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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. Phil, you know you're only supposed to have one login.
  2. Damn fella, where'd you dig that up? Heh heh, nothing changed in eight years. {edit} Hang on, that doesn't sound right, I've been with the Mrs ten years and I was playing CM before that, proving, I think, that such a thing is possible.
  3. Blackcat, on consideration I thank you for your offer but I think it's something I'd like to do myself. A little project for when I can look into it. Cheers.
  4. Also the video would be around 5 hours a scenario. "Whoa, cool. Let's watch again." repeat ad-infinitum.
  5. It certainly feels longer. I heard someone say if you mouse-over the username top left of posts, the "u=" number gives a rough indication of when you joined.
  6. It's a fad. The whole independence thing. Pretty soon you'll all get bored of it and it won't be "cool" any more and you'll all come back to Blighty.
  7. Thanks a lot Blackcat. I'll ask the family for all the data they know - which may even lead to the search being redundant. If this is going to take you hours I won't ask it of you though. Are the records electronically searchable?
  8. Can't find them. Whether that's because they're not there or the data is patchy I don't know. I certainly remember the NCO from the regiment at their funerals though.
  9. I could just ask my cousins but I don't think they really discussed it with them. OTOH it's free
  10. Cheers para. You can't judge everywhere by Finland Sergei.
  11. Actually 3 uncles in the paras, two of whom may have fought in Market Garden. Yes.
  12. My two uncles served together in the Paras in WWII. I was told this when I was very young so I could be well out but the story was they were involved in MARKET GARDEN. My uncle William Kulke (6'3" - built like a brick outhouse) was wounded and carried from behind enemy lines by his mate, Thomas Hind (5'6" but stocky). When he came out of hospital he brought his hero mate home who married my aunt. My uncle Will stayed in the paras after the war while Tommy became a master carpenter and sawyer. Does anyone know where I can check any records of their service online? Even to find out my febrile 8 year old imagination filled in blanks with dragons. Thanks.
  13. Robert Henry Cain. Actually Jeremy Clarkson's father-in-law - brave man indeed.
  14. Pardon my ignorance but won't older Macs be non-Intel and so can't play it anyway?
  15. You didn’t state your disagreement at the time, which is why I've assumed it’s your position. You're trumpeting an advance of 40 miles as somehow significant – it isn’t. What was significant was the fact that the German’s had been bled dry and starved for the previous four years. My final word: WWI was won by the combined pressure of the Entente powers not by any tactical victory. Whatever tactics Monash did or didn’t create made little to no difference.
  16. I'm saying those things are immaterial. At the end of the day it's about number of men killed. Did the Germans lose more men because the line at Amiens broke, or did the Allies lose more because they attacked? Breaking a line isn't enough. It's the advance and encirclement that matters. None arose.
  17. Yes but he didn't do it did he? He didn't have the tools to do the job. It's not so much outrunning your guns as outrunning your supply line. While supplies were brought forward, they may have had forward supply dumps but you need a flow not a stock and for that you need motorised transport. This is what you quoted on page 4: That sounds like suggestion to me.
  18. WWI was won strategically. On the Western front the impact of any tactical commander – even your mate - was minimal. There's good reasons for this: mainly the lack of motorised transport and radio communication. Any tactical advance before the total strategic collapse – as in, against resistance - was unable to go further than a man could walk. You were attacking away from your covering artillery and, more to the point, away from your own rail-heads. Meanwhile you were walking – walking mind – closer to the enemies logistical concentrations. As you were running out of ammo they were getting theirs quicker. You could be Archangel Uriel with his fiery sword sweeping all before you but unless you also invented the truck you’re out of luck. Operational victory isn’t about putting together the correct ratio of combined arms it’s about keeping enough men moving and supplied with enough water, beans and bullets to not die and be able to kill what they find. If you're doing that with mules vs trains, you're not going to win.
  19. I always found the PIAT to be very useful in CMAK. Short range, inaccurate yes - but very stealthy and yes, useable from a building. Whether this will change for the commonwealth module I don’t know but I don’t see why it should.
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