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37mm last won the day on February 12 2022

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About 37mm

  • Birthday 09/04/1981

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  • Gender
  • Location:
    Warrington, UK
  • Interests
    Politics, War, Comedy


  • Location
    Manchester, UK
  • Interests
    Military history, comedy, Green Bay packers
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    A member of the One Thread

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  1. hey friend would you know of any ways to disable the mission timer in black sea or fortress italy? been trying to do this myself the last couple of days but ive hit a dead end

    1. 37mm


      There was a forum post on this last year, this was my response then...


    2. jamesdemaio23


      thanks man! yeah I tried that one but couldn't get it to work! Appreciate the reply!

  2. I've been taking a break from CM but, when I return to it, the CMFB AiO most needs updating... I want my Wintery Brits to have gloves, weathered vehicles & snow speckled uniforms.
  3. We've been personally assured that Charles is working 24/7, three hundreed and sixty five days a year (minus holidays) to fix this stuff & that there's no serious need to improve the patching system. Myself, I assume neither of us will be around when someone finally types "400" into a box.
  4. Currently the top pinned thread in Tech support is " AMD 22.8 series breaks game again"... you will note the "again". I also just noticed that the Stealth option has no dedicated graphics card & so would rely on the integrated AMD GPU. I'm pretty sure BFC officially recommend avoiding integrated GPU's whilst the GTX 3050 from the Premier is ~600% faster than the Vega 7/8.
  5. You'll want to avoid AMD for Combat Mission so that means The Premier. I will point out that this costs the same as the Premier i3 except it's an i7 with a beefier CPU & comes with a much better graphics card & more power (although the i3 is more modern & has better potential for future upgrades). Either should smash CM however CM is a badly optimized game running on an old engine... I doubt it'll ever be amazing.
  6. Reshade... I have profiles for Thermal vision, Night vision, Desert heatwaves & various environmental conditions then post them on the channel.
  7. The main one (a variation of @sdp's Italian background which itself was a variation of the original CMSF background) might be a little too lush. The [mountains] tag uses the background from @birdstrike's Syrope terrain mod & might be more appropriate. For the H&E prequel/Korea, I was thinking of just using the [spring] versions of backgrounds from either CMFI or CMFB.
  8. The Pacific Alpha is mostly just a reimagining of LLF's stuff combined with some concepts developed by the H&E team alongside a few more, modern bits & pieces like @JM Stuff's Japanese helmet & @Lucky_Strike's foilage. Harvest away. I might look into a Heaven & Earth prequel one day (as a pseudo Korean Civil war style conflict & using CMRT as a base) so, in that case, would inevitably end up counter-harvesting. I've recently been (slowly) working my way through LLF's Makin Atoll...
  9. I've still got 80+ heavy artillery shells (as well as the four precision rounds) & I've a feeling I'm going to need those for the next scenario, which I started last night...
  10. It's taken me awhile to try this one out but I finally got around to playing the first mission...
  11. Most sound mods these days fill such gaps. I myself try to ensure there's something for every nation calling in artillery... be they Syrians or Afghans or Italians or, for H&E, even Vietnamese.
  12. @Thatguy as with @kohlenklau thanks for highlighting this scenario, CM really shines at the Platoon level. I tried it out & it seems I had a very similiar plan as @kohlenklau (even down to using the sniper team as a sacrificial scout)... however I kinda screwed up my bombardment by readjusting it when I shouldn't have. Also I went for a heavier overwatch element with several MG half squads working with the dedicated MG teams (I split off assault teams from all of my squads, this divides them into an MG element and an SMG+Grenade element). I also had my HQ unit much further forward helping to keep their morale up. Ultimately several of the MG half squads got pulled into the trenches anyway, still the extra overwatch fire seems to have helped me complete the scenario with somewhat fewer casualties (although it was still quite bloody). Here's the vid...
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