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  1. I'm really disappointed, that the CMBS module was scrapped as I find modern warfare just so much more interesting than the same old WW2 stuff. Now I don't know the exact reasons behind this decision, but I never really understood why it is fine to make games featuring Nazi Germany and SS units, bot it's not ok to make games about (certain?) current conflicts, especially as CMBS has its own setting that is distinct from the real world war. But maybe this distinct setting is actually the reason for the cancellation as its TO&E is pretty outdated by now and thus it might be weird to expand on that. That would actually be an argument I could understand somewhat. Anyways, I really hope there will be a new modern warfare CM to replace CMBS for us players that find WW2 with its simple weapon systems and tactics rather boring. For now I'm really stoked for CMCW BAOR
  2. They used both during the late Cold War: PzF44 was the light AT ("Leichte Panzerfaust") and the Carl Gustav was the heavy AT ("Schwere Panzerfaust"). After the Cold War and the introduction of the current Panzerfaust 3 the Carl Gustav actually remained in service with the Bundeswehr as a provider for battlefield illumination ("Leuchtbüchse"). It was used in this role in Afghanistan to launch illumination flares at night to illuminate the area.
  3. Haha, fair enough True, although not as much as I would like to see the Iron Cross!
  4. I'm one of those dying to know, so I'm really looking forward to those details!
  5. This! So thanks a lot for the update Steve! I really appreciate it!
  6. I'm waiting for CMCW module (German forces ) more than anything. A new CMBS module would also be nice.
  7. I just ran into this issue again. I haven't played SP in a while, so I forgot that overwriting save games is an issue, as I always use unique savegame names in MP for better coordination with my battle buddy. Now I played CMCW for several hours in SP yesterday and then saved the game using a savegame name that already existed in order to overwrite the old one. It seemed to save successfully (game froze for several seconds as it usually does while busy saving), but when I wanted to load the file today, it was still the old savegame and several hours of gameplay are lost
  8. I hope this is still on the list, because I find it pretty odd that the radio just magically gets rescued if the radio operator gets WIA/KIA on retreat, while all other equipment has to be picked up manually through buddy aid.
  9. Fun fact about the Luchs recon AFV: It basically had two roles during the Cold War: 1) Frontline recon: In this role it would have done classic frontline recon for the armored units of the Bundeswehr. Nothing special about it. 2) Deep recon: This is a somewhat uniqute role for an armored vehicle. In this role Luchs AFVs would have been tasked with slipping through the frontline and conducting recon up to 150km behind enemy lines. Moving at night, observing from a hideout during the day. It's been designed with this role in mind: - It's silhouette is broadly similar to that of a soviet BTR - It was equipped with a HF long range radio to be able to stay in contact with the HQ over long distances. - It's incredibly silent, so much that you often hear the sound of the tires, before you hear the engine. On excersies with these vehicles, specific resting areas had to be designated for the infantry as there had been a deadly accident where a soldier got rolled over by a Luchs during an exercise while he was sleeping. - It has a dedicated reverse driver, who would steer the vehicle while in reverse. It could drive just as fast in reverse than it could drive forward (100 km/h). - It was ambhibious to cross rivers on its own. I still find it mind boggling to this day, if I imagine I had to drive around behind enemy lines in such a big vehicle.
  10. I just found this video on youtube and thought it might fit well here, although it probably has not much new information for most of you:
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