keth. I don't want it to be what it is nor do I want it overly complicated. What I suggest is Jeff's, a description and the numbers 1-5 and just leave it so I can click on the author'sname to leave feedback in text form. The world need not see it, and prvents spoilers. Allow the author to have it on or off, so if he doesn't want to respond he doesn't have to or receive it. So, a 1-5 scale and that is what you see, along with the ability to send text to the author alone via email. No top tens, so people do not rush in to abuse the system, and last, ip tracking as you stated. For the users, they see at a glance if the scenario was fun or not, and the authors can still get good feedback/improvement feedback via email. Rune
  7. From Jentz Panzertruppen 2, Pg 143 Organization and Strenght of Panzer Units sent as Reinforcements to Italy. sPz.Abt.504, June 1944, had a whopping 45 Panzer VI, and no King Tigers. Pg 147, The 3.Kompanie received four of the latest pattern Tigers during May 1944. [Tiger VI Late in game terms] and was 2 tanks over the authorized limit of 14. Pg 149, S.Pz.Abt 504 aalready under orders to go to the Eastern Front had its orders rescinded and was shipped to Italy in June 1944. Note, it was with the Tiger Is mentioned above. There is no record of them getting Tiger IIs. Rune
  8. For a quite interesting take on this, read this: http://www.nzetc.org/etexts/WH2Tobr/c5.html Page 59. Rune
  9. For a quite interesting take on this, read this: http://www.nzetc.org/etexts/WH2Tobr/c5.html Page 59. Rune
  10. At 1000, CMAK has it penetrating 44mm This fits with this web site: http://www.wwiivehicles.com/html/britain/PenetrationTables.htm and also with this web site http://www.btinternet.com/~ian.a.paterson/equipartillery.htm and this web site http://www.ra39-45.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/guns/page4.html According to Encyclopedia of German Tanks of World War Two, front turret in the H and G was 30 @ 13, and 30@15, and the gun manlet itself was 37@0-45. Also found some Naval AA gun reports ont he 2 pdr AA gun, armor penetration is marked higher then the above, could it be due to the difference of type of plate? Rune
  11. At 1000, CMAK has it penetrating 44mm This fits with this web site: http://www.wwiivehicles.com/html/britain/PenetrationTables.htm and also with this web site http://www.btinternet.com/~ian.a.paterson/equipartillery.htm and this web site http://www.ra39-45.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/guns/page4.html According to Encyclopedia of German Tanks of World War Two, front turret in the H and G was 30 @ 13, and 30@15, and the gun manlet itself was 37@0-45. Also found some Naval AA gun reports ont he 2 pdr AA gun, armor penetration is marked higher then the above, could it be due to the difference of type of plate? Rune
  12. Battlefront has never, and still will not release sales numbers, even the pre-sales numbers. Rune [ December 04, 2003, 02:37 PM: Message edited by: rune ]
  13. Re-read bastable's post. Test firings showed the turret being penetrated at 800 yards at a 30 degree angle, with 0 degree angle, 1000 yards is a possibility. Pitt does not mention what type of panzer III nor where the shots were hitting. They are not out of agreement. Rune
  14. Re-read bastable's post. Test firings showed the turret being penetrated at 800 yards at a 30 degree angle, with 0 degree angle, 1000 yards is a possibility. Pitt does not mention what type of panzer III nor where the shots were hitting. They are not out of agreement. Rune
  15. Boggs, I just confirmed with the warehouse, your cd was shipped, and you should be getting it...someday. We decided to send it around the world to the left. However, you will still get yours before Soddball. I have decided to ship his via Chinese junk. There aren't many of them plying the Atlantic route these days... Rune
  16. Yes, yes I can No CMAK for you. Rune hmmm Sending yours via Portugal seems to be in order.
  17. Dang, I came in and expected him to being doing impressions. Wanted to see how he did a Cruiser tank. Rune
  18. I am the one with an IQ of more then one. Oh, and I have CMAK too. Rune Typo Jim...I'm sure you meant knew... </font>
  19. Going to reply to the poster from the Scenario Depot. While I applaud greatly the work of Admiral Keth, you now see why I have given up on the depot, and no longer post scenarios there. Spoilers in case you haven't played it yet.... * * * Yes, you don't get it, as seen by the postings here. According to you, it is not playable since the Germans don't have tanks on turn 1. Let's see, I have Nafziger, An Army at Dawn and others that all say the attack was led by, wait for it, by recon assets. You complain that tanks don't show up till turn 5. So, five minutes into a battle you cannot launch a tank attack. If anything, the tanks arrive too early. However, i compressed what happened into a shorter time span. Use the few minutes to RECON and find out where the enemy is. Once that happens, you tanks have arrived and then launch the attack you planned. People here say all the time they want time to plan and then attack, they don't want to start in a fight right away. The reason I picked the scenarios authors on the CD are they realize, there is NOT one style of play. Read all of the above to see how different people approached this differently. Don't get locked into it has to be one way or nothing. No, you cannot surprise the Americans. No kidding. The engine doesn't allow that. You can set the tone, and most players will abide by that, but being a demo, I allowed it so players can try all sorts of things to get a feel for the game. There are also people who will always try gamey things, their loss. We have always designed the scenarios to be played with the default settings the first time through, and then play around if they want. Out of about 35 emails I got, 4 asked questions, 3 thought the scenario was so-so, the rest loved it. You attacked it since it didn't fit you thinking. Sorry you didn't like it, but will take those numbers anyday. Rune
  20. Don't gp hull down, read teh terrain and find the best possible route to get to the gully. Look towards teh right of the map. That is a Historical map based on the real thing, so complain to God about the terrain. Once you find the route on turn one, you have to know the weakness of the Panther. The weakness of the Panther is its sides and rear. He isn't goping to show you his rear, so go full speed to get in the gully with as much as possible. You are going to lsoe tanks, of that, there is no doubt. Eventually they have to approach the gully, use side sides and take out the Panthers. Historically, the 12 did massive damage that day. The Russians soon adopted new tactics [close the distance] until better tanks were made. The Panther had great losses the previoues few days, as they were used incorrectly, and was an interesting read. Rune
  21. Berli and Joebob, Do a search, you will clearly find the post where Aces-n-Eights was first called Acey Duecy by me, and a follow up post clearly by the Justicar claiming it was a good nickname for him. So once again, Bah! Mr. Spkr has more spunk charging unbelieveable lawyer fees AND comming up with better excuses. So, Once again, I must return to increasing the curses... Joebob, Not only will you be stuck on a plane for 6 hours sitting next to a wailing baby, that baby will be in dire need of a diaper change. You know the smell, it is the same one you get when you have worn your depends too long. Berli, May your TV get stuck on the Care Bears while trying to watch any game tomorrow. Also, da family will not allow da trip to Ohare, since, afterall, you are NOT a true Chicagoian, but live in the land beyond Ohare. You live near Cows and things. Now, give me my Serf back, or give me a proper bribe, in the finest Chicago tradition. Rune
  22. Since yopu are Famine, sure, I could starve ya to death. No, death is Andreas...well, I could starve ya anyway. Rune
  23. Let us see the record.... Originally posted by rune: If Dame Kitty does not come along and take him soon, I will once again claim Acey Duecy as mine, and yes, once again have a Marine report to the Navy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bugger that boy-o! I'll raise your lowly knight with an Olde One and not even your NDA impresses me! Berli [not bolded] admits here Acey Duecy was my serf, until Dame Kitty wanted him. Not to stand in the way of one of the Ladies of the Pool, not not you Joebob, one of the non-cross dressing types. However, since she then ignored him, I claim my original rights back. Berli stole him [and since it is one of the original sins, makes him proud]. You knew all this as indicated by the post that guess who picks out the promotions and right of denial. So, the innocent Justicar is anything but...I now increase the curse to include: "May your next airline trip have you seated next to a wailing baby" and, for playing stupid [well, I give you the benefit of the doubt here] "May that same flight be delayed by a storm, and you sit on a taxiway an additional 6 hours" As for Berli, I have not heard any traditional Chicago offer of a bribe, so at this point, I must resort to yet another curse: "May your lawn be overrun by Aussies with a bladder problem" Rune
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